Title: Counting on the Environment
1Counting on the Environment An Ecosystem Credit
Accounting System
Nicole Robinson-Maness The Willamette Partnership
2- What is the Partnership Working For?
- Investing in what Mother Nature would invest in.
- A fair and transparent way for people to track,
buy, and sell the benefits of restoration. - Rules and tools that make restoring things that
matter a practical business decision for private
land managers.
3Green Infrastructure Restore 35 miles of streams
Grey Infrastructure Cooling Towers
Compliance Achieved Cost A Lot Less
Compliance Achieved Cost A Lot
Ecological Value Not Much
Ecological Value Huge
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5Keys for Ecosystem Markets to Work
6Approved standards and protocols
7- Credit types
- Wetland
- Salmonid habitat
- Upland prairie habitat
- Water temperature
- Water nutrients
- Oak habitat
- Floodplain habitat
- Sagebrush habitat
- Coming soon
- Benefits of flow
8How an Ecosystem Service Market Works
Trading Platform Private companies or NGOs create
a nexus to facilitate commerce between buyers
and sellers of ecosystem services credits.
9 Validate Calculate Verify Register Track
How it works
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