Title: Maori Haka NZ Maori haka v Ireland
1Maori HakaNZ Maori haka v Ireland
2Sociology and Culture
- If culture is so hard to define, why do
Sociologists try?
- What is culture?
- What are the three key social sciences that
attempt to examine social behaviour? - Define 1. structural functionalism
- 2. symbolic interactionalist
- 3. conflict
- 4. feminist
- 5. post modern
- Structural Functionalist Society works, when it
does not society will fix itself - Symbolic Interactionalist What we are is obvious
by our presentation - Conflict People with power will fight to keep
it, people without power will fight to get it - Feminist Women, sex, gender and the power
imbalances caused by being female, sex, and
gender - Post Modern How do we get and process
information, our lives are not able to be
explained easily by another person (hermeneutic)
52 New Terms (Yes, write these down!)
- Cultural Materialism
- Human social life is a response to the needs
of survival and then the wants of people who have
met those needs. Therefore, human cultural groups
can be studied through an examination of their
things and how they get them. - Sociobiology
- Human behaviour can be explained through
evolution and genetics. People ultimately want to
reproduce, eat, and defend their food, mates, and
6Categorization of approaches to culture
Example Category (1. Your Guess) (2. Mine) Reason for your guess
Max Headroom Coke Commercial (Video)
Japanese Divorce Ceremony (CNN Video)
Suri Lip Plates (Video)
Horror of Female Circumcision (Video/Disturbing)
Quiet Kid in Prison (Video)
Dos Equis Commercial - Most Interesting Man In The World - YouTube
We are hungry...
7Categorization of approaches to culture Answers
Example Category Reason
Max Headroom Coke Commercial (Video) Cultural Materalism
Japanese Divorce Ceremony (CNN Video) Structural Functionalist
Suri Lip Plates (Video) Symbolic Interactionalist
Horror of Female Circumcision (Video/Disturbing) Feminist
Quiet Kid in Prison (Video) Post Modern
Dos Equis Commercial - Most Interesting Man In The World - YouTube Sociobiology
We are hungry... Conflict
- Complete the questions related to cultural
perspective in any of the ways provided on the
sheet. - This will be collected as a formative, so what
you do not finish in class will become homework.