Title: Informal Stage
Informal Stage Intention to resolve, where
possible, through informal means. Discussion of
concerns opportunity for explanation and
comment guidance due attention to personal,
health or domestic circumstances (in such cases
help will be given where possible) (page 12)
Informal Intervention unsuccessful
Disciplinary meeting (Principal and teacher)
(page 12/13)
No action warranted matter concluded
Verbal warning proposed by Principal
Appeal to BOM nominee
- No further action
- Proposed sanction may be amended
- Case to be re-considered to remedy procedural
Implementation of sanction. Sanction ceases to
have effect after 6 months
Meeting between teacher, principal and BOM
nominee (page 13)
No action warranted matter concluded
2Appeal to BOM (without Principal or B.O.M nominee)
Written warning proposed
- No further action
- Proposed sanction may be amended
- Case to be re-considered to remedy procedural
Implementation of sanction. Sanction ceases to
have effect after 9 months
Meeting between teacher, Principal and BOM nominee
No action warranted matter concluded
Final Written warning proposed (Page 14)
Appeal to BOM (without Principal or B.O.M
- No further action
- Proposed sanction may be amended
- Case to be re-considered to remedy procedural
Implementation of sanction. Sanction ceases to
have effect after 12 months
Disciplinary hearing by BOM (page 15)
Proposed sanction -deferral of an
increment -withdrawal of an increment(s) -demotion
(from post of responsibility) -other action
short of suspension or dismissal -fixed-time/purpo
se suspension with pay -fixed-time/purpose
suspension without pay -dismissal
Appeal to Panel Appendix
Recommendation Decision Implementation