Unit 8: Gas Laws - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 8: Gas Laws


* Comparison of Solids, Liquids, & Gases The density of gases is much less than that of solids or liquids. Gases are easily compressed and they completely fill any ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Unit 8: Gas Laws

Unit 8 Gas Laws
Comparison of Solids, Liquids, Gases
  • The density of gases is much less than that of
    solids or liquids.
  • Gases are easily compressed and they completely
    fill any container in which they occupy
  • Tells us that gas molecules are far apart
    interactions among them are weak
  • Gases exert pressure on their surroundings in
    turn, pressure must be exerted to confine a gas
  • Gases diffuse into one another (i.e. they are
    miscible, unless they react with one another)
  • Mix completely e.g. air is a mixture of gases
  • Conversely, different gases in a mixture do not
    separate on standing

  • Pressure is force per unit area.
  • lb/in2 commonly known as psi
  • Atmospheric pressure is measured using a
  • Definitions of standard pressure
  • 1 atmosphere
  • 760 mm Hg
  • 76 cm Hg
  • 760 torr
  • 101.3 kPa

Mercury barometer the air pressure is measured
in terms of the height of the mercury column i.e.
the vertical distance between the surface of the
mercury in the open dish and that inside the
closed tube. The pressure exerted by the
atmosphere is the pressure exerted by the column
of mercury
Hg density 13.6 g/mL
Boyles Law Inverse relationship of pressure
Boyles Law The Volume-Pressure Relationship
Graphical Representation of Boyles Law
  • At constant temp and with equal mols, volume of
    a gas varies inversely with pressure-
  • V a 1 ? V 1 k1 ? PV
  • P P
  • The product of volume (V) and pressure (P) is a
  • This allows us to equate initial and final
    conditions to solve practical problems.

Fig. 12-4, p. 405
Boyles Law The Volume-Pressure Relationship
  • Used to calculate-
  • Volume resulting from pressure change
  • Pressure resulting from volume change
  • P1V1 k1 for one sample of a gas.
  • P2V2 k2 for a second sample of a gas.
  • k1 k2 for the same sample of a gas at the same
  • Thus we can write Boyles Law mathematically as

P1V1 P2V2
Boyles Law The Volume-Pressure Relationship
  • Example 1 At 25oC a sample of He has a volume of
    4.00 x 102 mL under a pressure of 7.60 x 102
    torr. What volume would it occupy under a
    pressure of 2.00 atm at the same T?

Boyles Law The Volume-Pressure Relationship
  • Notice that in Boyles law we can use any
    pressure or volume units as long as we
    consistently use the same units for both P1 and
    P2 or V1 and V2.
  • Use your intuition to help you decide if the
    volume will go up or down as the pressure is
    changed and vice versa.

Charles Law The Volume-Temperature Relationship
Charles Law The Volume-Temperature Relationship
  • Charless law states that the volume of a gas is
    directly proportional to the absolute temperature
    at constant pressure.
  • Gas laws must use the Kelvin scale to be correct.
  • Relationship between Kelvin and centigrade.

Charles Law The Volume-Temperature Relationship
  • Volume of a gas varies directly with temperature
    if the pressure and of mols of gas remain
  • V a T ? V Tk2 ? V k2
  • T
  • Ratio of volume (V) and temperature (T) is a
  • This allows us to equate initial and final
    conditions to solve practical problems

Charles Law The Volume-Temperature Relationship
  • Example 2 A sample of hydrogen, H2, occupies
    1.00 x 102 mL at 25.0oC and 1.00 atm. What
    volume would it occupy at 50.0oC under the same
  • T1 25 273 298
  • T2 50 273 323

Standard Temperature and Pressure
  • Have seen that both temperature pressure affect
    the volume of a gas
  • Often convenient to choose some standard
    temperature and pressure as a reference point for
    discussing gasses.
  • Standard temperature and pressure is given the
    symbol STP.
  • Standard P ? 1 atm or 101.3 kPa
  • Standard T ? 273 K or 0 oC

The Combined Gas Law Equation
  • Boyles and Charles Laws combined into one
    statement is called the combined gas law
  • Useful when the V, T, and P of a gas are changing.

The Combined Gas Law Equation
  • Example 3 A sample of nitrogen gas, N2, occupies
    7.50 x 102 mL at 75.00C under a pressure of 8.10
    x 102 torr. What volume would it occupy at STP?

Avogadros Law
  • Mathematically Avogadros law can be stated as
    At constant temperature pressure, the volume,
    V, occupies by a gas is directly proportional to
    the number of mols, n, of gas
  • V a n or V kn or V
    k (constant temp pressure)

  • n
  • For 2 samples of a gas at the same temperature
    pressure, the relation between volumes and number
    of moles can be represented as
  • V1 V2
    (constant T , P)
  • n1 n2

Using Avogadros Law
  • Example 4 If 5.50 mol of CO occupy 20.6 L, how
    many liters will 16.5 mol of CO occupy at the
    same temperature and pressure?
  • What do we know?
  • n1 5.50 mol n2 16.5 mol
  • V1 20.6 L V2 ? L
  • V2 V1n2 (20.6 L)(16.5 mol)
  • n1 (5.50 mol)
  • 61.8 L CO

Avogadros Law and the Standard Molar Volume
  • Avogadros Law states that at the same
    temperature and pressure, equal volumes of two
    gases contain the same number of molecules (or
    moles) of gas.
  • If we set the temperature and pressure for any
    gas to be STP, then one mole of that gas has a
    volume called the standard molar volume.
  • The standard molar volume is 22.4 L at STP.
  • This is another way to measure moles.
  • For gases, the volume is proportional to the
    number of moles.
  • 11.2 L of a gas at STP 0.500 mole
  • 44.8 L ? moles

Summary of Gas Laws The Ideal Gas Law
  • Boyles Law - V ? 1/P (at constant T n)
  • Charles Law V ? T (at constant P n)
  • Avogadros Law V ? n (at constant T P)
  • Combine these three laws into one statement
  • V ? nT/P
  • Convert the proportionality into an equality.
  • V nRT/P
  • This provides the Ideal Gas Law.
  • PV nRT
  • R 0.0821 L . atm / mol . K
  • It is a proportionality constant called the
    universal gas constant.

An ideal gas is one that exactly obeys these gas
laws. Many gases show slight deviations from
ideality, but at normal temperatures, pressures
the deviations are usually small enough to ignore
Summary of Gas Laws The Ideal Gas Law
  • Example 5 What volume would 50.0 g of ethane,
    C2H6, occupy at 1.40 x 102 oC under a pressure of
    1.82 x 103 torr?
  • To use the ideal gas law correctly, it is very
    important that all of your values be in the
    correct units!
  • T 140 273 413 K
  • P 1820 torr (1 atm/760 torr) 2.39 atm
  • 50 g (1 mol/30 g) 1.67 mol

Summary of Gas Laws The Ideal Gas Law
PV nRT ?
Daltons Law of Partial Pressures
An illustration of Daltons law. When the 2 gases
A and B are mixed in the same container at the
same temperature, they exert a total pressure
equal to the sum of their partial pressures.
Daltons Law of Partial Pressures
  • Daltons law states that the pressure exerted by
    a mixture of gases is the sum of the partial
    pressures of the individual gases.
  • Ptotal PA PB PC ....
  • Where
  • PA nA RT PB nBRT
    PC nCRT etc
  • V
    V V
  • The pressure that each gas exerts in a mixture is
    called its partial pressure. No way has been
    devised to measure the pressure of an individual
    gas in a mixture it must be calculated from
    other quantities.

Daltons Law of Partial Pressures
  • Example 6 If 100 mL of hydrogen, measured at
    25.0 oC and 3.00 atm pressure, and 100 mL of
    oxygen, measured at 25.0 oC and 2.00 atm
    pressure, were forced into one of the containers
    at 25.0 oC, what would be the pressure of the
    mixture of gases?

Daltons Law of Partial Pressures
  • Example 7 A 10.0 L flask contains 0.200 mol of
    methane, 0.300 mol of hydrogen and 0.400 mol of
    nitrogen at 250C
  • (a) What is the pressure (in atm) inside the
  • (b) What is the partial pressure of each
    component of the mixture of gases?
  • (a) Solution
  • Given mols of each component. Can use ideal gas
    equation to find total pressure from mols
  • ntotal 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.900 mols
  • V 10.0L T 25 273 298K
  • Ptotal nRT (0.900mol)(0.0821L.atm / mol.K)
    (298K) 2.20atm
  • V

Daltons Law of Partial Pressures
  • (b) Solution
  • Now we find partial pressures for each component
  • PCH4 (nCH4)RT (0.200)(0.0821)(298)
    0.489 atm
  • V 10.0
  • Similar calculations for N2 and H2 give
  • PH2 0.734 atm PN2 0.979 atm
  • As a check, the sum of all the partial pressures
    should be equal to the total pressure (Daltons
  • 0.489 0.743 0.979 2.20 atm
  • Problem solving tip Sometimes the amount of gas
    is expressed in other units that can be converted
    to mols. E.g. molar mass. Can then convert mass ?

Mole Fraction and Partial Pressure
  • Can describe the composition of any gas mixture
    in terms of the mole fraction of each component .
  • The mole fraction, XA, of component A in a
    mixture is defined as
  • Like any other fraction, mole fraction is
  • Can relate the mole fraction of each component to
    its partial pressure

Mole Fraction and Partial Pressure
  • XA PA similarly, XB PB and so
  • Ptotal
  • We can rearrange these equations to give another
    statement of Daltons Law of Partial Pressures

PA XA Ptotal PB XB Ptotal and so
on The partial pressure of each gas is equal to
the mole fraction in the gas mixture times the
toal pressure of the mixture
Mole Fraction and Partial Pressure
  • Example 14 Find the mole fractions of the gases
    in example 13.
  • A 10.0 L flask contains 0.200 mol of methane,
    0.300 mol of hydrogen and 0.400 mol of nitrogen
    at 250C
  • Solution, using the mols given
  • X methane nmethane / ntotal 0.200 /0.900
  • X hydrogen nhydrogen / ntotal 0.300/ 0.900
  • X nitrogen nnitrogen / ntotal 0.400/
    0.900 0.444
  • Alternatively, could use partial total pressure
    in Example 13 (b)
  • X methane Pmethane / P total 0.489 atm
    / 2.20 atm 0.222
  • X hydrogen Phydrogen / P total 0.734 atm
    / 2.20atm 0.334
  • X nitrogen Pnitrogen / P total 0.979
    atm / 2.20 atm 0.445

The Kinetic-Molecular Theory
  • The basic assumptions of the kinetic-molecular
    theory for an ideal gas (one that obeys the gas
  • Gases consist of discrete molecules which are
    small and very far apart relative to their own
    size, and occupy no volume (they can be
    considered as points)
  • The observation that gases can be easily
    compressed supports this.

The Kinetic-Molecular Theory
  • The gas molecules are in continuous random,
    straight-line motion with varying speeds.
  • The collisions between gas molecules and with the
    walls of the container are elastic, (that is, no
    energy is gained or lost during the collision).
  • At any given instant only a small fraction of the
    gas molecules are involved in collisions.

The Kinetic-Molecular Theory
  • There are no attractive or repulsive forces
    between molecules.
  • NOTE at HIGH pressures and LOW temperatures
    (conditions under which a gas liquefies
    attractions and repulsions between gas molecules
    become significant and the gas behaves
  • A real gas is one that does not behave as an
    ideal gas due to interactions between gas
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