Title: WP2 Data Delivery Broad splits of countries
1WP2 Data DeliveryBroad splits of countries
- No data as yet
- US
- Greece
- Portugal
- Ireland
- Sweden
- Luxembourg
- Good data coverage
- Austria
- Belgium
- Finland
- Netherlands
- UK
- Germany
- Recent data coverage
- Spain
- Denmark
- France
- Italy
- Czech Rep., Poland, Hungary, Slovak Rep.,
Time series Industry disaggregations Breaks Source
s (individual versus establishments)
2(No Transcript)
3Good data coverage - employment
- Austria
- 1976-2004
- Employed and self employed separately
- Source labour force survey,Statistics Austria
- One datafile no problematic classification
changes? - 71 industries (exact match to EUK extra
territorial organisations missing) - Data stored in Prodsys format
- Belgium
- 1975-2003
- Salaried and non-salaried workforce separately
- Source National Accounts consistent, subdivided
on the basis of social security sources and
non-published sources - One datafile no problematic classification
changes? - EUK 72 industry list match (incl. aggregates)
- Data not yet in Prodsys format
4Good data coverage - employment
- Finland
- 1970-2004
- Employees and self employed separately
- Source National Accounts data (including
unpublished data) - Three datafiles three classification changes?
Some gaps, missing/imputed self employed data in
the early years? - 61 industries covered for early period, post 1995
to EUK 72 - Data stored in Prodsys format
- Netherlands
- 1969-2003
- Employees and self employed separately
- Sources Statistics Netherlands and CPB
- 49 industries
- Data stored in Prodsys format
5Good data coverage - employment
- UK
- 1970-2003
- Employed and self employed separately from 1984
onwards, - Competing datafiles over the whole period LFS
likely to be benchmark from 1984 onwards - Sources LFS, ABI, AAS, Census of Employment
- Industry lists change in 1968 and 1980 and 1992
- 100 industries matched into EUK 72
- Most of the data stored in Prodsys format
- Germany
- 1970-2003
- Employed and self employed separately
- Sources National Accounts - Statistisches
Bundesam - Both 60 (59) and 30 industry classifications
matched to EUK 72 - Older data available to 55 industries
- Data mostly conforms to Prodsys, though not so
for the early years
6Recent data coverage - employment
- Spain
- 1993-2004
- Employed and self employed separately
- Sources LFS, Spanish National Statistics
Institute and Industrial Firm Survey - Exact match to EUK 72 Industry
- Data stored in Prodsys format
- Denmark
- 1990-2001
7Recent data coverage - employment
- France
- 1990-2003
- Employed and self employed (and unregistered
work) physical persons and full time equivalent - Sources ISEE published data, nb. some
restricted data - EUK72 Industry (including aggregates)
- Data stored in Prodsys format
- Italy
- 1992-2003
- Employment data split by detail blue collar,
white collar, self employed.etc. Full time
equivalent only - Source - ?
- 30 industry split, not yet matched to EUK
industry - Not yet in Prodsys format
8Recent data coverage - employment
- Czech Rep., Poland, Hungary, Slovak Rep.,
Slovenia - Poland from 1995, data available in persons,
FTEs and self employed to NACE 30 (Source?) - Czech Rep from 1995, data available in persons,
FTEs and self employed to EUKLEMS breakdown as
far as possible (Source?) - Hungary 1992-2003, employees and self employed
to NACE 2 digit level (source LFS?) - Slovak Rep 1995-2003, employed and self
employed to NACE 60 - Slovenia 1997-2003 full time/part time and
employed and self employed split, LFS, 2-digit
NACE - Not yet to Prodsys format
- This is probably the best we can do here
9Hours data
- Storage system varies some as an extra
worksheet, some as an extra asset/employment
type, some as separate files. We need to
standardise this.
10Good data coverage - hours
- Austria
- 1980-2004
- Total hours worked employed and self employed
combined - Source labour force survey, Statistics Austria
- One datafile no problematic classification
changes? - 71 industries (exact match to EUK extra
territorial organisations missing) - Data stored as an asset in the data sheet
- Belgium
- 1995-2002
- Hours worked, salaried only
- Source non published National Accounts,
compatible with published version - One datafile no problematic classification
changes? - EUK 72 industry list match (incl. aggregates)
- Data not yet in Prodsys format
11Good data coverage - hours
- Finland
- 1970-2004
- Hours by employees and self employed separately
- Source Statistics Finland/ National Accounts
data (including unpublished data) - Three datafiles (separate from employment)
three classification changes? Some gaps? - 60 industries covered for early period (1970-74,
1975-94), post 1995 to EUK 72 - Data stored in Prodsys format
- Netherlands
- 1969-2004,
- Employees and self employed separately
- Sources Statistics Netherlands and CPB
- Competing data sources?
- Data stored in separate sheets and then an
additional data files from CBS for the more
recent years self employed and employees
separately - 49 industries
- Data stored in Prodsys format
12Good data coverage - hours
- UK
- 1974-2003
- Employed and self employed separately from 1984
onwards, - Competing datafiles over the whole period LFS
likely to be benchmark from 1984 onwards - Sources LFS and New Earnings Survey (now ASHE)
- Industry lists change in 1968 and 1980 and 1992
- 100 industries matched into EUK 72
- Most of the data stored in Prodsys format
- Germany
- 1991-2003
- Employed and self employed separately lots of
missing values - Sources National Accounts - Statistisches
Bundesam - Both 60 (59) and 30 industry classifications
matched to EUK 72 - Data mostly conforms to Prodsys
13Recent data coverage - employment
- Spain
- 1993-2004
- Employed and self employed separately
- Sources LFS, Spanish National Statistics
Institute and Industrial Firm Survey - Exact match to EUK 72 Industry
- Data stored in Prodsys format
- Denmark
- 1990-2001
- Employed and self employed average annual hours
- Source Statistics Denmark
- 130 industries, matched to EUK72 (with weights)
- Data stored in Prodsys format
14Recent data coverage - hours
- France
- 1990-2003
- Employed and self employed average and total
hours provided. Stored in additional sheets - Sources ISEE published data, nb. some
restricted data - 104 industries matched to EUK72 Industry
(including aggregates) - Data stored in Prodsys format
- Italy
- No hours data yet
15Recent data coverage - hours
- Czech Rep., Poland, Hungary, Slovak Rep.,
Slovenia - Poland from 1997, data available by employed
and self employed to NACE 30 (Source?) - Czech Rep from 1995, data to 60 industry
breakdown (NACE), available by employed and self
employed (Source?) - Hungary 1992-2003, at NACE 2 shows average
hours worked in a reference week by primary and
second jobs (source LFS?) - Slovak Rep 1995-2003, hours worked to NACE 60,
total employment - Slovenia 1997-2003 average number of paid
hours, 2-digit NACE National Survey on Earnings
(some confidential data) - Not yet to Prodsys format
- This is probably the best we can do here
- Missing Countries
- Taking series back over time
- Industry concordance with EUKLEMS
- Industry matching over time - weighting
- Gaps in detail
- Consistent sources of data
- Harmonising data from individual and employer
based surveys?