The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 At a Glance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 At a Glance


The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 At a Glance – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 At a Glance

The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972At a Glance
  • Every factory, mine, oil plantation, port and
    railway company
  • Every shop or establishment if it employs 10 or
    more persons in the preceding 1 year.
  • To any other establishment employing 10 or more

Payment of Gratuity
  • Gratuity is payable if there is -
  • Continuous service of 5yrs (not necessary incase
    of death or disablement)
  • On termination due to superannuation or
  • Resignation, death or disablement due to accident
    or disease
  • In case of death, the amount will be paid to
    nominee or legal heir

Calculation of Gratuity
  • Basic DA X 15 X No. of year of service / 26
  • Mode of payment of Gratuity
  • In cash or DD or bank cheque
  • Payment by postal money order if amount is less
    than Rs.1000 if employee desires

Maximum amount payable is Rs.3,50,000
Determination, application and notice for payment
of gratuity
  • Person eligible has to make a written application
    to employer within 30 days when it fell due.
  • Incase of death, the legal heir must make
    application within 1 yr from when gratuity became

Determination, application and notice for payment
of gratuity
  • As soon as gratuity becomes payable, employer
    must determine the gratuity even before
    application is made and must send notice to
    person to whom it is payable.
  • Within 15 days of receipt of application,
    employer shall,
  • If claim is admissible, send notice within 30
  • If claim is inadmissible, send notice on form M
  • To be paid within 30 days from the date it
    becomes payable
  • If not paid within 30 days, simple interest from
    the payable date to paid date.
  • No interest if delay is due to employees fault.

Gratuity Disputes
  • In case of any dispute wrt gratuity, the amount
    must be deposited with controlling authority and
    application must be made to authority for
    direction within 90 days of occurrence.
  • Controlling Authority shall make due inquiries
    and if
  • claim is found admissible, direct payment is
  • made to person entitled.
  • Such issue of direct payment must be made to
  • employer within 30 days from date of receipt
  • the same by employer.

Gratuity Disputes
  • Appeal
  • The appeal is made by the person aggrieved by
    order of Controlling Authority.
  • Limitation 60 days from the date of receipt of
    order which is further extended to 60 days more
    on sufficient cause.
  • Appeal is not maintable if certificate of claimed
    gratuity amount issued by Controlling Authority
    is not produced

Dispute as to Gratuity
  • Appeal Procedure

Necessary entry is made in the record on receipt
of decision of appellate authority.
Notice is issued to employer to direct him to
make payment of gratuity to the applicant within
15 days of receipt of notice.
Forfeiture of Gratuity
  • If service is terminated by any act, willful
    omission, negligence causing damage or
    destruction of property, forfeiture is to the
    extent of damage.
  • Wholly or partially forfeited
  • If termination is due to riotous or disorderly
    conduct or violence on employees part.
  • For offence involving moral turpitude in course
    of employment.

Recovery of Gratuity
  • If the amount of gratuity payable under this Act
    is not paid by the employer, within the
    prescribed time, to the person entitled thereto,
  • the controlling authority shall, on application
    made to it, issue a certificate for that amount
    to the Collector, who shall recover the same,
    together with compound interest thereon at such
    rate as the Central Government may specify, from
    the date of expiry of the prescribed time, as
    arrears of land revenue and pay the same to the
    person entitled thereto.
  • Provided that the controlling authority shall,
    before issuing a certificate under this section,
    give the employer a reasonable opportunity of
    showing cause against the issue of such
  • The amount of interest payable shall, in no case
    exceed the amount of gratuity payable under this

Exemption of Gratuity
  • Appropriate Govt. may grant exemption
  • To Whom to Establishment, factory, etc and
    employee or class of employees employed in any
    establishment, factory, etc
  • When if they are in receipt of gratuity or
    pensionary benefits not less favorable than the

  • To be made after completion of 1 years service.
  • An employee may in his nomination, distribute the
    amount of gratuity payable to him, under this Act
    amongst more than one nominee.
  • If an employee has a family at the time of
    nomination, the nomination shall be made in favor
    of one or more members of his family, and any
    nomination made by such employee in favor of a
    person who is not a member of his family, shall
    be void.
  • If at the time of making a nomination the
    employee has no family, the nomination may be
    made in favor of any person but if the employee
    subsequently acquires a family, such nomination
    shall become invalid.
  • A nomination may, be modified by an employee at
    any time, after giving to his employer a written
    notice in such form and in such manner as may be
    prescribed, of his intention to do so.
  • Every nomination, fresh nomination or alteration
    of nomination, as the case may be, shall be sent
    by the employee to his employer, who shall keep
    the same in his safe custody.

Cognizance of offence
  • No court shall take cognizance of any offence
    punishable under this Act save on a complaint
    made by or under the authority of the appropriate
  • Gratuity, if not been paid, or recovered, within
    6 months from the expiry of the prescribed time,
    the appropriate Government shall authorize the
    controlling authority to make a complaint against
    the employer, whereupon the controlling authority
    shall, within 15 days from the date of such
  • No court inferior to that of a Metropolitan
    Magistrate or a Judicial Magistrate of the first
    class shall try any offence punishable under this

False statements to avoid payment
6mts imprisonment or Rs.10,000 or both
Default in complying with Act
3mts 1yr imprisonment or Rs.20,000 or both
Non-payment of Gratuity
6mts 2yr imprisonment
The End
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