Title: The Interwar Years -Totalitarianism-
1The Interwar Years-Totalitarianism-
- Society CompletelyControlled by the State
- 1919 to 1939
2Totalitarianism A Troublesome Definition
- A number of unique forms of government emerged
after World War I - Were they fundamentally alike or different?
- This is a debated point.
- I will refer to this group of governments as
Totalitarian. - We will note both their similarities and
differences at the end of the lecture.
3- The Red, Orange, and Brown countries all
represent post WWI dictatorships. - Then why different colors?
4- Orange represents traditional dictatorships.
- Conservatives wanted (as always) to maintain the
status quo. However, if the people accepted this,
they had relative freedom. - Similar to Absolutism.
5- Red and Brown are Totalitarian.
- Something NEW
6Traditional Dictatorship Versus Totalitarianism
- One person/small group is in power
- Political power is not available for peaceful
change - Desires to remain in power
- Relies on religion, aristocracy, tradition, army,
wealthy to keep it
- includes all of the things a traditional
dictatorship has - desires to control ALL aspects of subjects
lives - Religion, economics, family, sports, information,
etc. - Has the TECHNOLOGY to do so
- Post industrial
- Seeks to motivate, energize, and mobilize the
country towards some great goal
7Excerpt from George Orwells 1984
- Q. Why does the book have this title?
- A. Imagines totalitarianism in the future
- A. Technology will improve in the future, so
government control will increase
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9Image of Traditional Dictatorship Versus
- Traditional Dictatorship Govt over all aspect
of society and maintains its own political power - Totalitarianism Govt eliminates all aspects
of society to have sole influence on the
10Old Conservative Authoritarianism
11Examples To Support my Definition of
- Stalins statue to a Soviet Boy
- Hitler Youth
- Hitlers Silent Night
- Mussolini with his red and blue pencils
12Looking At Totalitarianisms Place in the Flow Of
European History
- Perhaps since the Renaissance, and at least since
the Enlightenment, there had been a political
progression towards liberalism along with a faith
in the value and worth of the individual and his
natural rights - Remember, by the time of Bismarck, even
conservatives were enacting social reforms to win
votes and the more liberal countries like England
and the United States were moving towards full
democracy and womens suffrage - Totalitarian Leaders explicitly rejected this
liberal tradition as weak - Armed with Social Darwinism, extreme nationalism,
and skewed interpretations of people like
Nietzsche and Marx, Totalitarians embraced the
good of the community over the good of the
individual and embraced violence and praised the
fierce will of the higher man with the nerve
to make cold-blooded choices about the proper
direction for the greater good of humanity
13So Why Would Totalitarianism Appear in This
Particular Time Period and In Multiple Countries
At Once?
14Reason A Anger over the Treaty of Versailles
15A (cont.)
- Germany has been crushed
- Italy wasnt given lands it had been promised for
joining the allies - Russia wasnt even invited, since it had been
going through a Civil War - Totalitarian leaders promise to rebuild their
countries economies, honor, etc. - Mussolinis train cars
16Reason B Disillusionment with Liberal Tradition
- Europe has been smashed up and largely destroyed
by - Liberal govts
- maybe government by the people (based on natural
law) doesnt work - Think- Lost Generation
- Should we try something else?
17Reason C Poverty Desperation
- The extreme poverty in Europe after WWI left
people desperate for hope. People were willing to
give up freedom for security. - FDR People have grown tired of unemployment
and insecurity. Finally, in desperation, they
chose to sacrifice liberty in the hope of getting
something to eat. - In 1929, just as some of the European countries
began to recover, the Great Depression hit. It
was a worldwide depression.
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19Reason D
- Total War conditioned civilians to follow
- orders
- Rationing
- Illegal to strike
- The Draft
- Etc.
20Reason E Charismatic Leaders
- Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini were great speakers
- They used modern technology to get their message
out (propaganda) and prevented other messages
from getting out (censorship) - They promised a better life for their people and
often delivered - Why would they be able to deliver?
- Mussolini made the _________ run on time.
22Adolph Hitlers Youth Attend Germanys Schools
23Fuhrer, we will follow you!
24"Youth Serves the Führer. All 10-year-olds into
the Hitler Youth."
25- Beloved Stalin- the Peoples Happiness
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27- Reason F
- Willingness of Totalitarians to Use Fear
- and Violence
- Secret Police
Mussolinis Black Shirts
- Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler and Franco all
assassinated political rivals
28Reason G
- Power of new technologies
- Radio
- Television
- Telephone lines
- More powerful weapons
- Transportation
- Cars, trains, airplanes
29- So Why is There Controversy About the Term
Totalitarian? - Red and Brown are not the same
- Red Fascist Totalitarianism
- Brown Communist Totalitarianism
30Fascist Versus Communist Totalitarianism
- Charismatic leader
- Secret police
- propaganda and censorship
- One Party
- Have a Vision for Society
- Reject primacy of the individual/democracy
- Militaristic
- Hate each other
- Eliminate Social Classes
- Atheistic
- Govt runs the economy
- Extremely racist/ nationalistic