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Citizenship as an oligarchic good Citizenship as a network good The model Principles Templates of domicile Objections Conclusion – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: 19th | century | ideology


Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Citizenship as an oligarchic good
  • Citizenship as a network good
  •  The model
  • Principles
  • Templates of domicile
  • Objections
  • Conclusion

  • Citizenship as national membership has
    exclusionary effects which undermine the
    normative ideals of democratic participation and
  • Liberal nationalism and contractarian moral
    theory do not regard this as problematic, because
    they have been premised on the assumption that
    national societies are self-sufficient and
    self-enclosed schemes of social co-operation the
    membership of which is by and large confined to
    co-nationals (Walzer 1983). Accordingly, the
    exclusion of non-national residents from the
    rights and benefits of citizenship is seen as a
    necessary consequence of a communitys process of

  • But this assumption is flawed. Not only it is
    based on an odd circularity, whereby aliens are
    by definition outside the community by virtue of
    a prior self-definition of the community which
    separates us and them and privileges us
    over them, but it also screens out the various
    lines of connections and ties of interdependence
    between us and them.
  • Political exclusion and the transformation of
    democracy into an ethnarchy might not be
    necessary, albeit unfortunate, consequences of a
    communitys right to democratic
    self-determination, but, instead, they may be
    contingent consequences of a contestable model of
    democracy which is rooted in the modern
    national-statist world and is, therefore, in need
    of correction in this millennium.

  • Postnational citizenship the legal discourse on
    human rights has permeated national legal orders
    and led to the dilution of the natural
    dichotomy between citizens and aliens (Soysal
    1994) and the decline of national citizenship
    (Jacobson 1996).
  • BUT human rights are the outgrowth of commitments
    made by the state which remains the body that
    defines the nature and scope of the rights
    granted to resident non-nationals. And while
    international law has helped the plight of
    migrants, it has never called into question the
    nationality principle as the basis for
    distributing community membership
  • Transnational citizenship - international
    migration and the ensuing interactions between
    receiving and sending countries result in the
    creation of mobile societies beyond the borders
    of territorial states (Baubock 1994).
  • BUT transnational citizenship denies neither the
    existence nor the normative relevance of borders
    and nation-states.
  • Citizenship thus remains a national statist
    affair and no one has articulated an
    institutional framework of postnational

  • Active Connections
  • State
  • ? Individual ?Community/nation
  • Individual
  • Domicile captures the various connections and
    bonds of association
  • that a person has with a political community and
    its legal system from
  • which rights and obligations flow.

  • Domicile (the special connection that one has
    with a country in which she has her permanent
    home) (factum of residence animus).
  • Ius soli
  • The independence of domicile for married partners
  • Free will

  • Db - domicile of birth (the domicile a person
    acquires at birth ius soli tenacious)
  • Dc - domicile of choice (the domicile that a
    person of full age may voluntarily acquire by
    residing in a country other than that of his/her
  •  Da the domicile a person acquires by being
    legally dependent (a derived domicile under the
    age of 16 Da and Db, later either Db and Dc or Db
    and Da continues to exist as deemed domicile of
  • Combinations

The Anatomy Of Civic Integration
  • Integration requirements in citizenship laws
  • Integration requirements in order to enter
    European countries, obtain temporary or permanent
    residence and to have access to social benefits
  • Integration abroad - pre-departure integration
    tests for spouses seeking family reunification

  • The Framer
  • Governmental elites are not only implicated in
    diagnostic exercises but they are also part of
    the integration issue
  • Civic integration programmes are state-led
  • The Frame
  • The meaning of integration
  • A discursive isomorphomism in favour of
    integration and assimilation
  • Integration as a second order concept
  • A law enforcement and sanctions-based approach
    (power, control, hierarchy, the test as a
    disciplinary technique)

The Integration Contract
  • (Interrogating the conceptual frame and shedding
    light onto why and how ideals, assumptions and
    reasoning templates are implicated in the
    adoption and justification of civic integration
    programmes)Travelling backwards in timeTheory
    (From the melting pot to ordopolitics)History
    (Education tests in America in the mid-19th
    century, literacy tests designed to exclude
    undesirable races from entry into the US,
    Immigration Restriction Bill 1886, Naturalisation
    Act of 1906, the Americanisation movement,
    dictation tests in Australia, Subversive
    Activities Control Act of 1950)Conclusion the
    conceptual frames of integration and assimilation
    and their institutional manifestations cannot be
    separated from nationpolitics and ideology.

The Fictive Contract
  • Freedom to enter a contractual relationship?
  • Mutual recognition of party status?
  • No intersubjective understanding following
    dialogue, exchange of views and negotiation
  • Integration contracts are mandatory and migrants
    do not have the power to negotiate or change the
  • Can integration be delivered?

The Integration Frame The Pluralistic Frame
Obsession with national identity Belonging as something that develops as a matter of course
Re-education Newcomers have to unlearn the old and learn the new before being admitted into the country and into political membership Newcomers are welcome and encouraged to express their individuality
The content of re-education is determined by state authorities and includes formal courses, compulsory attendance, specified hours and curriculum Learning occurs as matter of fact in everyday life social interactions, the workplace, the market, religious ceremonies are sites of learning and newcomers should be encouraged to take part in as many spheres of social life as possible
Learning is an obligation and the cost should be borne by newcomers themselves Learning is self-directed, unavoidable and the host society should be actively committed to investing in human capital
Education to learn the language, history and ways of life of the host society is a means of ensuring social cohesion and harmony Linguistic adaptation is matter of time and a positive context of reception facilitates this process. Knowledge of history and ways of life s obtained via living and working in the host country and migrants should be allowed the freedom to pursue their own priorities of making a living, settling and creating a home for themselves and their families
Coercion penalties for non-attendance and exam failure Being made to feel at home civic and political participation encouraged and valued
Passive and subject status they must know their place Collaborators, stakeholders and citizens in waiting
It is the responsibility of the newcomers to demonstrate their commitment to the country by jumping over the hurdles and their devotion to its national values It is the responsibility of the newcomers to be law abiding and willing contributors to the commonwealth
Re-certifying their commitment at multiple gates should they really be here? who is worthy to belong to the community of citizens? A common sense approach accrediting their resources, skills, hard labour, commitment, dynamism, problem-solving capacity and resilience
Nationality is the foundation of the unity of society homogeneity (linguistic, cultural, religious or ethnic) is an ideal and the norm The unity of society is achieved by doing things together, solving problems together by designing appropriate institutions and by valuing the efforts of all those who contribute to the commonwealth
Ethnocentric communities by design or default Dynamic and relaxed communities
Integration as hierarchy and intolerance Emphasis on participation, equal treatment and non-discrimination
David Olesons parquet deformation created at
Cargegie-Mellon in 1964.
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