Title: CO2 Dragster Design
1CO2 Dragster Design
2Limitations of the CO2 Dragster
3Limitations of the CO2 Dragster
7. Dragster Body (Length) 12 (max.) 7-7/8 (min.)
8. Dragster Body (height _at_ rear w/ wheel) 2-15/16 (max.) 2-3/16 (min.)
4Limitations of the CO2 Dragster
10. Width of Dragster at the Axel Points (Front Back) 1-1/4 MIN 1-1/2 MAX
5Limitations of the CO2 Dragster
11. Power Plant (depth of hole) 2 MIN 2 MAX.
12. Power Plant Thickness 1/8 MIN
6Limitations of the CO2 Dragster
Power Plant Center from the bottom of the body 1-1/4 MIN 1-1/4 MAX
7Limitations of the CO2 Dragster
14. Eyelet Screw Placement (Distance Apart) 6-1/8 MIN 10-5/8 MAX
8Limitations of the CO2 Dragster
15. Wheelbase 4-1/8 MIN 10-5/8 MAX
9What makes for a fast CO2 Dragster?
- Weight The lighter the CO2 Dragster the faster
it will go. - Friction points
- Eyelet screw placement
- Wheel setting
- Aerodynamics
10Gather Information
- Designing and producing a CO2 Dragster
- Speed (the faster the CO2 Dragster is the more
points you receive) - Finishing (Two or more colors)
- Durability (CO2 Dragster must stay intact for two
races) - Limitations (You must design your CO2 Dragster
around the parameters on Page 5 of the packet
11Defining Your Design Problems
- Recognize and define the Problem When defining
the problem, consider the boundaries, the
parameters, and the limitations. A very narrow,
well defined, specific problem will be easier to
solve than a board, all encompassing generation.
Think about what has been discussed in class
including the limitations of the dragster. In
the space provided below write a definition for
the design problem presented to you. - Requirement You must write a short statement
(in full sentences) that best defines your tasks.
- In complete sentences, write a paragraph that
address these 5 considerations. (3 5 sentences) - Designing and producing a CO2 Dragster
- Speed (the faster the CO2 Dragster is the more
points you receive) - Finishing (Two or more colors)
- Durability (CO2 Dragster must stay intact for two
races) - Limitations (You must design your CO2 Dragster
around the parameters on Page 5 of the packet.
13Consider Possible Solutions
- To accomplish this step
- Gather as much data and information as possible.
- Use brainstorming techniques to come up with
ideas. - At this point anything goes be creative be
resourceful - Requirement
- You must sketch 8 different ideas as possible
solutions in solving your task.
14When DesigningDont forget to K.I.S.S.
- I IT
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
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18Use brainstorming techniques
- Complete 8 thumbnail sketches to explore
different possibilities to solving this design
problem. - Thumbnail sketches are quick sketches and does
not require you to consider the limitations - Think out side the box
- Be creative
198 Thumbnail Sketches (Page 6 7)
Bad Sketch
Bad Sketch
20Think of your cover page
21Example of previous workSide and Top View
22Example of previous workTop View
23Example of previous workSide View