FUR XII, LUISS, Roma, June 24, 2006 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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FUR XII, LUISS, Roma, June 24, 2006


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: FUR XII, LUISS, Roma, June 24, 2006

  • FUR XII, LUISS, Roma, June 24, 2006
  • Financially Stimulated Effort Hits
  • Individual Cognitive Constraints
  • Evidence From a Forecasting Task with Varying
    Working Memory Load
  • by Ondrej Rydval, CERGE-EI, Prague
  • Acknowledgements invaluable comments
    especially from Andreas Ortmann and Nat Wilcox,
    financial support from Grant Agency of the Czech
    Republic and Hlavka Foundation

  • I examine how performance-contingent financial
    incentives interact with intrinsic motivation and
    cognitive constraints in determining individual
    differences in cognitive performance.
  • Camerer and Hogarth (1999, JRU) propose a
    capital-labor framework describing how financial
    incentives may interact in non-trivial ways with
    intrinsic motivation to induce cognitive effort
    (labor), and how cognitive effort productivity
    may vary across individuals due to their
    different cognitive constraints (capital).
  • Even if salient financial incentives induce high
    effort, both financial and cognitive resources
    may be wasted for individuals whose cognitive
    constraints inhibit performance improvements.
  • This prediction, if warranted, calls for
    attention to individual cognitive constraints in
    designing efficient incentive schemes in firms,
    experimental settings, and elsewhere.
  • The next slide shows the main blocks of the
    capital-labor framework

Here is how one can think of the capital-labor
framework. I briefly outline the literature and
the main research questions
financial incentives
Camerer Hogarth (1999)
Cognitive Production
Labor theory of cognition
Capital-Labor Framework
cognitive performance
Crowding out?
intrinsic motivation
Benabou Tirole trilogy, Cacioppo et al. (1996)
cognitive effort
cognitive capital
Degree of complementarity?
Labor theory of cognition Smith Walker (1993),
Wilcox (1993)
Experimental psychology Engle Kane (2004)
  • I provide an initial empirical test of the
    capital-labor framework, focusing on the
    complementarity of cognitive capital and effort.
  • To impose theoretical structure on the framework,
    one can broadly think of cognitive constraints as
    a vector composed of general cognitive capital
    and task-specific capital.
  • Drawing on contemporary cognitive psychology,
    I measure individual differences in general
    cognitive capital by a working memory span test
    a strong and robust predictor of general fluid
    intelligence as well as performance in cognitive
    tasks requiring controlled information
  • Since pre-existing task-specific capital (think
    of expertise) is vital for performance in many
    field cognitive tasks but is hard to measure,
    I intentionally minimize its potential relevance
    by designing a controlled laboratory experiment
    where working memory is itself the main component
    of task-specific capital, aside expertise
    acquired endogenously through on-task learning.
  • The next slide shows what working memory is and
    why it is a useful measure of individual
    differences in cognitive capital

  • Working memory is a domain-general ability to
    control and rapidly reallocate attention among
    competing cognitive uses, over and beyond
    domain-specific short-term memory capacity.
    People with high working memory are better able
    to code and store a limited amount of
    task-relevant information and keep this
    information accessible during the execution of
    complex, information-interfering cognitive and
    behavioral tasks.
  • A typical working memory span test has two
    interacting components
  • - processing component e.g. calculating simple
    equations (9/3)-2?
  • - memory component e.g. memorizing a sequence
    of letters
  • In the test, subjects observe several sequences
    with alternating processing and memory components
    (sequences have various length).
  • After a given sequence, subjects must recall the
    memory components in correct order (e.g.
  • Throughout the test, subjects must also maintain
    accuracy/speed on the processing component.
  • Subjects working memory score depends on the
    number of memory components recalled in correct
  • Note A typical short-term memory test only has
    the memory component.

DESIGN cont.
  • To identify the impact of working memory on
    cognitive performance, I supply external memory
    to subjects as a treatment
  • In a computerized time-series forecasting task,
    two screens with forecast-relevant information
    are presented either concurrently or sequentially
    gt two between-subject treatments.
  • HYPOTHESIS to be tested Since the Sequential
    (Concurrent) treatment offers less (more)
    external memory to subjects and hence features
    a higher (lower) working memory load, working
    memory should be a stronger (weaker) determinant
    of forecasting performance, after controlling for
    other between-subject cognitive, motivational and
    personality differences.
  • The next several slides show how I experimentally
    implemented the time-series forecasting task and
    in particular the Sequential and Concurrent

Time-series forecasting task (a la Klayman, 1988)
Subjects repeatedly forecast Omega, a sum of
Signal, Repeating pattern and Error. They observe
8-period history windows of Signal and Omega (see
the green columns). Subjects are told that to
accurately forecast Omega, they need to discover
the Repeating (seasonal) pattern from successive
values of Omega and Signal by subtracting them.
The unobserved, random Error makes this task
harder but subjects know the Error distribution
(uniform discrete). Subjects forecast next-period
value of Omega. To be able to do that (as Signal
is unpredictable), they are shown next-period
value of Signal. Concurrent treatment subjects
observe Signal and Omega on one
screen. Sequential treatment subjects observe
Signal and Omega on two successive
screens. Financial incentives to forecast
accurately are high subjects can earn up to
70-80 PPP Dollars.
Here is what Concurrent treatment subjects
observe on a typical screen (for period 15)
subjects combine Signal and Omega values to
forecast period-16 Omega.
  Current period Current period            
    15 of 100       Time remaining 15 Time remaining 15  
        Signal Omega      
      Period 8 10 64      
      Period 9 20 50      
      Period 10 10 24      
      Period 11 40 90      
      Period 12 10 36      
      Period 13 30 52      
      Period 14 20 66      
      Current period 15 10 48      
      Next period 16 30 ?      
By contrast, Sequential treatment subjects first
observe a screen with Signal values only they
memorize Signal values and wait for the
corresponding Omega screen
  Current period Current period              
    15 of 100       Time remaining 10 Time remaining 10    
      Period 8 10          
      Period 9 20          
      Period 10 10          
      Period 11 40          
      Period 12 10          
      Period 13 30          
      Period 14 20          
      Current period 15 10          
      Next period 16 30          
and once the corresponding Omega screen appears,
Sequential treatment subjects combine the
previously memorized Signal values with the
observed Omega values to forecast period-16 Omega.
  Current period Current period              
    15 of 100       Time remaining 10 Time remaining 10    
      Period 8 64          
      Period 9 50          
      Period 10 24          
      Period 11 90          
      Period 12 36          
      Period 13 52          
      Period 14 66          
      Current period 15 48          
      Next period 16 ?          
Forecasting performance absolute forecast errors
The graph below shows 12-period moving averages
of absolute forecast errors, averaged across
subjects in each forecasting period, separately
for the Sequential and Concurrent treatment.
Sequential (average)
absolute forecast errors
Concurrent (average)
Forecasting performance absolute forecast errors
The Concurrent treatment (with lower working
memory load) has lower absolute forecast errors
(on average) throughout the task but
statistically significant learning occurs in both
treatments between EARLY and LATE stages of the
Sequential (average)
absolute forecast errors
Concurrent (average)
Heterogeneity in forecasting performance
Same graph, with 10th and 90th percentiles added
to averages, reveals substantial across-subject
heterogeneity in absolute forecast errors in both
treatments. As hypothesized, working memory
should better explain the heterogeneity in the
Sequential treatment (with higher working memory
load). I focus on the LATE stage.
90th percentiles for Concurrent (o) and
Sequential ()
absolute forecast errors
Sequential (average)
Concurrent (average)
10th percentiles for Concurrent (o) and
Sequential ()
Correlations between forecasting performance and
working memory
Concurrent treatment spearman -0.0006
(p0.997) pearson -0.2208 (p0.155)
As hypothesized, working memory is much stronger
negatively correlated with subjects LATE
absolute forecast errors in the Sequential
treatment (with higher working memory load). By
contrast, other measured cognitive, motivational,
personality and demographic individual
differences cannot explain between-subject
performance variation in the Sequential
treatment. I nevertheless control for these in
the formal analysis that follows
LATE absolute forecast error
working memory
LATE absolute forecast error
Sequential treatment spearman -0.3028
(p0.048) pearson -0.4540 (p0.002)
working memory
Testing the hypothesis that working memory is a
stronger determinant of forecasting performance
in the Sequential treatment
  • I regress LATE absolute forecast error on
    working memory and other potential determinants
    of forecasting performance short term memory,
    math ability, intrinsic motivation, etc. The
    figure below shows only several selected
    specifications as explained by the labels.
  • As some subjects performance is top-bounded, I
    use Censored Least Absolute Deviations (CLAD)
    estimator. So far I have 43 observations per
    treatment (students from Prague non-selective
  • The bars are coefficient estimates for working
    memory. The estimates for the Sequential
    treatment generally have economically meaningful
    magnitude. A yellow bar indicates that working
    memory has a significant impact on forecasting
    performance (at 10 level). A green bar indicates
    that, in addition, the impact of working memory
    is significantly larger in the Sequential
    treatment (at 10 level).

Estimation with working memory only
with short term memory and math ability added
with intrinsic motivation further added
with EARLY performance added as a proxy for
intrinsic forecasting ability (covariates
partialled out of the proxy)
same, but with an alternative working memory
measure that has short term memory and math
ability partialled out
Estimate for the hardest forecasting season only,
with covariates added
same, but with EARLY performance proxy added
Testing the hypothesis that working memory is a
stronger determinant of forecasting performance
in the Sequential treatment
  • Conclusion The impact of working memory
    (cognitive capital) on forecasting performance is
    clearly stronger in the Sequential than in the
    Concurrent treatment
  • but establishing this result more robustly may
    require more observations.

Estimation with working memory only
with short term memory and math ability added
with intrinsic motivation further added
with EARLY performance added as a proxy for
intrinsic forecasting ability (covariates
partialled out of the proxy)
same, but with an alternative working memory
measure that has short term memory and math
ability partialled out
Estimate for the hardest forecasting season only,
with covariates added
same, but with EARLY performance proxy added
  • Working memory, or rather lack thereof, clearly
    presents a cognitive constraint on forecasting
  • In additional treatments (not completed), the
    working memory constraint is interacted with
    variation in financial incentives by offering
    subjects to purchase external memory at
    different relative prices subjects start in the
    harder Sequential treatment but can purchase
    switching to the easier Concurrent treatment.
  • What individual characteristics, beside working
    memory, will determine buying behavior? Will more
    external memory be bought under higher financial
  • In each period, subjects also bet on the quality
    of their forecasts, prior to placing a forecast.
    Financial return to betting is decreasing in
    subjects absolute forecast error.
  • Especially psychologists have argued that
    performance in cognitive tasks is likely to be
    also affected by peoples confidence in their
    abilities. Bets provide a measure of confidence
    in ones forecasting abilities. Initial results
    suggest that working memory affects how quickly
    bets respond to improvements in forecasting
  • I will next investigate a two-equation system
    where both bets and performance are treated as a
    result of dynamic learning processes, using
    exogenous variation in the quality of forecasting
    feedback to identify the impact of bets on
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