Title: A Geometrical Modeller for HEP
1A Geometrical Modeller for HEP
- René Brun, Andrei Gheata, Mihaela Gheata
2General introduction
- Intended as a toolkit to provide geometrical
description of an experiment, full navigation
functionality and additional tools to ease-up
building, checking and debugging a geometry. - Its development is a common ALICE/ ROOT effort
that started 1.5 years ago. - Driven by ALICE specific needs related to the
simulation/ reconstruction framework, it is
however designed as an experiment-independent
package. - This component is being integrated in a general
Virtual Monte Carlo scheme enabling running
transparently several simulation MCs starting
from the same user code (see talk of Ivana
Hrivnacova) and using the same geometry. - Based on a GEANT-like architecture, it is able to
map and confirmed to optimize the geometry
performance of several HEP experiments. The gain
in speed for navigation tasks ranges from 20
(ATLAS) to 800 (CDF) compared to G3
3Why a new geometrical modeller
- The idea would be to be able to provide a unique
geometry description
4Design overview
- Based on some initial requirements
- Provide basic navigation features Where am
I?, How far from next boundary ?, - Map Geant3 geometries -gt smooth transition
- Scalability we deal with big geometries
- Performance it rather be faster than existing
modelers - Interactivity should be at highest possible
level - users should easily build, access and
debug their geometry
- GEANT-like flavor (CSG based on
container-contained concept) - main elements volumes and nodes
- Extensible set of 16 primitives composite
(boolean) parametrized shapes support for
MANY concept - Volumetric pixelized navigation
- Make use of symmetries - divisions
- Geometry checking interactive tool
5Navigation features
- These make the difference between a geometrical
modeller and a transient store providing
geometrical input for other applications. - Long way from implementing to validating/optimizin
g/ tuning these features gt took most of the time - Luckily we had a gold mine of G3 geometries to
test upon. - ''Where am I ?'' gt up to 2000 performance gain
compared to GEANT3 - Computing the distance to next boundary gt up to
800 gain - Safety gt computed when needed
- Normals to crossed surfaces gt on demand (ongoing
6Automatic conversion from G3
7Collecting samples validation
8Benchmarks performance for Where am I? vs.
9User interface other features
- Quite simple API Material(), Volume(), Node(),
Division(), managed by a single class. - Browsable geometry with functionality in the
context menus ray-tracing, lego plots, weight
estimation, geometry checking tool, - Perspective geometry viewing allowing picking,
zooming, animation. - ROOT I/O size of geometry and time to load are
very important during geometry design/testing
10Geometry checker
- It has to be able to check (in reasonable time)
for illegal extrusions/overlaps in the geometry
definition. - Extrusions
- Overlaps
Not detected
Geometry Overlaps/Extrusions Overlaps/Extrusions Overlaps/Extrusions
Geometry gt 1 mm gt100 m gt10 m
ALICE 154 764 1460
No error-free geometry found
(up to 20K gt 1mm)
11The Virtual MC integration
- Allows running several MC's starting from the
same code and having the same geometry for
simulation, reconstruction and event display
User code
- A new geometrical modeller able to represent a
large number of HEP experiments is being
developed by ALICE and ROOT teams. - This will provide an unique representation of
ALICE geometry and will allow running
transparently several MCs starting from the same
user-code. - Performance was the highest priority during the
development and this is reflected by the
- The code is available in ROOT and we
welcome everybody to use it !
13Benchmarks performance for Where am I? vs. G3
14Benchmarks performance for distance to next
vs. G3