Title: Chapter 5 The Structure of Matter
1Chapter 5The Structure of Matter
- Section 2/3
- Ionic and Covalent Bonding
3I. What holds bonds together? A. Attraction of
the valence electrons B. 8 valence electrons
for stability
II. Ionic bonds (attraction of charges) A.
There is a transfer of electrons and the
resulting opposite charges bond them B.
Creates a network of atoms in a regular
pattern very strong
4 C. Properties 1. Melting point is gt300
C 2. Conduct electricity when melted D.
Usually occurs between a metal and
5III. Metallic A. Occurs between two metals B.
The electrons of one atom are attracted
to the nucleus of another
C. Electrons overlap they can move
freely and easily among atoms 1. Conduct
electricity and heat very well (gold
is the best conductor) 2. Flexible bonds they
slide over each other
6IV. Covalent Bonds A. Usually between two
non-metals B. Share electrons between two
atoms C. Lower melting points - lt300 C ,
Weaker bonds
7V. Polyatomic ions A. Group of bonded atoms
acting like one ion (e.g.- SO4-2) B.
In a formula, consider it as one
- Naming
- Ch. 4 Review/ Properties Worksheet