Title: Why C?
1Todays Material
- Why C?
- History of C
- Generic C Program Structure
- Variables
- Type and Name
- Assignment Operator
- Simple I/O
- scanf/printf
2Why C?
- Simple and Structural
- Minimal syntax
- Availability and Portability
- C compilers are available for a wide range of
platforms - Windows, UNIX, embedded systems
- Language of choice for system programming
- Most OS code are written in C
- Widely known
- Almost every programmer knows C
- There are lots of public code written in C
3History of C
- C evolved as follows
- CPL Combined Programming Language (Barron, 1963)
- BCPL Basic CPL (Richards, 1969)
- B (Thompson, 1970)
- C (Kernighan Ritchie, 1973)
- ANSI C American National Standards Institute C
(X3J11, 1989)
!! The fact that a language originated in 1973
has required as little change as this one has in
thirty years of heavy use is truly remarkable,
and without parallels anywhere else in computer
science or engineering.
4Generic C Program Structure
- include ltstdio.hgt
- / main designates the starting place of our
program / - main()
- / Variables hold Data Items Needed in the
Program / - Variable Declarations
- / Steps of our program I/O, computation
(expressions) / - Statement1
- Statement2
- StatementN
- / end-of-the program /
5First C Program
PROBLEM Convert a fahrenheit
temperature to celsius
- include ltstdio.hgt
- / Convert fahrenheit to celsius /
- main()
- float fahrenheit
- float celsius
- printf(Enter a temp in fahrenheit )
- scanf(f, fahrenheit)
- celsius (fahrenheit-32)/1.8
- printf(f degrees fahrenheit equals f degrees
celsius\n, fahrenheit, celsius)
6First C Program Dissected
- include ltstdio.hgt
- / Convert fahrenheit to celsius /
- main()
- float fahrenheit
- float celsius
- printf(Enter a temp in fahrenheit )
- scanf(f, fahrenheit)
- celsius (fahrenheit-32)/1.8
- printf(f degrees fahrenheit equals f degrees
celsius\n, fahrenheit, celsius)
Load the standard library to handle I/O
Comments In between / . /
main() Designates where the execution will start
Curly braces Determines the beginning and the end
of a code block
7First C Program Dissected (cont)
- include ltstdio.hgt
- / Convert fahrenheit to celsius /
- main()
- float fahrenheit
- float celsius
- printf(Enter a temp in fahrenheit )
- scanf(f, fahrenheit)
- celsius (fahrenheit-32)/1.8
- printf(f degrees fahrenheit equals f degrees
celsius\n, fahrenheit, celsius)
- Variables
- A variable is a memory location whose contents
can be filled and changed during program
execution - float is the variable type
- fahrenheit celsius are variable names
- Statements
- Steps of your program.
- Statements end with a semicolon ()
8First C Program Dissected (cont)
- include ltstdio.hgt
- / Convert fahrenheit to celsius /
- main()
- float fahrenheit
- float celsius
- printf(Enter a temp in fahrenheit )
- scanf(f, fahrenheit)
- celsius (fahrenheit-32)/1.8
- printf(f degrees fahrenheit equals f degrees
celsius\n, fahrenheit, celsius)
Output Use printf function to print something on
the screen
Input Use scanf function to read something from
the keyboard
Computation Use mathematical operators to perform
9From C Code-2-Machine Code
- Now that we have our C program, how does it get
translated to machine code, i.e., to 0s and 1s - Remember a computer understands just 0s and 1s
- We use several system software components to
translate out C program to machine code - Compiler, assembler, linker, loaderOS
10First C Program Executed
- include ltstdio.hgt
- / Convert fahrenheit to celsius /
- main()
- float fahrenheit, celsius
- printf(Enter a temp in fahrenheit )
- scanf(f, fahrenheit)
- celsius (fahrenheit-32)/1.8
- printf(f degrees fahrenheit equals f degrees
celsius\n, fahrenheit, celsius) - / end-main /
Enter a temp in fahrenheit 75.4 degrees
fahrenheit equals 24.11 degrees celsius
11Whats a Variable?
- A memory location whose contents can be filled
and changed during program execution - Each variable has a type and name
- Type defines the type of information that can be
stored in that memory location - Name is a label that allows us to refer to that
memory location
- int number1 / stores a natural number
(152) / - float number2 / stores a real number
(65.324) /
12Variable Declaration
- The basic format for declaring variables is
- datatype varName, varName, ...
- where datatype may be
- int / Stores a natural number, e.g.,
34532 / - float / Stores a real number, e.g., 15.342
/ - double / Also stores a real number, but more
precision / - / e.g., 345.22359573943 /
- char / Stores an ASCII char, e.g., A /
13Variable (Identifier) Names
- C identifiers consist of letters and digits in
any order, except that - The first character must be a letter
- fahrenheit, celsius, sum, a123, i1, i2, i3
- The identifier can be in lowercase or uppercase
- The upper and lower cases may be mixed
- sum, Sum, SUM
- The underscore (_) can be included and it can
also be the first char of the identifier - total_sum, num_students, _localVar
14Variable (Identifier) Names (cont)
- C identifiers consist of letters and digits in
any order, except that - The identifiers should not contain a blank space,
hyphen or quotes - sum quotes() is illegal
- total-sum illegal character ( - )
- total sum blank space should not be there
- Identifier names are case-sensitive
- sum, Sum and sUm are all different identifiers
15Variable Examples Assignment
int x / Define 1 int / float fahrenheit,
celsius / Define 2 floats / double d /
Define 1 double / x -85 / Assign -85 to
x / d 3.4545673 / Assign 3.4545673 to d
/ fahrenheit 75.0 / Assign 75.0 to
fahrenheit / celsius 23.4 / Assign 23.4
to celsius /
- is the assignment operator
- Syntax identifier value
- Changes the contents of the memory location that
the variable refers to
16Variable Declaration Initialization
- Variables can be initialized during declaration
int sum 32000 / can be positive / int x
-23, y 458 / and negative / float f1
34.5 float fahrenheit 75.3, celsius
0 double d1, d2 -4.567 / Can be negative
/ double d3 5e3 / Scientific notation
5x103 / d1 675e-4 / 675x10-4 0.0675 /
17Character Variables
- Represents a single character
- Characters are letters of the alphabet (both
upper and lower case) - Ten digits 0 through 9
- Special symbols such as . , - !
- Characters need to be enclosed in single quotes
- e.g. 'A'
char letter letter 'A' / Letter A /
letter 9 / Digit 9 /
char letter c / initialization /
18Character Variables (more)
- In fact, char corresponds to 1 byte natural
number - char type variables occupy 1 byte in memory
- Whats really stored in a char variable is the
ASCII value of the character - ASCII value of A is 65
- ASCII value of B is 66
- ASCII value of 0 is 48
- ASCII value of 1 is 49
- http//www.asciitable.com/
19ASCII Table
20Special Characters
- Characters are enclosed in single quotes
- How do I denote a single quote?
char letter letter '''
char letter letter '\''
- When a backslash (\) is used in front of a
character, the combination is called an Escape
21Escape Sequences
- Combinations of a backslash (\) and a character
that tells the compiler to escape from the ways
these character would normally be interpreted - Commonly used escape sequences
- \n move to next line
- \t move to next tab setting
- \\ backslash character
- \' single quote
- \" double quote
22sizeof Operator
- You can learn the number of bytes that a certain
type occupies in memory using the sizeof operator
int a sizeof(char) / Returns 1 / int b
sizeof(short) / Returns 2 / int c
sizeof(int) / Returns 4 / int d
sizeof(long) / Returns 4 or 8 / int e
sizeof(float) / Returns 4 / int f
sizeof(double) / Returns 8 /
23Keyboard Input/ Display Output
- Achieved using scanf/printf functions
- Definitions of these functions are in ltstdio.hgt
- So we must include these definitions at the start
include ltstdio.hgt int main() scanf() printf
() / end-main /
24printf/scanf Functions
- Formatted input/output functions in C
- Definitions in standard I/O library ltstdio.hgt
- If we are using these functions in our programs,
we must include these definitions by include
ltstdio.hgt at the beginning of our programs
printf(FormatString, expression1, expression2,
) scanf(FormatString, variable1, variable2,
- FormatString is enclosed in double quotes
- abcdxyz
- number is d\n
- Format specification d is used to print an int
25printf Examples
int x 45 float y 56.7 printf(Whats
up?\n) / Print a msg only / printf(Number
x d, 2 times y f\n, x, y) printf(Sum
of x and y is f\n, xy)
Expression section
Format section
Whats up? Number x 45, 2 times y 56.70000 Sum
of x and y is 101.7000
26printf Format Specifiers
Character Type Output Format
c char A single-byte character
d int Signed decimal integer
f float Signed value having the form dddd.dddd, where dddd is one or more decimal digits
lf double Signed value having the form dddd.dddd, where dddd is one or more decimal digits
e float double Signed real number having the form d.dddd e signddd
27printf Examples
printf(First line.\nSecond line. Percent char
XYZ\n) printf(3rd line. Slash \\, single quote
\\n) printf(4th line. Double quote \.
End\n) printf(Line 5. char A c, ASCII value
d\n, A, A) printf(Line 6.
Tab\tTab.\n) printf(Line 7. Carriage
return\rOK\n) printf(Line 8.\n)
First line. Second line. Percent char XYZ 3rd
line. Slash \\, single quote 4th line. Double
quote . End Line 5. char A A, ASCII value
65 Line 6. Tab Tab. OKne 7. Carriage return Line
28printf Examples
char c1 A, c2 c, c3 9, c4 \\ int
x 11, y 16 float f 56.7 double d
456.789345 printf(c1 is ltcgt, c2 is ltcgt, c3
ltcgt, c4 ltcgt\n, c1, c2, c3, c4)
printf(x is ltdgt, y is ltdgt, avg is ltdgt\n, x,
y, (xy)/2) printf(Sum of ltfgt and ltlfgt is
ltlfgt\n, f, d, fd)
c1 is ltAgt, c2 is ltcgt, c3 lt9gt, c4 lt\gt x is lt11gt,
y is lt16gt, avg is lt13gt Sum of lt56.70000gt and
lt456.7893450000000gt is lt513.4893450000000gt
29printf Specifying Field Length Justification
char c1 A, c2 c int x 11, y
16 float f 56.7 double d 456.789345 printf
(--------------\n) printf(7c-7c\n,
c1, c2) printf(-7d7d\n, x,
y) printf(7.2f-7.1lf\n, f,
d) Printf(--------------\n)
-------------- Ac 11
16 56.70456.7 --------------
30More printf Examples
printf(".9f\n", 300.00145678901f) printf(".19lf
\n", 300.0014567890123456789)
300.001464844 300.0014567890123700000
float has 7 digit precision here (3000014)
double has 16 digits (3000014567890123)
31scanf Examples
char c int x float y double d scanf(d,
x) / Read 1 int / scanf(c, c) /
Read 1 char / scanf(f, y) / Read 1 float
/ scanf(lf, d) / Read 1 double / / Read
1 int, 1 float, 1 double / scanf(dflf, x,
y, d)
- c char
- d int
- f float
- lf double
Variable Address
Format section
32getchar and putchar Functions
- getchar reads a single character from the
keyboard - putchar writes a single character on the screen
- Example
char c printf(What-to-do Menu
\n) printf( (a) To write a C program
\n) printf( (b) To go swimming
\n) printf( (c) To watch TV \n) printf(Selec
t one option ) c getchar() / Read the
user choice / getchar() / Skip newline
\n char / putchar(B) / Prints B on the
screen / c Z putchar(c) / prints Z on
the screen /