Title: Certified by
1Certified by
2World Sight Day (WSD)
2nd Thursday of October
Approx 285 million people worldwide live with
low vision and blindness
39M blind 246M with visual impairment
90 of blind people are low-income earner
80 of visual impairment is avoidable i.e.
readily treatable and/or preventable
About 65 of visually impaired people are aged
50 and above
As elderly population grows in many Countries,
more people will be at risk of age-related
visual impairment
3NOW, every 5 seconds 1 person blind
Everyday, 17,000 persons become blind
By 2020, every 1 second 1 person blind
Everyday, 85,000 persons become blind
After this 2 hours Meeting 1,500 persons become
blind, By 2020, there will be 7,500 persons
become blind.
80 of BLINDNESS is avoidable
4(No Transcript)
5Can you see these beautiful pictures ?
6What do you see NOW?
7Anatomy Of Our Eye
8Whats the color of the Apple?
9Can you see these wordings?
10Common Eye Related Problem
Short-Sighted Long Sighted Astigmatism And
other eye-related problem Medical has proven
that 90 of eye problems are caused by
deficiency of oxygen
12Date 16th Dec 2012 Group A) Patients with minor
or minimum eye's diseases Purpose to verify the
Negative Ion Spec is safe, non-side effects.
Expecting that after 1 year of wearing Negative
IonSpec that subjects would not have visual
deteriorate then the before the study. Hence,
subjects visual acuity should be category in
healthy stage before the study. After 3 months
of using Negative IonSpec, Test result on her
vision her visual acuity has improves by 22 on
her left eye. Right eye visual acuity under
neurological transitions Subject 1( Female -
-0.5 29 L
-0.5 124
13Floater Eye
14Effectiveness of ionSpec for Floater Eye
35 of those age 60 above suffer from Floater
15Date 5th Dec 2012 Subject B1(Mr.Ong) Subject
with complex visual problems (due to accident
impact on his eye) Myopic vision has improved
10 in the beginning of 2 weeks (30th Dec 2012).
After 3 months, his asthenopia (1), glare,
blurred vision, floaters has reduces to clear.
Suggesting after 3 months of negative ions spec,
he still experiencing neurological transition,
where his myopic vision mildly reduce to
beginning stage (measured by Snellen chart), but
floaters was gone. Therefore, overall vision has
improved as his statement was provided by
interview method.
16Lazy Eye
17Dry Eye
40 of those Age 60 above suffer from Dry Eye
18What are the causes for Dry Eye?
Work with Computer ???????
Play iPhone, iPod ?????????
Computer Games ????????
Non-stop Watching TV ???????
19Night Blindness
20Amsler-AMDAmsler is a important area of Retina,
located behind the eye ball. Caused by
degeneration of body and health.
Symptons gtFloater Lighting gtcentre vision
drop gtobject out of shape gtvision defect
High Risk Group Age 60s above with serious
21Diabetes Retina Detachment
Risk of blindness in diabetic
patients is 25 times higher
non-diabetics patients .
High Sugar level will cause damages to retina
blood vessel
22Cataract (1st Killer to our eye)Age 65s - 50
suffer from cataractAge 75s - 60 suffer from
23Types of Eye Drops
24Glaucoma (2nd Killer to our eye)
25Date 5th Dec 2012 Group C) Patients with
chronic stage eye's diseases To prove that
IonSpec can help with patient with
significant eye's problem.Subject C1 Mr.Lim Pia
Kim ( 0492) vision remain 15, glaucoma. His eye
pressure was reduced after 3 weeks of wearing
Negative Ions Spec, together with acupuncture,
herbal treatment.
26For Elderly Folks Poor eye-sight will cause
unnecessary Injuries
27For Children Poor eye-sight leads them to
Failure in their Study
28 spectacle manufacturer 3 years pre
tested record increase O2, improve blood
circulation vision gt blindness
Certified by
Inventors Patent Right No / ?????
20111002045.X Design Patent No / ???????
201230010843.1 Utility Patent No / ??????
201220634648- 0
29 ionSpec is good effective for
Floater Spec
- Short-Sightedness
- Long Sightedness
- Astigmatism
- Dry Eye
- Lazy Eye
- Floater Eye
- Night Blindness
- Glaucoma
- Cataract
- Migraine
Cataract Spec
Dry Eye Spec
Anti long-sighted Spec
Glaucoma Spec
30Natural Reaction
1More Discharge
2initially Feel Giddy
3Fall into Sleep
3110 Good Reasons of IonSpec