Reaching - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Reaching & Praying for the next generation of Asian Americans (Metro Detroit Area) Author: Fred Last modified by: Fred Yu Created Date: 8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Reaching

  • Special Thanks
  • This historic meeting was sponsored and organized
    by OHANA. OHANA is a Christian ministry
    outreaching to Asian Americans in metro Detroit
  • We would like to express our deepest thanks to
  • Our speaker Margaret Yu for being flexible and
    taking time to speak to us.
  • Our attendees/Leaders from Chinese Bible Church,
    Chinese Alliance Church, Chinese Gospel Church
    and Oakland Chinese Church and IVCCF (MSU) for
    their contributions or open sharing with
  • Oakpointe Church of Novi, Michigan for providing
    a wonderful gathering place with great facility
    and support.
  • Most importantly, God, for gathering us together
    to be part of a great movement joining hands
    together in reaching out to Asian Americans!

Reaching Praying for the next generation of
Asian Americans (Metro Detroit Area)
  • Sponsored by Ohana Ministry (facilitated by
    Margaret Yu) at Oakpointe Church

W e l c o m e
  • Support in spirit
  • Ann Arbor CCC
  • Hmong Alliance Church

Sponsored by OHANA, a Christian Ministry for
Asian Americans
Thank you for your heart for Asian Americans!
  • Ministry to hidden people group not much out
  • Ministry that is challenging due to navigating
    diversity of generational and language barriers.
  • Sometimes thankless job. Yet, you are faithful!
  • I am a product of Sunday School ministry at CBC
    and a product of parachurch ministry.
  • What you do matters to God! He sees! He knows. I
    thank God for you.

Our Discussion and Prayer together
  • Who are the Asian Americans? Who are the ones
    that I am called to reach in my setting?
  • What are our challenges in ministering to AAs in
    the Metro Detroit area?
  • What is needed to reach and empower AAs? (What
    is required of me? And our church structure?)
  • What are my next steps.

Who are Asian Pacific Americans?
  • Traditionally four (4) groups
  • Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Korean
  • Southeast Asians
  • Vietnamese, Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian
  • Asian Indians
  • Other APA populations
  • Thai, American Samoan, other Pacific Islanders
  • Mixed race the hapas
  • (Included in your notes Tom Steers great summary
    of AAs.)

Why did they come to the U.S.?
  • Five different strands
  • Low cost labor
  • Economic / labor opportunity
  • Colonization / changes in immigration policy
  • Refugees from wars and other homeland traumas
  • Educational opportunities

Watershed events for APAs
  • Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
  • National Origins Act of 1924
  • Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934
  • Japanese Interment, 1942
  • McCarran-Walter Act of 1952
  • Fall of Saigon, 1975
  • Vincent Chin case, 1982
  • Los Angeles uprising, 1992

5 Catagories of Asian American ID (based on
Kitano/Danielss descriptive model)
  • A assimilated into dominate culture (usually
    Euro American culture)
  • B bicultural values are adopted and chosen (can
    belong and feel comfortable in 2 cultures
    dominant and Asian American)
  • C connected to culture of ancestors.
  • D does not want to belong to Asian or Euro or
    dominant culture. Feels hostile in both cultures.
  • E or H Hapas made up of mix races or Bi Racial
    or multi-racial

Challenges of navigating our AA ID
  • Western and Eastern Values are at times total
  • Survival of Shame Based Cultures become a very
    lonely, saving face process.
  • Often times froth with lots of pressures within
    and beyond.
  • Integrating this with Racism makes this an
    insurmountable task.
  • Without God, it has no core as AA ID changes and
    shifts according to community influence.

  • In Aug 09, 3 Asian Americans committed suicide on
    one campus yet, not ever talked about. (Shame
  • The growing trend of AA women having double eye
    lid operations to look more western or American?
    Or other body parts.
  • One Vietnamese student I consider myself as a
    Caucasian because all of my friends were that we
    grew up with all kinds of different values
    ranging from food to dating habits. I never ID
    myself as an Asian,nor did I know what being an
    Asian really stood for. Throughout my life time,
    I was influenced by my White friends, and
    believed in the same negative stereotypes about
    Asians being skinny,short, ugly, and old
    fashioned. I developped a negative feeligna bout
    my own raceI dreamed of getting breast implants,
    nose surgery, and taking medicine to make my skin
    lighter in order to fit more in with my white
    friends. (from a student paper.)
  • Recent Violence Dec 2009 South Philly High
    School 30 AA students beaten by African American
    students but Admin did not inititally hear or
    care for the AA students. Thus, they staged a sit
    in or protest and got some actions then.

Our DNA as Asian Americans
  • 5 things that shape us (it takes 9 generations
    before original ethnic values are lost in a
    people group.) (Paul Tokunagas Invitation to
  • Confucianism Filial Piety 3 obediences for
    women father/son prominence 5 virtues of
    Kindness, Uprightness, Decorum, Wisdom and
    faithfulness A healthy society comes from a
    healthy family. (Thus, order in family gives
    order in community.) This order brings lots of
    DUTY.Confucius was a philosopher/educator.
    Education is key to wisdom.
  • Shame not just guilt Saving face Family
    secrets we represent our families race.
  • Suffering/Fatalism in our home lands or in
    America (It causes Fatalism It can not be
    helped! We endure hardship and swallow the pain.
    Han Gaman Hen.) Shi kata Ga Nai.
  • Our Families and its allegiance to our families.
  • Liminality A foot in one world and a foot in
    another world. (More than 2 sides to place our
    foot in and feel at home with it differs at
    various times.leanings and acceptances varies.)
  • (we often feel like the other we may act or
    behave very western or americanized yet, our
    values are also still very much the other foot!
    We are very complex people.)

I. Who are they in your setting?
  • (Take 10 minutes to discuss this with each
  • Discuss who you are trying to reach? What are
    they like? If you can try to describe a profile
    of a couple of these AAs that you are seeking
    tor reach?
  • (Age, Language, Generation, Values, Worldviews,
    Church views, What concerns them the most? Who
    are their friends?)
  • What are these folks like? (We have Epic Eddies
    and Epic Esthers in our ministry?)

Cultural Images
  • Asian

The nail that sticks out gets hammered.
Cultural Images
  • Western (Mainstream)

You have to learn to toot your own horn.
What are our challenges in ministering to AAs in
Metro Detroit?
  • Brainstorm some of your thoughts? (Big group)
  • Share the burden and pray for the kingdom of God
  • (Discussion for 5 minutes) In small groups,
    list your top 2 challenges with each other. Keep
    in mind as you pray for one another.

How our AA ID can affect our faith?
  • Confucianism is so ingrained in us. We can follow
    family instead of God. Where gender roles are
    defined by this ancient philosopher or our
    parents roles in our families. Women do not have
    a voice and thus, we think we dont have a voice
    when God gives all a voice so he can hear them.
    We respect those in Authority.
  • Our relationship becomes more of an
    obligation and DUTY. We experience felt pressures
    in our walks with God.
  • Education can be our God and we want to
    please our parents. But we must do all things to
    honor God and do our best. Not all As ! We are
    to seek to learn. We must follow God as King.
    (Matt 633)

How our AA ID can affect our faith?
  • b) Shame based we do not trust that God has
    finished the work of making us Right or that we
    are justified. (Romans 5 1-5) We are forgiven.
    But that we now have a relationship of Love and
    grace with him. We find it hard to forgive
    ourselves. We sometimes hide from God when we
    blow it instead of knowing it is all paid for by
    God. Or we hide from others and not live in
    authentic community. We become very LONELY! The
    positive of this is that we are responsible and
    hold ourselves highly accountable to our actions
    and how it impacts the community.

How our AA ID can affect our faith?
  • c) Suffering/Fatalism We are passive in allowing
    things to happen instead of trusting God when he
    asks us to step up and step out to trust him and
    stand up for justice or for Him.
  • We begin to sound like the victim Well, it is
    because I did not have the best set of
    circumstances. I will never change. I can never
    change. Just let it be instead of taking God
    actions when he calls us to.Positively, we know
    how to wait on God and can be long suffering in
    our relationships.

How our AA ID affect our faith?
  • d) Our families we follow our families. We
    people please to do whatever they want instead of
    following Jesus wholeheartedly. We seek idols
    with them! God is a jealous God who deserves our
    all. Romans 121-2
  • Positively, the church is our new family. So, we
    are used to serving our families!

How our AA ID can affect our faith?
  • e) Liminality We dont ever feel like we belong.
    So, we get used to NOT making commitments any
    where. We like sitting on the fence instead of
    trusting God with our lives even if we are not
    sure! We get timid.
  • We want to be understood more than loving.
    Wanting this can also lead to an idol. Why cant
    others understand my AA journey?
  • Positively, liminal people can understand 2
    worlds thus, it can make us great leaders for
    God in various cultures.

What is needed to reach and empower AAs? (What
is required of me? And our church structure?)
  • Reaching them means that I must know my context!
  • (Who are they? Really know them and their
  • I must grow in self awareness of my own cultural
    identity and seek to minister to their specific
  • Key Words Authenticity in real life Wisdom for
    life Service and Volunteerism Social Network
    Stories Power Dynamics Liturgy that matters!
    Structures that empower next.leaders
  • I Peter 29-10 (Royal Priesthood Holy Nation
    People who belong A Purpose for life!)
  • How JC asked questions? Power Discussion.

How can we support each other in this endeavor?
  • In your groups, share with each other what this
    AA ministry is requiring of you as a leader?
    (Character wise.)
  • Also, share your one or 2 next steps in light of
    todays discussions.
  • Jot this down and pray for one another and for
    yourself as a leader in this endeavor to reach

Prayer time together!
  • May God bless you and keep you in this endeavor!
  • Resources for Evangelism (AA
    evangelistic tools)
  • Resources for AA ministry
  • Paul Tokunaga Invitation to Lead
  • Helen Lee and others Building Healthy Asian
    American Churches.

Additional Resources for AA
  • Pursuing the Pearl, by Ken Fong
  • Growing Healthy Asian American Churches by Peter
    Cha and Others.
  • More than serving Tea, by Nikki Toyama and others
  • Out of Silence Emerging Themes in Asian American
    Churches by Fumitaka Matsuoka
  • Asian American Youth Ministry (Published by
    L2Foundation) Look under DJ Chuang.
  • Conversations Asian American Evangelical
    Theologies in Formation (Published by
    L2Foundation) look under DJ Chuang
  • Faithful Generations Race and New Asian American
    Churches by Russell Jeung
  • True Story A Christianity Worth Believing in by
    James Choung
  • and

Additional Resources for AA (non-Christian)
  • (Non Christian Resources that could help you
    understand the mindset of AA's)
  • Balancing Two Worlds Asian American College
    Students Tell Their Life Stories by Andrew Garrod
    and others. Very honest from college students
    who are not Christians. (Not for children to
    read) But helpful to understand some of the
    psyche's of AA's.
  • A Postmodern Psychology of Asian Americans
    Creating Knowledge of a Racial Minority
    (Alternatives in Psychology) Paperbackby Laura
    Uba (Great resource to understand this generation
    of folks)
  • Asian Americans Personality Patterns, Identity,
    and Mental Health Paperback by Laura Uba PhD
    (An older resource that helps to understand some
    of the mindset of AA's)
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