Title: VisHap:
Augmented Reality Combining Haptics and Vision
- Guangqi Ye, Jason J. Corso, Gregory D. Hager,
Allison M. Okamura - Presented By Adelle C. Knight
- Introduction
- Design Implementation
- Vision Subsystem
- World Subsystem
- Haptic Subsystem
- Experimental Results
- Future Work
- Conclusions
3Design Implementation
4Design Implementation
- Pentium III PC
- Linux OS
- SRI Small Vision System (SVS)
- SVS with STH-MDCS stereo head
- PHANToM Premium 1.0A (SensAble Technologies)
5Vision Subsystem
6Vision Subsystem
- Purpose
- track users finger
- provide 3D information video to world
- Appearance-based Hand Segmentation
- Fingertip Detection and Tracking
- VisHap Implementation
- Assume user is interacting using a single finger
- Perform finger tracking on the left color image
- Compute 3D position of the finger in the
coordinate system of the left camera
7Vision SubsystemAppearance-based hand
- Basic idea
- split image into small tiles build hue
histogram - Start images
- on-line learning procedure
- Future images
- build histogram and carry out pair wise histogram
comparison with background model
8Vision SubsystemAppearance-based hand
- Colour appearance model of human skins
- Collect training data
- Convert pixels from RGB to HSV colour space
- Learn single Gaussian model of hue distribution
- Perform check on foreground pixels (filter out
non-skin points) - Remove noise with median filter operation
9Vision SubsystemFingertip Detection Tracking
- Detect finger by exploiting geometrical property
- Use cylinder with hemispherical cap to
approximate shape of finger - Radius of sphere corresponding to fingertip (r)
is approximately proportional to reciprocal of
depth of fingertip with respect to the camera (z) - r K/z
- Series of criteria checked on candidate
fingertips to filter out false fingertips
10Vision SubsystemFingertip Detection Tracking
- Algorithm outputs multiple candidates around true
location - Select candidate with highest score to be the
fingertip - Kalman Filter to predict position of fingertip
(real time tracking)
12World Subsystem
- Purpose
- Perform 3D vision/haptics registration
- Scene rendering
- Notify haptic device about imminent interaction
- System calibration (SVS and PHANToM 1.0)
- Move haptic device around in field of view of
camera - Record more than 3 pairs of coordinates in camera
and haptic frames - Calculate optimal absolute orientation solution
13World Subsystem
- Implement Interaction Properties
- Database of various interaction modes and object
surface properties - Example
- Interaction with virtual wall
- Interaction property slide along
- Interaction with button
- Interaction property click
15Haptic Subsystem
- Purpose
- Simulate touching experience
- Presents suitable force feedback to fingertip
- Control scheme
- Control Law
- Gravity Compensation for PHANToM
- Interaction with Objects
16Haptic SubsystemControl Law for Haptic Device
- Control Law based on error space to guide haptic
device to target position - Low pass filter to achieve smooth control and
remove high frequency noise - or in time space
17Haptic SubsystemGravity Compensation for PHANToM
- Motor torques needed to counteract the wrench
applied to the manipulator - Total torque caused by gravity of all parts of
device - Smooth and stable trajectory tracking
18Haptic SubsystemInteraction with Objects
- Simulate interaction forces by adjusting force
gain according to object properties and
interaction mode. - Transform converts objects gain matrix to that
of haptic device - VisHap Implementation
- Defined O?gain as a diagonal matrix with ?x, ?y ,
?z its diagonal elements - Z-axis of objects frame is along normal of
objects surface
19Haptic SubsystemInteraction with Objects
- Example
- Object button or keyboard key
- Destination center of buttons surface at
initial contact - Enter object user pushes button down
- increase ?z to proper value to simulate button
resistance - Adjust destination point of haptic device to
surface of bottom board of the button increase
?z to larger value
Relationship of force gain ?z and depth d of
fingertip under the surface of a button.
20Experimental Results
- Foreground segmentation used 1st 10 frames to
learn appearance model of background - Hue histograms of 8 bins for each 5 x 5 image
patch - Test algorithm record image pairs of background
and foreground - Evaluate scheme compare segmentation result and
ground truth classification image - Tested 26 pairs of images
- Average correct ratio 98.16
- Average false positive ratio 1.55
- False negative ratio 0.29
21Experimental Results
- Virtual Environment
- virtual plane in space
- Interactions
- user moves finger to interact with plane
- user moves finger to press fixed button
- VisHap is capable of automatically switching
interaction objects according to the scene
configuration and current fingertip position.
Haptic force feedback along normal of object
surface and the distance of the fingertip to the
22Future Work
- Head mounted display (HMD)
- to achieve higher immersive ness and fidelity
- Extend virtual environment
- incorporate richer sets of objects and
interaction modes
- Generate complete haptic experience
- Modular framework
- computer vision
- haptic device
- augmented environment model
- Experimental results justify design
- Experimental results show flexibility and
extensibility of framework