Title: Life History and Reproduction
1(No Transcript)
2Life History and Reproduction
3Reproductive trends in large mammals
4Exceptions to Body Size/Reproduction Trends
1) Microchiroptera
5Exceptions to Body Size/Reproduction Trends
2) Macroscelidids
Rhynchocyon chrysopygusGolden-rumped
6Exceptions to Body Size/Reproduction Trends
3) Hystricognaths
Colonial Tuco-tuco Ctenomys sociabilis
Cavia porcellus
7Exceptions to Body Size/Reproduction Trends
4) Marine carnivores (Pinnipeds)
8Advantages/disadvantages of Precocial Young
4) Seasonality and Mortality
Vulpes vulpes
Sorex araneus
9Advantages/disadvantages of Precocial Young
4) Avoidance of predation