Agile - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Apie tai jau kalb jome Tema10.ppt Ar Scrum master yra projekto vadovas? ... Jurgen Appelo The Zen of Scrum Waterfall vs. Agile ... Document presentation format: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Agile

Geriausia užsakovo-vykdytojo santykiu iliustracija
  • Pigs and chicken
  • Chicken užsakovas naudotojai, vadovai
  • Pigs vykdytojas produkto savininkas, komanda

Waterfall vs. Agile (waterfall istorija)
  • Waterfall yra paklydimas!
  • Waterfall kaip savoka (ir kaip siulomas IS
    igyvendinimo budas) atsirado iš Winston W. Royce
  • Pats W.W.Royce apie Waterfall sake, kad ji ne
    taip suprato, o jo paties nuomone yra I believe
    in this concept, but the implementation described
    above is risky and invites failure. (iš to
    paties straipsnio)
  • O tapo iteisintas del žmogiško poreikio tureti
    lengvai suprantama (racionalu) sprendima
  • vs.

Waterfall vs. Agile (waterfall istorija)
  • David L. Parnas et al. A Rational Design Process
    How and Why to fake it
  • For all of these reasons, the picture of the
    software designer deriving his design in a
    rational, errorfree, way from a statement of
    requirements is quite unrealistic. No system has
    ever been developed in that way, and probably
    none ever will.
  • Išeitis tureti racionalu procesa neimanoma, tai
    tenka imituoti ji
  • F.Brooks, The Design of Design
  • The Rational Model may seem naive to us today.
    But it is a very natural model for people to
  • Išsamiau privaloma pasižiureti prezentacija
    Real Software Engineering - Glenn Vanderburg

Projektu valdymas
  • Projektas karo lauko ligonine
  • Nesaugo nuo kulku, bet nuo dulkiu saugo
  • Projekto paskirtis suteikti apsauga nuo
    neigiamu itaku organizacijos viduje
  • Tikslo pametimo
  • Motyvacijos stokos
  • Nenoro bendradarbiauti
  • Finansavimo trukumo
  • Projekto valdymo priemones?

Waterfall vs. Agile (projektu valdymas)
  • Kiek teisingas teiginys, kad tradicinis projekto
    valdymas reikalauja daug nereikalingu pastangu?
  • Neapsigaukite ne tradicinis, o blogas projekto
  • Apie tai jau kalbejome Tema10.ppt
  • Ar Scrum master yra projekto vadovas?
  • Kas yra projekto vadovas Scrum projekte?

Waterfall vs. Agile (projektu valdymas)
  • Projekto sekmes supratimas

Sekmes faktorius Naujas apibrežimas
Tvarkaraštis 61 mano, kad svarbiau sistema pateikti ne tiek laiku, o kiek tada, kai ji parengta diegimui
Apimtis 87 mano, kad tikruju suinteresuotu šaliu poreikiu patenkinimas svarbiau nei atitikimas reikalavimu specifikacijai
Kaina 79 mano, kad sistemos atsipirkimo (ROI) optimizavimas yra svarbiau nei sistemos sukurimas biudžeto ribose
Kokybe 87 mano, kad aukšta kokybe svarbiau nei sistema pateikti laiku ir už planuota kaina
Darbuotojai 75 mano, kad psichologiškai ir fiziologiškai sveika darbo aplinka ir darbo salygos yra svarbiau nei sistema pateikti laiku ir už planuota kaina
Nuomones cituojamos iš http//
Waterfall vs. Agile (projektu valdymas)
  • Projekto sekmes faktoriai valdiškuose IT
    pirkimuose (iš United States Government
    Accountability Office 2011 spalio men.

Sekmes faktorius
1 Program officials were actively engaged with stakeholders.
2 Program staff had the necessary knowledge and skills.
3 Senior department and agency executives supported the programs.
4 End users and stakeholders were involved in the development of requirements.
5 End users participated in testing of system functionality prior to formal end user acceptance testing.
6 Government and contractor staff were stable and consistent.
7 Program staff prioritized requirements.
8 Program officials maintained regular communication with the prime contractor.
9 Programs received sufficient funding.
Šaltinis http//
  • Geriausia matyta Scrum prezentacijaJurgen
    Appelo The Zen of Scrum

Waterfall vs. Agile (reikalavimu valdymas)
  • Nusistebejimai, klausantis Agile entuziastu
  • User-story pavyzdys Aš kaip klientas noreciau
    tureti galimybe išleisti sukauptus lojalumo
    taškus? ar cia user story?
  • Ar tikrai organizacijos darbuotojai (užsakovai)
    nežino, ko jiems reikia?O gal IT žmones nemoka
    išgirsti, ko jiems reikia?
  • Kas yra Product owner?Kaip toki užsiauginti?

Waterfall vs. Agile (reikalavimu valdymas)
  • Agile vs. Tradicine projektu valdymo
  • Iš verto perskaityti palyginamojo straipsnio

  • Vizualiai Kanban gali atrodyti kaip Scrum be
  • Taciau Kanban esme sutelkti žmoniu demesi,
    ribojant WIP (atliekamu vienu metu užduociu)
  • To išdava užtikrinamas pastovus atliekamu darbu
  • Scrum siekia to paties tikslo, taciau ne srauto
    ribojimu, o darbo užduociu paketavimu i
    iteracijas(t.p. žr. Why Kanban Board is a Value
    Stream Map but a Scrum Board Isnt)

Kanban principai
  • First adopt foundational principles
  • Start with what you do now
  • Agree to pursue incremental, evolutionary change
  • Respect the current process, roles,
    responsibilities titles
  • Then
  • Visualize the workflow
  • Limit WIP
  • Manage Flow
  • Make Process Policies Explicit
  • Improve Collaboratively (using models the
    scientific method)

Šaltinis David J. Andersson The principles,
iš http//
  • Aleksei Kovaliov Scrum vs. Kanban
  • Tomas Bjorkholm Kanban kick-start (v2)
  • Pavel Brodzinski Kanban story
  • Mattias Skarin 10 kanban boards and their context
  • Jim Coplien An Alternative to Kanban One-Piece
    Continuous Flow

Scrum board realizacija
  • Projektorius
  • Kamera su judesio jutikliu
  • RFID korteles
  • Sinchronizacija su Jira
  • Veiksmas http//
  • Technologijos pristatymas http//video.demodag.or

LEAN software development vertinimas
  • Jie mano, kad pritaike LEAN požiuri, padare savo
    procesa atitinkanti CMMI L4 Lean Software
    Management BBC Worldwide Case Study
  • This case study examines how the lean ideas
    behind the Toyota production system can be
    applied to software project management. It is a
    detailed investigation of the performance of a
    nine-person software development team employed by
    BBC Worldwide based in London. The data collected
    in 2009 involved direct observations of the
    development team, the kanban boards, the daily
    stand-up meetings, semistructured interviews with
    a wide variety of staff, and statistical
    analysis. The evidence shows that over the
    12-month period, lead time to deliver software
    improved by 37, consistency of delivery rose by
    47, and defects reported by customers fell 24.
    The signi?cance of this work is showing that the
    use of lean methods including visual management,
    team-based problem solving, smaller batch sizes,
    and statistical process control can improve
    software development. It also summarizes key
    differences between agile and lean approaches to
    software development.
  • The conclusion is that the performance of the
    software development team was improved by
    adopting a lean approach. The faster delivery
    with a focus on creating the highest value to the
    customer also reduced both technical and market
    risks. The drawbacks are that it may not ?t well
    with existing corporate standards.

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