Title: The Big Story
1The Big Story
- J. Robert Port
- Albany Times Union
2Public records as the backbone of an
At sunrise, Jose Madrid, 11, begins picking red
chilies in New Mexico.
At days end, Jose counts his tickets and
prepares to collect his pay 30.52.
They will be sold for use in Paul Newmans salsa.
His employment is a violation of federal law. The
product of his labor becomes hot goods.
3The Tip Go to certain farms or factories and you
will find children working illegally.
We tested this with a trial run in Ohio using one
reporter and photographer. We found...
We found others and they were all paid for their
4We decide to use a web site to manage
We wanted our web site to...
Let reporters file interview notes and see their
colleagues notes.
Share a library of legal research, news clips and
Share computer files and electronic records in
native form.
Let reporters see photos and artwork as theyre
5MS Internet Info Server, SQL Server and Lotus
What we were thinking...
Microsofts web server because it can be set up
SQL Server to use a big machine to share large
databases with many different programs, including
the web server.
Lotus Notes because it can interconnect with many
They all work with Windows, allowing easy
interchange of graphics.
6Research assembled to prep reporters
Web material can be pasted with links intact.
Forms can be customized
7Searchable in-house data
Reporters can search DOL case records for child
labor cases, such as they are.
8Web can provide detailed reporting aids.
Staff can assemble lists and tip sheets and post
to the web server.
even maps to obscure places.
9Reporters search for underage workers
and find them.
10and find them.
11and find them.
12and find them.
13Quotes, anecdotes, interviews meshed
Writers everywhere can choose best stuff.
Comment interviews can be documented with a
Editors can categorize a mass of material.
14The story moves on the wire
15(No Transcript)