Al-Kadhim Anecdotes and Sayings - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Al-Kadhim Anecdotes and Sayings


Al-Kadhim Anecdotes and Sayings By A.S. Hashim. MD Sayings of Imams taken from: Ziyarah of Imams taken from: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Al-Kadhim Anecdotes and Sayings

Al-KadhimAnecdotes and Sayings
  • By A.S. Hashim. MD
  • Sayings of Imams taken from http//www.ezsoftech.
  • Ziyarah of Imams taken from
  • http//

About this slide show
  • This slide show deals with
  • Al-Kadhim during his Imamah works
  • A number of his Duaas
  • Many of his sayings
  • Incidents and Anecdotes
  • Ziyarah for him with its translation
  • It also shows his shrine

Who is Al-Kadhim? Lineage
Father Al-Saadiq
Grandfather Al-Baaqir
Mother Hameeda
From Maghrib
Al-Kadhim advent of his Imamah
  • Al-Saadiq was 65 years old when he died in 148H
  • Before his death Al-Saadiq gave a will to his son
    Al-Kadhim recommending emphasis to serve Allah,
    piety, perfection of character, and good works in
    the society. 
  • In addition Al-Saadiq left a Special Will naming,
  • Khalifa Al-Mansoor,
  • the Governor of Medina,
  • Abdullah, the oldest son of Al-Saadiq,
  • Hameeda, wife of Al-Saadiq, and
  • Musa Al-Kadhim
  • to be the heirs.

Al-Kadhims Imamah
  • Imamah Age 20 through 55 Yrs
  • Started by 148H
  • Ended by 183H
  • Period of Imamah 35 years
  • Most recorded sayings were during this period

The Golden Chain of Narration
  • Thousands of Hadiths were narrated and quoted
    through Al-Kadhim
  • He often said, "My Hadith is the Hadith of my
    father, and his is the Hadith of his father, up
    to Ali, who directly narrated the Hadith from
    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)."   This is called the
    Golden Chain of Narration.
  • These Hadiths were of immense importance, since
    they corrected the inaccuracies and set right the
    contaminations which had crept into this science.

Golden Chain of Narration (so far)
Chain of Quoting Hadith and other Information
The Golden Chain of Narration
Corpus of Knowledge
  • Corpus of Knowledge consists of the following
  • Quran in chorological order
  • Tafseer (Mushaf Fatima)
  • Hadith (Saheefa of Ali)
  • Ahkaam
  • Al-Jafr
  • White Jafr Prophets and early times
  • Red Jafr Rules of war in Islam

Corpus of Knowledge
  • Al-Kadhim stored the Corpus of Knowledge in a
    special room
  • None was allowed in the room except He and his
    son Al-Ridha
  • By this time the books had become fragile with
  • the ink fading and
  • the fragile Parchment paper had to be handled
    with care
  • The books were too precious to be exposed to

The Religious Views at the Time
Numerous Piety-minded communities were already in existence headed by its leader called Aalim. They were each active and many were highly influential. To mention just a few there were The Shi'a (Imamah-Asserters), School of Ibn Abbas, School of Ibn Omar, Murji'ah, Khariji, Mu'tazila, Jabriah, Qadariyah, Jah'miyyah Along with less important others
Al-Kadhim Contemporary to 4 Khalifas
  • Al-Mansoor for 10 years
  • Al-Mahdi, son of Mansoor for 10 years
  • Al-Haadi, son of Mansoor for 1 year
  • Al-Rasheed, son of Al-Mahdi for 15 years

Similarity with Zainul Abideen
  • Al-Kadhim used to do Sujood frequently. This led
    to callosities of his forehead and the tip of the
  • Used to perform Salat to an excessive extent,
    more so Salat of Tahajjud.
  • Used to cry often out of awe and reverence to
  • Used to fast quite often during the year.
  • To perform Haj or Omrah, Al-Kadhim went on foot
    accompanied by his family,
  • Used to go at night to distribute food, flour,
    and money to people in need without anyone
    knowing about him (until he was detained).
  • It is said that Imam Al-Kadhim was instrumental
    in freeing about 1,000 slaves during his

The Institute of Ahlul Bayt Suffers
  • Over 75 years the institute had continued to
    operate during tough or accommodating times
  • It had grown speedily during Al-Baaqir's Imamah,
    then exponentially during Al-Saadiq's times.
  • By Al-Kadhims Imamah, Al-Mansoor introduced
    severe measures of surveillance (informants).
  • Due to these limitations, the Institute suffered
    and became a fraction of yesteryear.
  • However, the activities did not cease, and
    Al-Kadhim continued to teach but with an eye on
    the political situation.

Al-Kadhim in his thirties
  • Al-Mansoor dies and his son Al-Mahdi is the
    Khalifa, who was religious and less suspecting
  • Less trouble with informants and spies for about
    10 years
  • Khalifa requests Al-Kadhim to meet him in Baghdad
    to reassure him that he would not be a threat to
  • The Institute of Ahlul Bayt is reactivated and
  • Al-Kadhim builds a suburb of Medina called Suraya
  • Suraya becomes locality to meet and discuss

Al-Kadhim in his forties
  • 168H  When Khalifa Al-Mahdi (son of Al-Mansoor)
    died, Al-Kadhim was 40 years old, and had been
    the highest Islamic figure for 20 years. 
  • Many of the students who had learned at the hands
    of Al-Saadiq continued to study at the hands of
  • Many outstanding scholars finished their studies
    and wrote a number of books. 
  • Al-Ridha was 20 years old by then and had been
    very active in the affairs of the Institute of
    Ahlul Bayt.

In his fifties
  • By the Khilaafah of Haroon Al-Rashid the
    Institute of Ahlul Bayt had grown to such an
    extent that it had held extreme power.  
  • The Institute held a large sway and continued to
    be uncompromising with Benu Abbas and expose the
    un-Islamic activities of the Khalifa and his
  • The Institute had grown so influential and had
    such a vast following that its formidable
    underground network frightened Khalifa of the
    time Al-Rashid. 
  • The informants of the Khalifa, on the other hand,
    were still around. Their reports brought forth
    distrust and high suspicion. 
  • For the Khalifa it was a dilemma as to what to

Al-Kadhim in his Fifties
1. Had built Suraya 2. Administers the
Devotees 3. Collects the Khums 4. Representatives
all over 5. Frightens the Government
As the Imam
Al-Kadhim and the Powers of Oppression
3. Al-Kadhim is Detained in Basra
4. Is moved to Baghdad
2. Al-Rasheed Frightened of him
5. Detained for 4 years
1. Vast Spiritual Power
6. Spends his Time in prayer
7. Dies of Poisoning delivered by Ibn Shaahik
Al-Kadhim in his Fifties
Al-Kadhim was taken to Baghdad
Al-Kadhim dies
  • Year of 183H   Al-Kadhim died at the age of 55,
    after 4 year incarceration.
  • When Al-Kadhim died the authorities (sensing
    accusations) called on some high ranking people
    to witness for themselves that Imam Al-Kadhim had
    died a natural death. 
  • After the funeral rituals, the funeral procession
    was stopped at the bridge in Baghdad, Al-Kadhims
    face was shown to the people to convey the fact
    that he had died a natural death
  • Al-Kadhim was buried in Benu Hashim graveyard in
  • Previously Al-Kadhim had designated his son,
    Al-Ridha, as the subsequent Imam, and he gave him
    a will containing a treasure of wisdom, and
    handed him the books constituting the Corpus of
    Knowledge which Imam Ali had written before.

Al-Rashid says to his son about Al-Kadhim
Addressing his son, Al-Rashid said Al-Kadhim Is the Imam of this Ummah, and Allah's sign over His creation, and he is the commander over them. ??? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ??????? ??? ?????
Son, Al-Kadhim is the inheritor of knowledge of the Prophets, he is Musa Ibn Ja'far, and if you want to seek correct knowledge seek it from him. ?? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???????? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ???
Sample counsel he gave to Hisham, 1one of his
  • O Hisham, to forebear loneliness is a sign of
    your strength  for the one who is conscious of
    Allah, will forsake people (and their pursuit of
    the material world) in favor of being with
    Allah.  Allah will be the intimate in this man's
    desolation, the friend in his loneliness, the
    wealth in his dearth, and the support in the
    deficiency of his kinfolk.
  • O Hisham, people are created to obey Allah. 
    There is no deliverance but by Allah's
  • Obedience is achieved first by knowledge and
    knowledge is obtained through learning, which
    comes by way of intellect. 
  • Superior knowledge can be acquired from the
    spiritual scholar, and it is understood by reason.

Sample counsel he gave to Hisham, 2 one of his
  • O Hisham,
  • a small deed of a scholar in Islam is accepted
    and multiplied by Allah,
  • while even abundance of good deeds performed by
    immoral and ignorant people are rejected by
  • O Hisham,
  • scholars are satisfied with the little of the
    material world if it is with the gift of wisdom. 
  • They are discontent with little wisdom even with
    abundance of the material world. 
  • For this reason their vocation is highly

Al-Kadhims Counsel to followers
Acquire deep understanding of the Deen Islamic religion for by that is the key to Inner Insight, the perfection of worship, the means to high station and to high ranks in both this world and the eternal one.  The superiority of a Scholar in Fiqh over a ritual worshipper is like the sun outshining the stars.  It is less likely that Allah would accept good deeds from a person who neglects to study his belief. ?????? ?? ????? ?? ? ????? ????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ????????   ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ???????? ??? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?????
A Counsel to followers
Grant yourself a portion of the earthly world by enjoying its desires of the lawful, but without going to excess or being vain. Make use of it to help you fulfill your Islamic duties, For it is reported that  He is not one of us who neglects his earthly world for the sake of the Next world, nor who neglects his Next world for the sake of the earthly one.  ?????? ??????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? ??????? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ????????? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ???  ??? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ??????
When asked about Tawhid, al-Kadhim answered
  • Do not go beyond what Allah mentioned in His Book
    about Tawhid, lest you suffer spiritually.  And
    know that Allah, the exalted, is One, Unique, and
    Everlasting.  He does not beget, thus no one may
    inherit Him nor is Allah begotten, therefore
    there is no partner with Him.  Allah has no
    companion, son, or associate.
  • No intellect can evaluate Allah.  No guess can
    grasp Allah.  No cosmos can surround Allah.  No
    place may contain Allah.  No sight may see
    Allah.  Allah is the Gentle and the Aware.  There
    is nothing like Him, for He is the All-Hearing,
    All-Seeing, and there is no secret consultation
    between three but Allah makes the fourth among

When asked about Tawhid, he answered
  • Allah is the One who is Ever-Living who does not
  • Allah is the Omnipotent who fails not,
  • the Subduer who cannot be defeated,
  • the Clement who never hastens,
  • the Everlasting who does not die
  • the Eternal who does not perish,
  • He is the Permanent who does not vanish,
  • the Ever-Rich who never needs,
  • the Mighty who cannot be degraded,
  • the All-knowing, never ignorant,
  • the Just who never wrongs, and
  • Allah is the Generous who is never stingy.

Short Duaa by Al-Kadhim
  • I rely on Allah, the Ever-Living who does not
  • I fortify myself by way of Allah, the One with
    the Glory  and Might. 
  • I seek help from Allah, the One with the Majesty
    and the Domain.
  • O Allah my Lord! 
  • I submit to Thee, so do not give me up. 
  • I rely on Thee, so do not let me down. 
  • I take refuge in Thy sanctuary, so do not throw
    me away.
  • O Allah my Lord! 
  • You are the goal and to Thee is the refuge. 
  • You know what I hide and disclose. 
  • You know the wily glance of the eyes and what is
    in the hearts. 
  • O Allah keep off me the might of the offenders of
    the Jinn and mankind, and let me have the cure, O
    Most Merciful, Most Gracious. 

Al-Kadhim's advice to one of his sons
  • Son,
  • let not Allah see you in an act from which He had
    prohibited you, nor let Him miss you in an act of
    obedience which He had ordered you to perform.  I
    ask you to be diligent in your worship.
  • Think not that you have worshiped Allah enough,
    for Allah cannot be worshiped adequately as He
  • Son, avoid frivolous talk because it takes away
    the Noor Light of your faith and carries away
    your propriety.
  • Beware of discontent and lethargy, for they
    hinder your lot of the present life and the

Select Sayings
  • As I see it man's knowledge falls into four
  • that you Comprehend Allah your Lord,
  • that you Understand what Allah has provided for
  • that you Recognize what Allah wants from you, and
  • that you Identify what can take you out of the
    bounds the Deen Islam. 
  • Make sure to expend your time into four
  • one portion for supplications 
  • one portion for livelihood 
  • one portion for socializing with the
    trustworthy  and
  • one portion for the lawful enjoyments which
    empower you for the other three portions.

Select Sayings about Nobility
  • He is under Allah's protection the one who is
    generous and noble.  Allah will be with him until
    he enters the Garden of Bliss.  For such that
    every Prophet whom Allah sent were known.  My
    father Al-Saadiq continued to advice me to be a
    giver and have noble character until he died.
  • Helping of the meek weak people is one of the
    best forms of Sadaqah (charity).  
  • Do not consider the abundance of bounties as
    excessive, nor underrate the minor sins.  For the
    minor sins do accumulate and soon become too
    many.  Thus, in your hearts should be the
    apprehension of Allah which leads you to be
    wholesome in life.

Select Sayings about Character
  • To be neighborly is not only to refrain from
    harming your neighbor, but also to endure the
    trouble they may cause. 
  • The atonement for the wrongs of a malicious ruler
    is to effect good deeds to others.
  • Be not a person without character who says I
    follow the crowd'.  For Allah's Messenger (pbuh)
    has said, There are but two ways  One leads to
    good and the other to evil.  Let you people
    prefer the way to the good.
  • Once he comprehends Allah his Lord, a person
    should neither consider his livelihood meager nor
    faults Allah in His Decree Allah's Will. 

Select Sayings about Moral Fiber
  • Be not averse to spend in Allah's cause, lest you
    spend twice as much in Allah's disobedience. 
  • Maintain proper manners with your brothers in
    faith, for to lack decorum is lacking in dignity.
  • A favor done to you is a perpetual shackle to
    your neck, not removed until repaid or by a word
    of thanks.
  • The person who accedes to wicked deeds will have
    no space in his heart for moral deeds.

Select Sayings about Demeanor
  • When two people exchange insults, the superior in
    rank will have degraded himself to the lowly
  • The magnitude of the wrong-doing is gauged best
    by the one who is subjected to it. 
  • To cultivate affinity good terms with people
    constitutes a large measure of wisdom
  • The pain of disaster is felt once by the patient
    person, but twice as much by the intolerant.

Select Sayings about Behavior
  • Keep up supplicating, for supplicating to Allah
    and asking Him for relief will prevent
    afflictions, even though it had been decreed.
  • He will perish, the one who examines the essence
    of Allah. 
  • And he will decline, the one who covets
    domination undeservedly. 
  • And he will dwindle, the one who prides in
    himself arrogantly. 

Sample Duaa by Al-Kadhim
O Allah I beseech Thee for Thy Mercy, and I beseech Thee for what achieves Thy Forgiveness and I ask Thee to enhance me with every virtue, and safeguard me from every sin, and I ask Thee to let me be Paradise-worthy and safeguarded from hellfire. Let any of my needs in which is Thy pleasure and which is beneficial for me, but that You grant it O Lord! Grant me what You like and let it be good for me. O Lord! What You let me forget, let it not be Thy remembrance, and of what I love, to not love your disobedience.. ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????. ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ??????...
Duaa by Al-Kadhim on Fridays
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Shrine of Al-Kadhim and Al-Jawaad
Ziyarah (Visitation)
  • ?????????? ???????? ??? ??????? ??????? ???????
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Translation of Ziyarah (Visitation)
  • Peace be on you, O Devotee of Allah, and the son
    of His Devotee! Peace be on you, O Decisive
    argument of Allah, and the son of His argument!
  • Peace be on you, O Disciple of Allah, and the son
    of His Disciple! Peace be on you, O Confidant of
    Allah, and the son of His Confidant! Peace be on
    you, O Light of Allah in the darkness of the
    ignorant! Peace be on you, O Guide who shows the
    right path!
  • Peace be on you, O Symbol of religion and piety!
  • Peace be on you, O Treasurer of the wisdom of the
  • Peace be on you, O Treasurer of the wisdom of the
  • Peace be on you, O Vicegerent of the earlier
  • Peace be on you, O Depository of the evident

In Conclusion
  • Al-Kadhim the symbol of patience for the sake of
  • Discussed in this slide show
  • Teachings had to be circumspect
  • Benu Abbas on the look out of his activities
  • Shrinkage of the Institute of Ahlul Bayt
  • His incarceration tested the mettle of his
  • His Duaas and Sayings are the guiding light

For Details Go to
  • then choose
  • Series of Islamic Books
  • Life of Ahlul Bayt Vol. III

Be in Allahs Care
  • Thank you and May God Bless you.
  • Dr. A.S. Hashim
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