Title: Israel into exile
1Israel into exile
Israel was a popular location... to invade!
A divided kingdom It began with Jeroboam...
4History the kings
Jehu a good start, but poor finish Jehoahaz
evil (with a brief repentance) Jehoash
evil Jeroboam II evil (but good
militarily) Zechariah evil (assassinated by
Shallum) Shallum only lasted a month
(assassinated) Menahim evil (paid off
Assyria) Pekahiah evil Pekah evil (Assyrian
raids on Israel) Hoshea evil (Assyrians
conquered Israel)
5Gods verdict
Guilty! All this took place because the
Israelites had sinned against the Lord their
God... they worshipped other gods...
6Gods message
Amos Your relationship with God is a privilege
not a right
7Gods message
Amos Your past history does not replace a current
8Gods message
Amos Religion is empty without action
9Gods verdict
Hosea a prophetic life Israel is like his
unfaithful wife
10Gods verdict
Hosea a prophetic life Israel is like his
unfaithful wife God is like Hosea searching and
redeeming, restoring and forgiving