If for you Peace cant be reached through
political agreements, If for you a "WatchTower
" isnt an observation spot...
2If you ever spent 3 days or more in a stadium
without seeing any beer and any soccer ball, If
year after year you know when Nisan 14th is, If
from time to time you forget your birthdate,
3If though you are a " blue collar " you regularly
wear nice and clean suits If theres nothing
strange for you that friends from far away come
to your house for just a shower...
4If you feel like you must knock at every door
5If when buying a pair of shoes you think ahead of
how your feet will be after having walked for 2
hours or more, whatever the temperature, If
your own library is made up of many books of 192
pages or more, and one is of 1500 pages plus
and it is a bit worn,
6If you cant but underline all the important
ideas of a book or a magazine youre reading,
If when talking about people you are saying
a study ,
7If at least once a week you walk on streets you
do not live at, being exposed to the sun and the
rain to help people you do not know
8If you are able to stay sat quietly at least two
hours (in a proper grooming) ...
If you have fun evenings" instead of orgylike
parties", and if after one of these " fun
evenings " in your clean house ... you have more
food after than before the evening,
9If everyday, at looking at the world, you see it
sinking deeper ever more, and you know it will
not improve immediately
12Then you MUST be one of ... Jehovahs Witnesses
Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah (Ps