2Our visit to MCA
3Jerry Calvin
This is me and my best bud!!!!!!!
4Jamal and Imari
This is me, Jamal, and Imari!
5Ben and William
This is me, William, and my friend, Ben!
6We are in an art class.
I like art!!!!!!!!!!!!
7We are in the art museum in an art class.
8Best Buddies Picnic
My friends and I were talking.
9Jamal, Mr. Walker, and Ben
This is me with Mr. Walker and Ben!
10Sammy and his Best Buddy
This is me, and my Best Buddy, Lewis.
11Jamal and Kiera
This is my buddy, Kiera
12Imari and Hein
This is my buddy!!!!!!!!!
13Jerry and Jacob
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!
14Imari is buying a bus ticket.
I am at the train station
15We are going for a walk!
16We are at the train station
17We are inside the train station
18Service Learning
19In the garden.
20I am working on my Service Leaning Project. We
gave scarves to the homeless. I am making a bag
for a scarf.
21Best Buddies
22Calvin and Jerry
23Sammy and the girls..
24Imari and Ms. Pieros
25William and Shatara
26Sara and Ben
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