Title: Remote%20Interaction%20With%20Machines
1Remote Interaction With Machines
NASA SpaceCommunications Symposium
- Principal Investigator Vincenzo Liberatore
- Task Number NAG3-2578
- Case Western Reserve University
- September 18, 2002
2Remote Interaction with Machines
3Remote Interaction with Machines
4Remote Interaction with Machines
5Remote Interaction with Machines
6Remote Interaction with Machines
7Remote Interaction with Machines
Please Use Arial Font throughout the presentation
8Remote Interaction with Machines
- Enterprise Relevance and Impact
9Remote Interaction with Machines
- Enterprise Relevance and Impact
10Remote Interaction with Machines
- Milestones - Technical Accomplishments and
Due Date Milestone Description Tech Accomplishments
1 September 2002 Remote control of the Paradex robot to open valves, turn cranks, and manipulate switches through direct tele-operation, straight IP connectivity, and long-delay emulation. Prototype of a distributed agent-based system for the remote interaction of human experts with intelligent systems.
1 September 2002 Schedule Status Schedule Deviation
1 September 2002 Completed on schedule NONE
Wide-area Emulator (e.g., 200ms delay)
11Remote Interaction with Machines
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Event Goals
1 Porting to advanced off-the-shelf agent platform (e.g., Aglets) (December 2002) The capabilities of the current prototype are implemented over Aglets/Java or similar agent support middleware. The benefits of this agent-support platform are identified and reported.
13Task Title Placed Here