Physics of the Atom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Physics of the Atom


... same for all observers Postulates The Principle of ... the discussion to concepts of ... Microsoft Equation 3.0 Chapter 29 A Brief Overview ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Physics of the Atom

Chapter 29
  • Physics of the Atom

A Brief Overview of Modern Physics
  • 20th Century revolution
  • 1900 Max Planck
  • Basic ideas leading to Quantum theory
  • 1905 Einstein
  • Special Theory of Relativity
  • 21st Century
  • Story is still incomplete

Basic Problems
  • The speed of every particle in the universe
    always remains less than the speed of light
  • Newtonian Mechanics is a limited theory
  • It places no upper limit on speed
  • It is contrary to modern experimental results
  • Newtonian Mechanics becomes a specialized case of
    Einsteins Theory of Special Relativity
  • When speeds are much less than the speed of light

Galilean Relativity
  • Choose a frame of reference
  • Necessary to describe a physical event
  • According to Galilean Relativity, the laws of
    mechanics are the same in all inertial frames of
  • An inertial frame of reference is one in which
    Newtons Laws are valid
  • Objects subjected to no forces will move in
    straight lines

Galilean Relativity Example
  • A passenger in an airplane throws a ball straight
  • It appears to move in a vertical path
  • The law of gravity and equations of motion under
    uniform acceleration are obeyed

Galilean Relativity Example, cont
  • There is a stationary observer on the ground
  • Views the path of the ball thrown to be a
  • The ball has a velocity to the right equal to the
    velocity of the plane

Galilean Relativity Example, conclusion
  • The two observers disagree on the shape of the
    balls path
  • Both agree that the motion obeys the law of
    gravity and Newtons laws of motion
  • Both agree on how long the ball was in the air
  • Conclusion There is no preferred frame of
    reference for describing the laws of mechanics

Galilean Relativity Limitations
  • Galilean Relativity does not apply to experiments
    in electricity, magnetism, optics, and other
  • Results do not agree with experiments
  • The observer should measure the speed of the
    pulse as vc
  • Actually measures the speed as c

Newtonian Mechanics
  • In the absence of forces, a body moves with
    uniform speed
  • in a straight line.
  • 2. In the presence of force, the body changes its
    state of motion
  • in such a way that

Based on the premise of Absolute Space and
Absolute Time. Newton wrote Absolute space in
its own nature, without relation to any
external, remains always similar and immovable.
But because the parts of space cannot be seen,
or distinguished from one another by our senses,
therefore in their stead we use sensible measures
of them. For from the positions and distances
of things from any body considered as immovable,
we define all places and then with respect to
such places, we estimate all motions, considering
bodies are transferred from some of those places
into others. And so, instead of absolute places
and motions, we use relative ones and without
any inconvenience in common affairs. -
Isaac Newton -
However, Newton himself recognized that there is
an ambiguity in his argument.
Newtons law of mechanics holds true in any
inertial frames.
vx vx v vy vy vz vz
r (x,y,z) x x vt y y
z z
Luminiferous Ether
  • 19th Century physicists compared electromagnetic
    waves to mechanical waves
  • Mechanical waves need a medium to support the
  • The luminiferous ether was proposed as the medium
    required (and present) for light waves to
  • Present everywhere, even in space
  • Massless, but rigid medium
  • Could have no effect on the motion of planets or
    other objects

Verifying theLuminiferous Ether
  • Associated with an ether was an absolute frame
    where the laws of e m take on their simplest
  • Since the earth moves through the ether, there
    should be an ether wind blowing
  • If v is the speed of the ether relative to the
    earth, the speed of light should have minimum or
    maximum values depending on its orientation to
    the wind

Michelson-Morley Experiment
  • First performed in 1881 by Michelson
  • Repeated under various conditions by Michelson
    and Morley
  • Designed to detect small changes in the speed of
  • By determining the velocity of the earth relative
    to the ether

Michelson-Morley Equipment
  • Used the Michelson Interferometer
  • Arm 2 is aligned along the direction of the
    earths motion through space
  • The interference pattern was observed while the
    interferometer was rotated through 90
  • The effect should have been to show small, but
    measurable, shifts in the fringe pattern

Michelson-Morley Results
  • Measurements failed to show any change in the
    fringe pattern
  • No fringe shift of the magnitude required was
    ever observed
  • Light is now understood to be an electromagnetic
    wave, which requires no medium for its
  • The idea of an ether was discarded
  • The laws of electricity and magnetism are the
    same in all inertial frames

Einsteins Principle of Relativity
  • Resolves the contradiction between Galilean
    relativity and the fact that the speed of light
    is the same for all observers
  • Postulates
  • The Principle of Relativity All the laws of
    physics are the same in all inertial frames
  • The constancy of the speed of light the speed of
    light in a vacuum has the same value in all
    inertial reference frames, regardless of the
    velocity of the observer or the velocity of the
    source emitting the light

The Principle of Relativity
  • This is a sweeping generalization of the
    principle of Galilean relativity, which refers
    only to the laws of mechanics
  • The results of any kind of experiment performed
    in a laboratory at rest must be the same as when
    performed in a laboratory moving at a constant
    speed past the first one.
  • No preferred inertial reference frame exists
  • It is impossible to detect absolute motion

The Constancy of the Speed of Light
  • Been confirmed experimentally in many ways
  • A direct demonstration involves measuring the
    speed of photons emitted by particles traveling
    near the speed of light
  • Confirms the speed of light to five significant
  • Explains the null result of the Michelson-Morley
  • Relative motion is unimportant when measuring the
    speed of light
  • We must alter our common-sense notions of space
    and time

Consequences of Special Relativity
  • Restricting the discussion to concepts of length,
    time, and simultaneity
  • In relativistic mechanics
  • There is no such thing as absolute length
  • There is no such thing as absolute time
  • Events at different locations that are observed
    to occur simultaneously in one frame are not
    observed to be simultaneous in another frame
    moving uniformly past the first

In 19th century, physicists believed in
luminiferous ether and that Light travels with
the speed of light,c relative to this light
Now, lets consider the effect that we are making
this measurement on the surface of earth which
is moving through the ether with a speed v,
close to 18 miles/s
Moving with v
However, Michelson-Morleys experiment showed
with a high precision ttotal 2L/c
Accurate measurements of speed of light give the
value c 2.998 x 108 m/s no matter how the light
source or/and the measurer are moving!!
Serious conflict with then current understanding
based on Newtonian world.
In 1905, He provided a new view on
space-time,and proposed a new theory of
mechanics which is consistent with Newtonian
mechanics in the limit of low speed.
1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his services to
Theoretical Physics, and especially for his
discovery of the law of the photoelectric
In his 1905 paper, Einstein proposes the same
law of electrodynamics and optics will be valid
for all frames of reference for which the
equation of mechanics hold good. We will raise
this conjecture (the purport of which will
hereafter be called the Principle of
Relativity) to the status of a postulate.
the experimental observation that the speed of
light is c regardless Of the reference frame
where the light source or the observer resides.
  • Neither an object nor any form of energy can be
    accelerated to a speed
  • as fast as or faster than c.
  • The mass of an object increases when its speed
  • Mass is a form of energy in the sense that mass
    and energy can be
  • interchanged.
  • 4. An observer observes that the clock moving
    with a speed relative to
  • the observer is clicking slower than his.
  • 5. When a long object is moving fast in its
    length direction passing by an
  • observer, the observer will measure the length
    of the object is shorter
  • than that at rest relative to the observer.

Time Dilation
Einstein Clock
1 round trip time 2L/c
is longer than
Time Dilation, Summary
  • The time interval ?t between two events measured
    by an observer moving with respect to a clock is
    longer than the time interval ?tp between the
    same two events measured by an observer at rest
    with respect to the clock
  • A clock moving past an observer at speed v runs
    more slowly than an identical clock at rest with
    respect to the observer by a factor of
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