Alternative Dispute Resolution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Alternative Dispute Resolution


Chapter 3 Alternative Dispute Resolution I. What Is The Best Method To Resolve A Dispute? Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR Procedures such as negotiations ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Alternative Dispute Resolution

Chapter 3
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution

I. What Is The Best Method To Resolve A Dispute?

Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • ADR
  • Procedures such as negotiations, mediation and
    arbitration to resolve disputes in a more
    efficient and effective manner
  • Speedier
  • Less expensive
  • Use of an expert as the decision maker
  • Proceedings are confidential
  • Decisions are final and not appealable
  • Less formal

  • does not refer to any one type of procedure.
    Rather it refers to a multitude of choices
    individuals have in resolving disputes outside
    the court

II. Negotiation
  • Distributive Negotiation
  • Integrative Negotiation
  • Negotiation Stages

  • When parties voluntarily work out their
    differences and reach an acceptable solution to
    the dispute in a peaceful manner
    positions, but rather on the underlying interests
    or needs


Distributive Negotiation
  • Win or Lose
  • When parties are stuck on their positions, they
    are probably involved in a distributive

B. Integrative Negotiation
  • Win / Win
  • Parties participate in joint problem solving
  • When the parties are concerned about the
    relationship between them, integrative
    negotiation works best

C. Negotiation Stages
  • Preparations
  • Determine goals
  • Determine goals of other party
  • Identify arguments for and against yourself
  • Identify interests and needs of both parties
  • Stand in their shoes
  • Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)

2. Actual Negotiations
  • Try to focus on interests, not positions
  • Focus on needs, not wants
  • Dont personalize the situation
  • Dont interrupt
  • Listen and repeat what you heard
  • Dont dwell on disagreements
  • Keep your cool, dont let anger rule
  • Silence is golden

3. Conclusion of Negotiations
  • Remember your BATNA
  • Dont burn any bridges
  • Good options, combined with deadlines, often
    create the energy needed to reach a settlement
  • Review and clarify the agreement, then sign it

III. Mediation
  • Judicial Mediation
  • Private Mediation
  • Advantages of Mediation
  • Mediator
  • Process of Mediation

A. Judicial Mediation
  • Court-Ordered
  • Judges in participating counties may order the
    parties to undertake mediation
  • Parties may still maintain the right to proceed
    with litigation

B. Private Mediation
  • Occurs when the parties contractually agree to
    use mediation as a method of resolving their

C. Advantages of Mediation
  • Most disputes settle prior to litigation
  • Reduces both time and costs
  • Neutral 3rd Party provides a means of focusing on
    the real issues of the dispute
  • Parties have an active role in reaching the
    settlement of the dispute

D. Mediator
  • Facilitates the negotiations between the parties
  • Is a neutral 3rd party
  • When mediators meet individually with each party
    in a caucus, it is called SHUTTLE DIPLOMACY
  • Mediator must obtain information from both
    parties to gain success
  • No special qualifications or requirements to
    become a mediator

E. Process of Mediation
  • Stage 1 Mediation Process Started
  • Stage 2 Opening Session
  • Stage 3 Identify Interests and Needs
  • Stage 4 Mediated Negotiations
  • Stage 5 - Conclusion

IV. Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE)

  • Some courts have begun using an ADR technique
    referred to as early neutral evaluation
  • It occurs when a judge assigns an evaluator to
    meet with the parties already involved in a
  • The evaluator will review the case and inform
    each party how he sees the case and how it will
    likely play out in court
  • The evaluator attempts to get the parties to
    reach a settlement and writes an evaluation

V. Mini-Trials

A Mini-Trial
  • is a nonbinding ADR technique that closely
    resembles a court trial
  • Parties select a neutral 3rd party for advisement
  • Parties will agree on the procedures to follow
  • Procedures will address what type of discovery
    will be permitted
  • Decision makers from each side attend the
  • Goal is, upon hearing the facts for themselves,
    the decision makers will be more inclined at that
    time to reach a settlement to the dispute

VI. Summary Jury Trial

In a Summary Jury Trial
  • the parties to a dispute agree to present a
    shortened case presentation to a mock jury

Arbitration (Most Used Method)
  • Court-Annexed Arbitration
  • Private Arbitration
  • Starting the Arbitration
  • Selecting the Arbitrator
  • Discovery
  • Final Decision

  • Most well known method of ADR techniques
  • Binding or Non-Binding
  • Both California and Federal Government have
    passed legislation favoring arbitration

A. Court-Annexed Arbitration
  • Court order the case to arbitration
  • Non-Binding
  • Either party may ask for a TRIAL DE NOVO
  • There are costly risks in not accepting the
    arbitrators award

B. Private Arbitration
  • The duty to arbitrate dispute arises from either
    statutory obligation, or through a contract
    entered into between the parties
  • Giving up the right to litigate a dispute is a
    serious matter and arbitration clauses should be
    knowingly executed
  • The arbitration clause establishes the scope of
    the arbitration and the arbitrators powers

C. Starting the Arbitration
  • A SELF-EXECUTING ARBITRATION clause will provide
    a method for selecting the arbitrator, procedures
    for how the arbitration will be conducted, and a
    provision for continuing the arbitration if one
    party refuses to proceed
  • A notice is sent to the other party which
    contains what the dispute is about, the amount of
    damages, and what remedy is being sought.
  • A response is due within 10 days of service in
    the state, and within 30 days if served outside
    the state.

D. Selecting the Arbitrator
  • One advantage of arbitration is the ability of
    the parties to select the arbitrator
  • A STRIKE LIST from an association is a list of
    persons from the panel of neutrals sent to each
  • To ensure that the arbitrator is neutral, the
    person selected must disclose information that
    might case bias in favor of one of the parties
  • The arbitrator can issue subpoenas to ensure
    witnesses will attend

E. Discovery (limited)
  • Discovery (seeking facts) is normally limited in
  • Limited to claims involving personal injury
    unless the arbitration expressly provides for it
    CCP 1283.05, 1283.1

Example (from CAR form Residential Purchase
Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions)

F. Final Decision
  • The arbitrators decision is called an AWARD
  • Where the award is binding, it is considered a
    final judgment in the dispute
  • In most cases, the decision of the arbitrator is
  • Awards can be vacated if certain
    violations/corruptions/errors occurred

VIII. Private Judging
  • Reference
  • Temporary Judging

A. Reference
  • A REFERENCE is like arbitration, except the
    decision is appealable through the court system
  • A GENERAL REFERENCE is where the referee tries
    any and all issues of the dispute
  • A SPECIAL REFERENCE is where the referee
    addresses a specific question of fact
  • The only requirement for a person to serve as a
    referee is that the person be a resident of the
    county where the court is located CCP 640

B. Temporary Judging
  • The California Constitution in article VI,
    section 21 provides
  • On stipulation of the parties litigant the court
    may order a cause to be tried by a temporary
    judge who is a member of the State Bar, sworn and
    empowered to act until final determination of the
  • The decision rendered by the temporary judge is
    final and carries the same weight as if made by a
    permanent judge
  • A decision issued by a temporary judge is subject
    to appeal based on errors of fact or law

Chapter Summary
  • What is the Best Method to Resolve a Dispute?
  • Negotiation
  • Distributive Negotiation
  • Integrative Negotiation
  • Negotiation Stages
  • Mediation
  • Judicial Mediation
  • Private Mediation
  • Advantages of Mediation
  • Mediator
  • Process of Mediation
  • Early Neutral Evaluation
  • Mini-Trials
  • Summary Jury Trial
  • Arbitration
  • Court-Annexed Arbitration
  • Private Arbitration
  • Starting the Arbitration
  • Selecting the Arbitrator
  • Discovery
  • Final Decision
  • Private Judging
  • Reference
  • Temporary Judging
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