Sorting and Searching - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sorting and Searching


Sorting and Searching Pepper – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sorting and Searching

Sorting and Searching
  • Pepper

Common Collection and Array Actions
  • Sort in a certain order
  • Max
  • Min
  • Shuffle
  • Search
  • Sequential (contains)
  • Binary Search
  • assumes sort, faster

Static Method Tools Classes
  • Arrays
  • binarySearch (array, value)
  • sort(array)
  • Collections
  • binarySearch (list, value)
  • shuffle(list)
  • sort(list)
  • max(list)
  • min(list)

Sorting need order
  • Comparable interface
  • Only one order chosen as natural order
  • Implemented inside order
  • Implements ComparableltTgt
  • int compareTo (SelfType o)
  • int compareTo (Object o)
  • Compare this item to the parm
  • Used automatically by Collections sort
  • Used automatically by TreeMap and TreeSet

Sorting Custom Order
  • Comparator
  • Custom order
  • Independent of the object's definition
  • Uses 2 objects and compares them
  • int compare (Selftype s1, Selftype s2)
  • No this
  • just 2 input objects to compare
  • Implements comparatorltTgt
  • Outside the class being sorted
  • Why
  • Collections sort can use it
  • TreeSet can use it
  • TreeMap can use it

The Comparator Interface
  • Syntax to implement
  • public class lengthCom implements
  • public int compare(String s1, String s2)
  • Return s1.length() s2.length()
  • Sorted list dog, cat, them, bunnies

How to use the Comparator
  • Collections sort can take in a comparator
  • Passed to methods as an extra parm
  • Object passed into Collections.sort
  • Ex Collections.sort(myarray, new
  • Use
  • Arrays.sort(stringArray, new lengthCom())
  • Collections.sort(stringList, new lengthCom())
  • new TreeSetltStringgt (new lengthCom())

Stock Comparators
  • String
  • Collections
  • reverseOrder() returns comparator
  • reverseOrder(comparator object)
  • Returns opposite order of comparator
  • Use
  • Collections.sort(myStringList, CASE_INSENSITIVE_OR
  • Collections.sort(myStringList,
    Collections.reverseOrder(new lengthCom()))

Searching and Sorting
  • Complexity measuring
  • Search algorithms
  • Sort algorithms

Complexity Measurements
  • Empirical log start and end times to run
  • Over different data sets
  • Algorithm Analysis
  • Assumed same time span (though not true)
  • Variable declaration and assignment
  • Evaluating mathematical and logical expressions
  • Access or modify an array element
  • Non-looping method call

How many units worst case
  • Sample code find the largest value
  • var M A 0 //lookup 1, assign 1
  • for ( var i 0 i lt n i) // i o 1 test 1
  • // retest 1
    i 1
  • if ( A i gt M ) // test 1 lookup 1
  • M A i // lookup 1, assign 1
  • 4 2n 4n
  • F(n) 4 2n 4n 4 6n
  • Fastest growing term with no constant
  • F(n) n (n is your array size)
  • http//

Practice with asymptote finding no constant
  • f( n ) n2 3n 112 gives f( n ) n2
  • f( n ) n sqrt(n) gives f( n ) n
  • F(n) 2n 12 gives f(n) 2n
  • F(n) 3n 2n gives f(n) 3n
  • F(n) 3n 2n gives f(n) 3n
  • Just test with large numbers

Practice with asymptote finding (dropping
  • f( n ) 5n 12 gives f( n ) n.
  • Single loop will be n
  • called linear
  • f( n ) 109 gives f( n ) 1.
  • Need a constant 1 to show not 0
  • Means no repetition
  • Constant number of instructions

Determining f(n) for loops
  • for (i 0 i lt n i)
  • for (j 0 j lt n j)
  • for (k 0 k lt n k)
  • System.out.println(aijk)
  • F(n) n3

Big O Notation Growth Rate
  • F(n) n3 gives Big O Notation of O( n3 )
  • Which will be slower than O(n)
  • Which will be slower than O(1)

  • Sequential
  • Go through every item once to find the item
  • Measure worst case
  • 0(N)

Binary Search
  • First Sorted
  • Dictionary type search keep looking higher or
  • Takes 0 seconds, but cannot be O(1) because it
    has a loop
  • As input grows, number of times to divide min-max
    range grows as
  • 2repetitions is approximately the Number of
    elements in the array
  • So, repetitions log2N -? O(log2 N)

Binary Search code
  • public static int findTargetBinary(int arr,
    int target)
  • int min 0
  • int max arr.length - 1
  • while( min lt max)
  • int mid (max min) / 2
  • if (arrmid target)
  • return mid
  • else if (arrmid lt target)
  • min mid 1
  • else
  • max mid - 1
  • return -1

Selection Sort
  • Find the smallest value's index
  • Place the smallest value in the beginning via
  • Repeat for the next smallest value
  • Continue until there is no larger value
  • Go through almost every item in the array for as
    many items as you have in the array
  • Complexity O (N2)

Bubble Sort
  • Initial algorithm
  • Check every member of the array against the value
    after it if they are out of order swap them.
  • As long as there is at least one pair of elements
    swapped and we havent gone through the array n
  • If the data is in order, it can be as efficient
    as O(n) or as bad as O(n2)

Merge Sort
  • Two sorted subarrays can quickly be merged into a
    sorted array.
  • Divide the array in half and sort the halves.
  • Merge the halves.
  • Picture http//
  • Video http//

Merge Sort Complexity
  • Split array in half repeatedly until each
    subarray contains 1 element.
  • 2repetitions is approximately the Number of
    elements in the array
  • So, repetitions of division log2N
  • O(log N)
  • At each step, do a merge, go through each element
  • O(N)
  • Together O (N log2 N)

Comparison speed
  • Sequential Search - O(N)
  • Binary Search - O(log2 N)
  • Selection Sort - O(N2)
  • Bubble Sort - O(N2)
  • Merge Sort - O (N log2 N)
  • https//

  • Relative complexity O Notation
  • Arrays and Collections class
  • Different Search methods
  • Sequential Search keep looking one by one
  • Binary Search dictionary type split search
  • Different Sort methods
  • Selection Sort look through all to find
    smallest and put it at the beginning repeatedly
  • Bubble Sort continual swapping pairs
  • Merge Sort - continually divide and sort then
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