Title: UA9 Telescope DAQ
1UA9 Telescope DAQ
- J. Fulcher
- Imperial College
2DAQ Basics
- Based upon slice of CMS Tracker DAQ
- 1/440 of Tracker DAQ
- All subsystems used except
- CCU rings
- These are replaced by
- Vi2c card to program the modules
- Simple electrical clock distribution
- Home cooked trigger card for trigger rules and
backpressure handling - FedKit Slink readout
3First Test Beam
- VME readout
- Trigger rate limited to 600 Hz
- Due to limitations in FED VME readout
- Plan for September test
- S-Link readout
- Expected trigger rate up to 10kHz
4CMS Tracker Readout System
5Control and Readout System
10 sensors
- Telescope has 30 channels 7680 strips in 5
60 APVs
30 Fibres
6Full System Setup
Compact PCI crate
FED crate
FE modules
7FED 9U Board
- 9U VME64x
- PCB 14 layers (incl 6 power ground)
- 6 K components (smallest 0402) 25 K tracks
- BGAs largest 676 pins _at_ 1 mm pitch
- 96 ADC channels
- AD9218 Dual package 10 bit _at_ 40 MHz
- Half Analogue circuitry on Secondary Side
- JTAG Boundary Scan
8FED Overview
Modularity 9U VME64x Form Factor Modularity
matches Opto Links 25,000 Si strips / FED 1 FED
in Total. Up to 8 x Front-End modules OptoRx/Di
gitisation/Cluster Finding Back-End module /
Event Builder VME module / Configuration Power
module Other Interfaces TTC Clk / L1 / BX DAQ
Fast Readout Link TCS Busy Throttle VME
Control Monitoring JTAG Test Configuration
96 Tracker Opto Fibres
CERN Opto- Rx
9U VME64x
FPGA Configuration Compact Flash
FE-FPGA Cluster Finder
VME Interface
BE-FPGA Event Builder
DAQ Interface
Power DC-DC
Temp Monitor
Front-End Modules x 8 Double-sided board
Xilinx Virtex-II FPGA
TCS Trigger Control System
9Firmware and FPGAs
Delay x 24
FE x 8
Baseline of 4 FPGA Final Designs working...
VME x 1
BE x 1
34 Xilinx Virtex II FPGAs up to 2M equiv gates
Delay FPGA ADC Coarse and Fine Clock Skewing.
FE FPGA Scope and Frame Finding modes. BE
FPGA Event building, buffering and formatting.
VME FPGA Controls and Slow Readout path.
10S-LINK VME Transition Card
- Simple 6U board
- Provides interface between FED and Slink
Transmitter - Provides access to FED Throttle signals
VME Backplane
Slink Transition Card
Slink Data Control Signals
DAQ Slink Transmitter
FED Throttle Signals
Ethernet Connector
11Optical Analogue Links
- Data from the Tracker Front-End is transferred
over analogue optical links. - 2 APV25 data frames per optical channel
- Analogue link gain is set to 1
- Handling of zero suppression off-detector allows
more flexibility for algorithm adjustment and
common mode subtraction handling - 30 links carry 3 Mbytes / s each _at_10kHz
- Factor 100 gained in Zero Suppression
12Example 2xAPV25 Multiplexed Data Frame
13Fed Data Handling
- Fed buffer interpreted by specialized c
unpacker class within CMSSW - Runs with thorough checking or streamlined data
access modes - Full data integrity self check
- Access to all data in header and payload
- Completely integrated within CMSSW
14Run Control
- User logs onto a webpage
- Selects the configuration he wants to run
- He instantiates that configuration, this then
launches all the web servers on the specified
machines for that configuration and loads all the
XDAQ Applications - He is then in a position to use the run control
to issue the state transition commands to all the
XDAQ Applications in that configuration. - Once you start the config the FED is ready to
take data, it remains only for the triggers to
15Data Handling in XDAQ
- Standard Filter Unit and Storage Manager from CMS
are used - Goniometer Control in XDAQ application
- Data Analysis performed in CMSSW
- Fast feedback from analysis to Gonio
- Mark P will present more