Title: SC DHEC Division of Health Licensing
1SC DHECDivision of Health Licensing
- Community Care Oversight Program
2Top Ten Cited ViolationsRegulation
61-84Standards for Licensing Community
Residential Care Facilities
- Medication Management
- Staff Training
- Individual Care Plans
- Maintenance
- Housekeeping
- Tuberculin Skin Test for staff and residents
- Water Temperatures
- Resident Physicals
- Storage of Toxic Agents
- Quality Improvement Plan
3 Medication Management
4Staff Training
- Staff training not conducted and/or documented as
required annually or before resident contact
5Individual Care Plan
- Not completed within 7 days of admission
- Not updated at least every 6 months or as changes
occur - Does not include all necessary information (e.g.,
signatures, detailed description of care/services
provided by facility or other agencies,
information regarding diet, HCPOA, DNR,
6- Maintenance
- Overall maintenance of the facilitys interior
and/or exterior
- Housekeeping
- Overall cleanliness of the whole or portions of
the facility
7Tuberculin (PPD) Test for staff and residents
- Documentation not available
- Not conducted before residents admission or
within the required time frame after admission - Staff two step PPD not conducted prior to
resident contact - Annual PPD not conducted for staff
8Water Temperatures In areas of the facility where
residents have access, hot water temperatures do
not meet the requirement of 100-120 F
9Resident Physicals
- No documentation of an admission or annual
physical by a physician attesting to
appropriateness of placement - Residents inappropriately admitted/ retained
10- Toxic Agents
- Not secured
- Stored in resident rooms without a physicians
11- Quality Improvement Program
- Facility does not have or has not implemented a
QI plan - Plan does not contain all the required components
12Water source safe
- Hot and cold under pressure
- Water not from an approved source, adequate
supply, and of safe quality. - The absence of hot or cold water under pressure
at sinks and lavatories. - Sewage
- A malfunctioning septic tank or grease trap.
- Sewer or water service cut off by utility
provider. - Wastewater disposed of in an unapproved manner
13Thank you for this opportunity. Sonya D Turner,
Inspector Division of Health Licensing Community
Care Oversight Section PP Created by Gwen