Title: Makro Series Metering Pumps
1Makro Series Metering Pumps
The ProMinent Makro is a motor-driven,
reciprocating, positive displacement
diaphragm-type metering pump.
2Makro Diaphragm Pumps
- Capacity range 33-658 gph
- Liquid end materials PVC, SS, Polypropylene
and carbon reinforced PTFE - Stroke length adjustment in 1 increments,
choice of 0.236 or 0.354 max.stroke length - Optional stroke sensor
3Makro Pump Features
- Stroke Length Adjustment
- Makro HM and HK - 1 turn is equal to 10
4Makro HM Cutaway View
Stroke Adjustment Knob
Adjustable crank
Liquid End
Push rod
Connecting rod
5Makro Pump HM Liquid Ends
The Makro HM series features a steel core
DEVELOPAN diaphragm threaded directly on to the
reciprocating drive shaft for low to medium
pressure metering (up to 174 psig). Diaphragm
liquid ends are available in PVC, SS,
Polypropylene and carbon reinforced PTFE with
Viton, PTFE or EPDM seals. Viton is a
registered trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers.
6Makro HM Technical Data
TZ6 (6mm Stroke Length) Suction
Version PSIG GPH Strk/min Connectors Lift
(ft) HM 20-130 145 33 86 3/4 19.5 HM
15-130 145 44.1 115 3/4 19.5 HM
12-130 145 55.2 144 3/4 19.5 HM
10-130 145 66.3 172 3/4 19.5 HM
20-260 145 59.9 86 3/4 16.0 HM
15-260 145 80.3 115 3/4 16.0 HM
12-260 145 100 144 3/4 16.0 HM
10-260 145 121 172 3/4 16.0 HM
20-530 87 125.1 86 1 13.0 HM
15-530 87 167.3 115 1 13.0 HM
12-530 87 209.5 144 1 13.0 HM
10-530 87 251.5 172 1 13.0 HM
20-1500 44 236.6 86 1½ 8.0 HM
15-1500 44 316.4 115 1½ 8.0 HM
12-1500 44 396.3 144 1½ 8.0 HM
10-1500 44 475.5 172 1½ 8.0 Pressure is
174 PSIG for the stainless steel liquid ends for
the indicated pumps.
7Makro HM Technical Data
TZ9 (9mm Stroke Length) Suction
Version PSIG GPH Strk/min Connectors Lift
(ft) HM 20-2100 44 330 87 1½ 9.8 HM
15-2100 44 445 117 1½ 9.8 HM
12-2100 44 555 146 1½ 9.8 HM
10-2100 44 658 173 1½ 9.8
8Makro Packed Plunger Pumps
- Capacity range 2.6-251 gph
- Liquid end materials Stainless Steel
- Stroke length adjustment in 1 increments
- Optional stroke sensor
9Makro Pump HK Liquid Ends
The Makro HK series features a polished aluminum
oxide ceramic plunger. The precision plunger is
sealed with spring loaded, self-adjusting PTFE
composite packing and is equipped with a lantern
ring for seal flushing. The dosing head and
suction/discharge valves are 316 stainless steel,
with ball valves made of aluminum oxide ceramic,
and seals made of PTFE.
10Makro HK Technical Data
Version Strokes psig U.S. mL/ Conn.
NPT GPH stroke in. 20-12 S
86 4640 2.6 2.0 1/4 F 15-12 S
115 4640 3.7 2.0 1/4 F 12-12 S
144 4640 4.5 2.0 1/4 F 10-12 S
172 4640 5.5 2.0 1/4 F 20-17 S
86 4640 5.5 4.1 1/4 F 15-17 S
115 3393 7.4 4.1 1/4 F 151-17 S
115 4640 7.4 4.1 1/4 F 12-17 S
144 2711 9.2 4.1 1/4 F 121-17 S
144 4640 9.2 4.1 1/4 F 10-17 S
172 2262 11 4.1 1/4 F 101-17 S
172 4538 11 4.1 1/4 F
11Makro HK Technical Data
Version Strokes psig U.S. mL/ Conn.
NPT GPH stroke in. 20-23 S
86 2436 10 7.6 3/8 F 201-23 S
86 2784 10 7.6 3/8 F 15-23 S
115 1812 14 7.6 3/8 F 151-23 S
115 2784 14 7.6 3/8 F 12-23 S
144 1450 17 7.6 3/8 F 121-23 S
144 2784 17 7.6 3/8 F 10-23 S
172 1203 20 7.6 3/8 F 101-23 S
172 2436 20 7.6 3/8 F 20-30 S
86 1392 18 13.3 3/8 F 201-30 S
86 1638 18 13.3 3/8 F 15-30 S
115 1029 24 13.3 3/8 F 151-30 S
115 1638 24 13.3 3/8 F 12-30 S
144 826 30 13.3 3/8 F 121-30 S
144 1638 30 13.3 3/8 F 10-30 S
172 681 36 13.3 3/8 F
12Makro HK Technical Data
version Strokes psig U.S. mL/ Conn.
NPT GPH stroke in. 20-40 S
86 754 33 24.2 3/4 M 201-40 S 86 913 33 24.2 3/4
M 15-40 S 115 565 44 24.2 3/4 M 151-40 S
115 913 44 24.2 3/4 M 12-40 S
144 449 55 24.2 3/4 M 121-40 S
144 913 55 24.2 3/4 M 10-40 S
172 377 66 24.2 3/4 M 101-40 S
172 754 66 24.2 3/4 M
13Makro Pump Features
- Multiplexing
- To increase the flow rate, a power end can be
multiplexed by putting 2 liquid ends on one drive
unit - One stroke length adjustment for both liquid ends
- Sizes and materials of the liquid ends can vary