Title: ISAAR (CPF) and a possible mapping to CIDOC CRM
1ISAAR (CPF) and a possible mapping to CIDOC CRM
- Based on http//socialarchive.iath.virginia.edu/
- and State of the art report on EAC-CPF and
recommendations for implementation in Archives
Portal Europe, 2013
CIDOC-CRM SIG meeting, Den Haag
02.04.2014 Christian-Emil Ore, University of
Oslo, Norway
2Example from socialarchive.iath.virginia.edu 1
3Example from socialarchive.iath.virginia.edu 2
4Example from socialarchive.iath.virginia.edu 3
5One xml-record for each person/corp. body
lteac-cpf xmlns"urnisbn1-931666-33-4" xmlnsowl
"http//www.w3.org/2002/07/owl" xmlnsrdf"http/
"http//www.w3.org/1999/xlink"gt ltcontrolgt...lt/con
trolgt ltcpfDescriptiongt...lt/cpfDescriptiongt lt/eac-
6CONTROL -element
ltcontrolgt ltrecordIdgtDLC.ms008095.r074lt/recordIdgt
. ltotherRecordId localType"VIAFId"gtVIAFId4437622
8 lt/otherRecordIdgt ltmaintenanceStatusgtnewlt/mainten
anceStatusgt ltmaintenanceAgencygt...lt/maintenanceAge
ncygt ltlanguageDeclarationgt...lt/languageDeclaration
gt ltconventionDeclarationgt...lt/conventionDeclaratio
ngt ltmaintenanceHistorygt...lt/maintenanceHistorygt lts
ourcesgt...lt/sourcesgt lt/controlgt
7cpfDescription -element
ltcpfDescriptiongt ltidentitygt...lt/identitygt ltdescrip
tiongt...lt/descriptiongt ltrelationsgt...lt/relationsgt
lt alternativeSet gtlt/alternativeSetgt lt/cpfDescript
8cpfDescription -element
- ltidentitygt - Identity. Complex structure
containing the name or names used by the entity
over the course of the entitys existence.
Contains a repeatable ltnameEntrygt element for
different names, and a repeatable
ltnameEntryParallelgt element for more than one
ltnameEntrygt expressed in different languages.
Required. - ltdescriptiongt - Description. Contains formal
description elements parallel to those in ISAAR
(CPF) for the description of the entity. An
additional ltlocalDescriptiongt allows for local
implementation of additional descriptive
information not included in the other
ltdescriptiongt elements. Optional.
9cpfDescription -element
- ltrelationsgt - Relations. Contains one or more
references to or descriptions of related
corporate bodies, persons or families
ltcpfRelationgt, functions ltfunctionRelationgt, or
resources ltresourceRelationgt. Optional. - ltalternativeSetgt - Alternative set. Contains two
or more authority records for the same entity
derived from two or more authority systems,
expressed within a single EAC-CPF instance. The
ltalternativeSetgt consists of two or more
ltsetComponentgt elements for the authority records.
10cpfDescription -element
ltcpfDescriptiongt ltidentitygt...lt/identitygt ltdescrip
tiongt...lt/descriptiongt ltrelationsgt...lt/relationsgt
lt alternativeSet gtlt/alternativeSetgt lt/cpfDescript
11identity -element
ltidentitygt - Identity Brief description A
wrapper element for the name or names related to
the identity being described within the
ltcpfDescriptiongtelement in the EAC-CPF
instance. Can contain following sub
elements ltnameEntryParallelgt ltnameEntrygt ltentityI
dgt ltentityTypegt ltdescriptiveNotegt Can contain
following attributes _at_identityType
12identity element example
ltidentitygt ltentityTypegtpersonlt/entityTypegt ltnameEn
try scriptCode"Latn" xmllang"eng"gt ltpartgtOppenh
eimer, J. Robert, 1904-1967.lt/partgt ltauthorizedFor
mgtDLClt/authorizedFormgt lt/nameEntrygt ... ltnameEntry
localType"VIAFMainHeading"gt ltpartgtOppenheimer,
J. Robert (Julius Robert), 1904-1967lt/partgt ltalter
nativeFormgtVIAFlt/alternativeFormgt lt/nameEntrygt ...
ltnameEntry localType"VIAFx400"gt ltpartgtOu-pen-h
ai-mo,1904-1967lt/partgt ltalternativeFormgtVIAFlt/alte
rnativeFormgt lt/nameEntrygt lt/identitygt
13description element example
ltdescriptiongt ltexistDatesgt...lt/existDatesgt ltlocalD
escription localType"subject"gt...lt/localDescripti
ongt ... ltlocalDescription localType"subject"gt...lt
/localDescriptiongt ltlocalDescription
lt/localDescriptiongt ltlocalDescription
localType"VIAFgender"gt...lt/localDescriptiongt ltla
nguageUsedgt...lt/languageUsedgt ltoccupationgt...lt/occ
upationgt ltoccupationgt...lt/occupationgt ltbiogHistgt..
.lt/biogHistgt lt/descriptiongt
14biogHist element
ltbiogHistgt- Biographical or historical
note Brief description A concise essay and/or
chronology that provides biographical or
historical information about the CPF entity. Can
contain following sub elements ltabstractgt ltchronL
istgt ltpgt ltcitationgt Can contain following
attributes _at_localType
15chronItem element
ltchronItemgt Chronological item Brief
description A container element that keeps a
date or a date range paired with an associated
event and an optional place within a Chronology
List ltchronListgt. Can contain following sub
elements ltdategt ltdateRangegt lteventgt ltplaceEntrygt
Can contain following attributes _at_localType _at_xml
16biogHist element - example
ltbiogHistgt ltchronListgt ltchronItemgtltdategt1904,
Apr. 22lt/dategt ltplaceEntrygtNew York,
N.Y.lt/placeEntrygt lteventgtBorn, New York,
N.Y.lt/eventgtlt/chronItemgt ltchronItemgtltdategt1927lt/
dategt ltplaceEntrygtGöttingen, Germanylt/placeEntrygt
lteventgtPh. D., University of Göttingen,
Göttingen, Germanylt/eventgt lt/chronItemgt .... ltchro
nItemgtltdategt1967, Feb. 18lt/dategt ltplaceEntrygtPrinc
eton, N.J.lt/placeEntrygt lteventgtDied, Princeton,
N.J.lt/eventgtlt/chronItemgt lt/chronListgt ltcitationgtFr
om the finding aid for J. Robert Oppenheimer
Papers 1799-1980 (bulk 1947-1967) ( Manuscript
Division Library of Congress) lt/citationgt lt/biogHi
17relation element
ltrelationsgt Relations Brief description A
wrapper element that groups together one or more
relation elements, each of which encodes a
specific relationship. Can contain following sub
elements ltcpfRelationgt ltfunctionRelationgt ltresour
ceRelationgt Can contain following attributes /
18relation element example
ltrelationsgt ltcpfRelation xmlnsxlink"http//www
.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlinkarcrole"associatedWith"
iongt ltresourceRelation xmlnsxlink"http//www.w3
.org/1999/xlink" xlinkarcrole"referencedIn" xli
5"xlinkrole"archivalRecords" xlinktype"simple"
gt...lt/resourceRelationgt . ltresourceRelation xmlns
xlink"http//www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlinkarcrol
e"referencedIn" xlinkhref"http//hdl.loc.gov/lo
xlinktype"simple"gt...lt/resourceRelationgt lt/r
19ltcpfRelationgt CPF relation
Brief description The ltcpfRelationgt element
contains the description of a corporate body,
person, or family related to the described CPF
entity. Such related entities are typically
described in another EAC-CPF instance. Can
contain following sub elements ltrelationEntrygt ltd
ategt ltdateRangegt ltdateSetgt ltplaceEntrygt ltdescripti
veNotegt Can contain following attributes _at_cpfRel
ationType, _at_lastDateTimeVerified, _at_xmllang,
xlinktype, _at_xlinkhrer, _at_xlinkarcrole,
_at_xlinkrole, _at_xlinktitle
20ltrelationEntrygt CPF relation
ltrelationEntrygt Relation entry Brief
description A descriptive element of the
relation. A descriptive element for relations
that provides discursive text identifying a
related CPF entity, a resource created by or
otherwise related to the named CPF entity (eg,
archival records), or the name of a related
function. Can contain following sub
elements NO Can contain following
attributes _at_localType ? values! _at_scriptCode _at_tran
sliteration _at_xmllang
21cpfRelation element example
ltrelationsgt ltcpfRelation xmlnsxlink"http//www.
w3.org/1999/xlink" xlinkarcrole"associatedWith"
itiesRDA/Person"xlinktype"simple"gt ltrelationEntr
ygtAlsop, Stewart.lt/relationEntrygt ltdescriptiveNote
gt ltpgtrecordId DLC.ms008095.c2lt/pgt lt/descriptiveNo
tegt lt/cpfRelationgt ltcpfRelation xmlnsxlink"http
//www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlinkarcrole"correspon
dedWith" xlinkrole"http//RDVocab.info/uri/schem
a/FRBRentitiesRDA/Person"xlinktype"simple"gt ltrel
ationEntrygtBethe, Hans A. (Hans Albrecht),
1906-2005.lt/relationEntrygt ltdescriptiveNotegt ltpgtre
cordId DLC.ms998007.r001lt/pgt lt/descriptiveNotegt lt
/cpfRelationgt lt/relationsgt
Finding Aid PermalinkCite http//hdl.loc.gov/lo
22Example from socialarchive.iath.virginia.edu 4
23resourceRelation -element
ltresourceRelation xmlnsxlink"http//www.w3.org/1
999/xlink" xlinkarcrole"creatorOf" xlinkhref"h
le"archivalRecords" xlinktype"simple"gt ltrelatio
nEntrygt J. Robert Oppenheimer Papers, 1799-1980
(bulk 1947-1967) lt/relationEntrygt ltobjectXMLWrapgt
ltdid xmlns"urnisbn1-931666-22-9" id"mferd5940e
69"gt ... lt/didgt lt/objectXMLWrapgt lt/resourceRelatio
24did-element (EAD-element)
did content of the finding aid
ltdid xmlns"urnisbn1-931666-22-9" id"mferd594
0e69"gt ltheadgtCollection Summarylt/headgt ltunittitle
encodinganalog"245a" label"Title"gt...lt/unittitl
egt ltunitid countrycode"US" encodinganalog"590" l
abel"ID No." repositorycode"US-DLC"gtMSS35188lt/un
itidgt ltorigination label"Creator"gt ltpersname enco
dinganalog"100" source"lcnaf"gtOppenheimer, J.
Robert, 1904-1967lt/persnamegt lt/originationgt ltphysd
esc label"Extent"gt ltextent encodinganalog"300"gt7
4,000 itemslt/extentgt ltextent encodinganalog"300"gt
294 containers plus 2 classifiedlt/extentgt ltextent
encodinganalog"300"gt117.4 linear
feetlt/extentgt lt/physdescgt ltlangmaterial label"Lan
guage"gt...lt/langmaterialgt ltrepository encodinganal
og"852" label"Location"gt...lt/repositorygt ltabstra
ct encodinganalog"520a" label"Summary"gt...lt/abs
tractgt lt/didgt
25BioHist and relations (Bernstein)
ltbiogHistgtltchronListgt ltchronItemgt
ltdategt1918lt/dategt lteventgtBorn August 25,
Lawrence, Massachusetts, first child of
Samuel and Jennie Bernstein.
lt/eventgt lt/chronItemgt . ltchronItemgt
ltdategt1957lt/dategt lteventgtJoint principal
conductor, New York Philharmonic, 1957-
58 premiere of West Side Story
conducted inaugural concert
of Mann Auditorium, Tel Aviv. lt/eventgt
lt/chronItemgt . lt/chronListgtlt/biogHistgt
26BioHist and relations (Bernstein)
ltrelationsgt ltresourceRelation
xlinkarcrole"referencedIn" xlinkhref"http//ww
xlinkrole"archivalRecords" xlinktype"simple"
ltrelationEntrygtStefan Lorant collection ca.
1869-1993 1920-1992lt/relationEntrygtlt/
ltresourceRelationgt . ltresourceRelation
xlinkarcrole"creatorOf" xlinkrole"resource"
xlinktype"simple"gtltrelationEntrygtWest Side
story.lt/relationEntrygtlt/resourceRelationgt. ltreso
urceRelation xlinkarcrole"creatorOf"
xlinkrole"resource" xlinktype"simple"gtltrelatio
nEntrygtSymphonic dances from quotWest side
storyquotlt/relationEntrygt lt/relationsgt
27Problem (Bernstein)
- No identification between bioHist and relations
- ltchronItemgtltdategt1957lt/dategtlteventgtJoint
principal conductor, New York Philharmonic,
1957-58 premiere of West Side Story conducted
inaugural concert of Mann Auditorium, Tel
Aviv.lt/eventgtlt/chronItemgt - ltresourceRelation xlinkarcrole"creatorOf"
xlinkrole"resource" xlinktype"simple"gtltrelatio
nEntrygtWest Side story.lt/relationEntrygtlt/resourceR
28Mapping to CRM 1
- Identity part is a set of alternative
appellations - ltchronItemgt can be mapped to a temporal entity
(events) - Relations the mapping will depend on the type
and the sub types, e.g. attr xlinkarcrole
29Mapping to CRM 2
- Relations the mapping will depend on the type
and the sub types, e.g. - attr xlinkarcrole, no controlled vocabulary
- attr cpfRelationType value list suggested not
used in socialarchive.iath.virginia.edu - ltcpfRelationgt
- associatedWith, correspondedWith,
- ltfunctionRelationgt
- controls, owns, performs,
- ltresourceRelationgt
- referencedIn, creatorOf,
30Mapping to CRM 3
- General problem
- Events in EAC-CPF cannot contain relations
- No linking between instances of relations and
events - Minimal suggestion
- Adjust the XML-schema for EAC-CPF add relations
to ltchronItemgt - Introduce at least record internal identifiers in
addition to the current use of free text