Title: Working Group III
1Conference "EU perspectives and current standing
of the countries in the region in the
Stabilization and Association Process"
Working Group III Roadmap to Decentralization
Belgrade, 7-8 Dec 2005
2- Roadmap Towards (E)DIS Preconditions
- Clear and Definite indication from EC concerning
IPA - Awareness within Public Administration
concerning DIS - Less time needed for lobbying
- Building Consensus concerning institutional
frame - Ownership on the political level over
development of DIS - DIS Requirements promote Quality in Public
- Administration
- Building confidence in Public Procurement
procedures - Anti-corruption effect
- Developing DIS Capacities is important part of
Public - administration reform
3- Roadmap Towards (E)DIS What We Know
- Decentralization Costs Money
- Decentralization Takes Time
- Developing Capacities for DIS Introducing
control - mechanisms into public procurement
- EU Integrations are beneficial for the State
- If state priorities are matched with program
objectives - EU Integrations Promote Quality in Transition
Economies - EU Tenders vs Public Procurement
- Programmatic Budgeting More Responsible
Government - Ministry of Finance has to be driving force of
the reforms - related to NAO, NF and CFCU capacities
4- Roadmap Towards (E)DIS Where We Are
Benchmarking Progress in Developing DIS
DIS Checklist Albania BiH Croatia Macedonia Montenegro Serbia
NAO ? Approval phase Y N 1st Q 2006 N
NAC Y Y Y Y 1st Q 2006 N
NF ? Approval phase Y N N N
CFCU ? Approval phase Y N 1st Q 2006 N
SPOs/IAs Y Y Y Y Preparatory phase Partial
Next host Bosnia and Herzegovina May-June 2006
5- Roadmap Towards (E)DIS Conclusions
- The Region is concerned with the decrease in
allocation - of resources for IPA (from 14 bill to less
then 13) - Budget has to be sufficient to support accession
of Western Balkans to EU - Economic development has to follow the
development of capacities - Region has to be included in all discussions
with the goal to reach Lisbon Agenda - Western Balkans has to continue to insist that
process of integration of European continent is
completed - Training for administration on DIS
- Sector orientation (not only central
institutions) - Croatia, Macedonia or Albania (experiences in
DIS before 1999)
6- Roadmap Towards (E)DIS Conclusions
- Regional Program Documents are prerequisite for
continued CBC - (EC has to approve)
- EC could consider development of pilot DIS
capacities within 2nd pillar instead of full
engagement (in Serbia) - IMF vs EUI requirements opposed to each other
regarding capacity building
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