The Future is Green! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Future is Green!


The Future is Green! What are green jobs? Why are they important? Lorraine Faulds Training & Development Director I SC Employment Security Commission – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Future is Green!

The Future is Green!
What are green jobs? Why are they important?
Lorraine Faulds Training Development Director
I SC Employment Security Commission
Why the interest in green jobs?
Green Jobs Act of 2007 125 million a year for
national and state training programsnever funded
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
of 200950 BILLION Broken down into two
areas Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable
Energy (RE)
Goals of the ARRAwDouble the capacity of
alternative energy over the next 3
yearswWeatherize 1 million homeswRetrofit 75
of federal buildingswBuild 3,000 miles of
transmission lines
EE gets 36.5 Billion, RE gets 8
Billionw5 Billion to weatherize homes of one
million low-income familiesw6.3 Billion for
energy-related grants to the statesw4.5
Billion to retrofit federal buildingsw11
Billion to modernize the nations electrical grid
In SC Total of 160 millionw9
million for trainingw41 million for local
governments for energy conservation projectsw6
million for rebates on energy-efficient
appliancesw58 million weatherizationw50
million to make government buildings (state
offices, schools, colleges) more energy efficient
Green Jobs Estimate 460,000 jobs(nationally)w
Need to offset loses, especially in construction
and manufacturingwOne job lost means up to 20
jobs lost in indirect effects (Economic Modeling
Specialists)wDuring good times, these displaced
workers would transition to a similar job in the
same industry. But in times like these (where
there are no other similar opportunities),
retraining is the only option.
What is a green job?
MANY definitionswA blue-collar job, upgraded
to better respect the environment (Van Jones,
founder of Green For All)wGreener versions of
existing occupationswA traditional job with a
layer of greenwJobs that involve protecting
wildlife or ecosystems, reducing pollution or
waste, or reducing energy usage and lowering
carbon emissions.
SC is working toward developing a
definition SC Employment Security
Commission SC Department of Commerce South
Carolina Energy Office SC Technical College
The basis for the definition isAny activity
or service that performs at least one of the
followingwGenerating renewable
energywRecycling existing materialswEnergy
efficient product manufacturing, construction,
installation, and maintenancewEducation,
compliance, conservation, and awarenesswNatural
and sustainable product manufacturing
Did you notice?wGenerating renewable
energywRecycling existing materialswEnergy
efficient product manufacturing, construction,
installation, and maintenancewEducation,
compliance, conservation, and awarenesswNatural
and sustainable product manufacturing
It can get confusingSee the glossary handout
for help with unfamiliar terms.
Two General Areas Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy
Energy Efficiency Its not just about putting
on a sweater and turning off the lights!wGreen
new constructionwBuilding Retrofitting/Weatheriz
ationwMass TransitwSmart Grid
Renewable Energy Lots of up-front investment
(i.e. manufacturing) we currently get only 2.4
of our energy from renewable resources President
Obama wants it up to 25 wWind wSolar wGeot
hermal wHydropower wNuclear wHydrogen wCle
an/low emission coal wNatural gas wBiofuels
(also called biomass)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
A Word about Nuclear Energy In some places,
nuclear energy is not considered a clean,
renewable energy source because it creates
hazardous waste and uses a non-renewable resource
(uranium).It is in SC! It produces 51.2 of
the states electricity.
Occupationsw Work in progress list done
by the Department of CommercewBased on other
state definitions and listsw137 occupations in
16 industries See handout!
Installation, Maintenance (based on funding)
Top 4 industries with the most occupations on the
list arewLife, Physical, and Social Sciences
(23 occupations)wConstruction and Extraction
(20)wArchitecture and Engineering
(19)wProduction (i.e. manufacturing) (19)
Later onEngineering, Production, Sciences
(i.e. chemists)
Employment in Green JobsOccupations with the
most employment in 2008wTeam Assemblers
36,580wLaborers Freight , Stock and Material
Movers 34,700wCustomer Service
Representatives 30,150wMaintenance Repair
Workers 26,390wTruck Drivers, Heavy Tractor
Trailer 23,160
Employment in Green JobsOccupations with the
least employment in 2008Miscellaneous
Agricultural Workers (40)Power Distributors and
Dispatchers (40)Soil and Plant Scientists (40)
Wages for Green JobsAverage hourly wages
in 2008 for green jobs in South Carolina ranged
from 45.25 for Nuclear Engineers to 8.00 for
Agricultural Product Graders and Sorters.
Wages for Green JobsTop 5 Green Jobs by 2008
Average Hourly WagewAir Traffic Controller
51.97wNuclear Engineer 45.25wComputer
Information Scientists 44.08wSales Engineers
41.05wChemical Engineers
40.33wElectrical Engineers 38.86
Career ClusterswManufacturing (29
occs)wArchitecture and Construction
(28)wScience, Technology, Engineering and Math
(24) See handout!
Skills Needed Ten Competencies Needed
to Be Successful in Environmental Work 1.
Communication skills 2. Collaboration,
bridge-building abilities 3. Customer
orientation 4. Creativity/innovative
thinking 5. Broad environmental sciences
understanding 6. Analytical ability, critical
thinking, problem-solving 7. Work orientation,
professionalism, positive attitude 8.
Occupation-specific skills and knowledge 9.
Mastery of information technology 10. Leadership
ability From Remake a Living Defining the
Environmental Workforce by Kevin Doyle
National CredentialsThe Association of
Energy Engineers facilities managers, HVAC
installers, geothermal certificationsThe North
American Board of Energy Practitioners
photovoltaic (solar) installers and photovoltaic
techniciansThe Building Performance Institute
building analysts, HVAC required for Energy Star
contractorsSolar Energy International
Renewable energy certificationsThe Green
Building Certification Institute Runs the
Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design
(LEED) Accredited Professionals Program for green
management and facilities management fields
Education LevelsBack to the listwOJT 72
occupations (15 short, 33 moderate, 24
long-term)wBachelors Degree 32wAssociates
Degree 12
Training in High SchoolWere not going to be
able to build anything and do any green retrofits
until we have the workforce to do that. If we
wait until they are out of high school to start
training them, were going to lose a lot of
people. Jay Hansen, Legislative and Political
Director for Californias State Building and
Construction Trades Council
Green High SchoolsSouth Tahoe High Schools
Green Academy (CA) Expose students to green
construction, auto mechanics, and
technologyAiken University High School (OH)
Environmental sciences program including
ECO-nomics (looks at economics and how the market
place can effect the environment) college credit
offeredEnvironmental Charter High School (CA)
Green Action Curriculum, Green Ambassador
program, Senior Seminar environmental project,
Earth Day Educational FestivalConferences
Green Building Expo (MA), Agricultural Ecology
(IL), Energy Career Day (CO)
Current programs can have a green
element addedwConstruction trades
Electrician, Plumber, HVACwCulinary trades
Organic farming, compostingwAutomotive Hybrid
and electric powered-vehicles
Examples of Tech School
ProgramsBiotechnology at Greenville
TechAdvanced Agriculture Certificate (includes
sustainable agriculture) at Piedmont
TechEnvironmental Engineering Technology at
Central Carolina TechContinuing
EducationTrident Tech Home Energy Rating Field
Inspector Greenville Tech Fundamentals of
Solar Hot Water Heating, Photovoltaic System
Design, Weatherization Energy Auditor, Green
BuildingMidlands Tech Alternative Energy
Operations, Energy-Efficient Design for
Architects, Green Building for Contractors,
Photovoltaic System Design and Installation
Teacher ToolsGreen-Collar Jobs Campaign
Teaching Tools For HS, 5-part series exploring
the green economy, eco-equality, model cities,
and restorative justice. (Go to Action
Network For MS and HS, 5-parts including Green
My School, Green My Ride, Soy What?, No New Coal,
Old Growth Forests also Global Warming (used
with Al Gores An Inconvenient Truth movie),
Reclaim the Future (Go to http//
Teacher Tools (cont.)Going To
Green Environmental Education Curriculum (based
on the PBS Series Edens Lost and Found) For HS,
video and text series on sustainability,
community and environmental awareness (20
different topics), Sample unit at Teacher
magazine and Teaching Green book series Go to Energy Office Energy 2
Learn lesson plans, Energy Fact Sheets, link to
US Department of Energys Kids Page (Go to
The FuturewBiotechnologywNanotechnologywE
ntrepreneurship Recessions are a sort of cold
shower that wakes you up to the fact that things
need to change. Well, I have nothing to lose
now. I can do what Ive always wanted to do.
The Crystal BallThe US Conference of Mayors
said an economy that shifts to generating 40
percent of its electricity from wind, solar,
biomass, and other fuels will generate 4.2
million green jobs by 2038. The Apollo Alliance
coalition of environmentalists and business
leaders says a 500 billion investment over the
next 10 years will create 5 million green-collar
jobs. According to a study from the Blue-Green
Alliance and the Renewable Energy Policy Project,
requiring that 20 of our electricity come from
renewable sources by 2020 would create 820,000
jobs across the country.
Thanks for your interest in green jobs!
Lorraine Faulds Training Development Director
I SC Employment Security Commission lfaulds_at_sces.o
rg 803-737-2714
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