Title: Procedures and Interrupts
1Procedures and Interrupts
- Chapter 5
- Stack
- Procedure
- Software Interrupt
- BIOS-level access
- DOS-level access
- Video Display
- Direct Video access
2The Stack
- The stack resides in the stack segment (in main
memory) whos segment number is in the SS
register - The SP register holds the offset address of the
last element added to the stack - If the stack was allocated with the directive
.STACK 100h - Then SP should, initially, contain 100h (pointing
to the top of the empty stack)
3PUSH (16-bit case)
- PUSH source
- will decrement SP by 2
- and copy the content of source into word at SSSP
- little endian low order byte at lowest offset
- Ex (see figure)
- mov ax,06
- push ax
- mov ax,0A5h
- push ax
- This is for a source of type word (reg16 or
mem16). - imm16 are allowed only on 286 and later
4PUSH (32-bit case)
- With a 32-bit operand (.386 directive)
- push source
- Decrements SP by 4 and copies the content of
source into the double word at address SSSP - Little endian convention. Ex
- mov eax,12345678h
- push eax
- will decrease SP by 4 and will move
- 78h at SSSP
- 56h at SSSP1
- 34h at SSSP2
- 12h at SSSP4
- The POP instruction undoes the action of PUSH
- POP destination
- For a 16-bit destination operand
- the word at SSSP is copied into destination
- SP is incremented by 2
- For a 32-bit destination operand
- the dword at SSSP is copied into destination
- SP is incremented by 4
- The destination operand cannot be imm
6Ex saving and restoring registers
- .data
- message db Hello world
- .code
- push ax save AX
- push dx save DX, SP points to copy of DX
- mov ah,9
- mov dx, offset message
- int 21h prints message
- pop dx restore DX
- pop ax restore AX
7More Saving and Restoring
- PUSHA (.286) pushes AX, CX, DX, BX, SP, BP, SI,
DI on stack and POPA pops the same registers in
reverse order - PUSHAD (.386) pushes EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX, ESP,
EBP, ESI, EDI on stack and POPAD pops the same
registers in reverse order - PUSHF and POPF pushes and pops the FLAGS register
onto and from the stack - PUSHFD and POPFD (.386) pushes and pops the
EFLAGS register onto and from the stack
- Procedures are defined like this
- name PROC type
- ... set of instructions...
- name ENDP
- The type is either NEAR or FAR
- To transfer control to the procedure name we
do - CALL type PTR name
- RET transfers control to the instr. following
CALL - The default for type and type PTR is
- NEAR for memory models tiny, small, compact
- FAR for memory models medium, large, huge
9CALL RET (NEAR Procedures)
- Upon a CALL to a NEAR procedure
- SP is decremented by 2
- The content of IP is copied at SSSP
- this is the offset address of the instruction
following CALL (where the procedure must return) - The offset address of the first instruction in
the called procedure is copied into IP - this will thus be the next instruction to execute
- Upon a RET from a NEAR procedure
- the word at SSSP is popped into IP (so that SP
is automatically incremented by 2) - (the instruction pointed by IP is then executed)
10CALL RET (NEAR Procedures)
11CALL RET (FAR Procedures)
- Upon a CALL to a FAR procedure
- CS and then IP are pushed onto the stack
- this is the segmentoffset address of the
instruction following CALL (where the procedure
must return) - The segmentoffset address of the first
instruction in the called procedure is copied
into CSIP - this will thus be the next instruction to execute
- A RET from a FAR procedure effectively does
- Hence the instruction at CSIP is then executed
12CALL RET (FAR Procedures)
13When does a procedure needs to be FAR?
- A NEAR CALL is faster than a FAR CALL
- Procedures located in the same segment as the
code that CALLs them can be of type NEAR - since the code segment number (in CS) is the same
for both the procedure and the caller - Procedures located in a different segment than
the code that CALLs them must be of type FAR - since the procedure and the caller have a
different code segment number
14Using Procedures in irvine.lib
- Separately assembled procedures under the .model
small will be combined, by the linker, into the
same code segment - this is the case for the procedures in irvine.lib
- so use a NEAR call to call these procedures
- you should also use .model small for your code
that call procedures in irvine.lib - other memory models will be used when linking
with high level language (HLL) procedures (chap 9
and 13)
15Passing Arguments to Procedures
- Arguments can be passed to procedures via
- the stack this is the technique used in HLLs. We
will use this only later (chap 9) - global variables the scope of a variable is the
.ASM file into which it is defined - must use PUBLIC and EXTRN directive to make them
visible to other .ASM files - contrary to modular programming practice
- registers fastest way to pass arguments
16Using Procedures
- When a procedure returns to the caller it should
preserve the content of the registers (except
those used to return a value) - should save first the content of the registers
that it will modify and restore them just before
returning to the caller - Caution on stack usage
- SP points to the return address when entering the
procedure. Make sure that this is the case just
before executing RET !! - ProcEx.html
Break ...
- The term interrupt is used in many different ways
- A hardware interrupt is a signal generated by any
part of the hardware that needs immediate
attention of the processor - A software interrupt (sometimes called a Trap) is
a call to an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) of
the Operating System (here either DOS or BIOS) - produced by the instruction INT n in a program
- A processor exception is an automatically
generated trap in response to an exceptional
condition (abnormal program execution). Ex
divide overflow, coprocessor not available...
18Hardware Interrupts
- When a hardware component (ex a peripheral
device) needs CPU attention, the controller
associated with this component sends a Interrupt
Request (INTR) signal to the CPU and puts an
Interrupt Number (0 to FFh) onto the data bus - The CPU uses this interrupt number to index the
interrupt vector table (IVT) located at physical
addresses 00000h to 003FFh (pp.33) - Each entry of this table, called an interrupt
vector, contains the segmentoffset address of
the Interrupt Handler (ISR) servicing that
interrupt. - To service an interrupt, the CPU transfers
control to the corresponding ISR
19The Interrupt Vector Table (IVT)
- Each entry of the IVT occupies 4 bytes
- At entry 0 of the IVT we have the offset address
and then the segment address of the ISR handling
INT 0 - At entry n of the IVT we have the offset address
and then the segment address of the ISR handling
20Interrupt Processing
- The same mechanisms are used to handle all types
of interrupts (hardware, software, exception) - When an interrupt occurs
- The CPU pushes the FLAGS register onto the stack
- The CPU pushes onto the stack the far
(segmentoffset) return address (ie that of the
next instruction) - From the interrupt number N, the CPU fetches the
Nth entry of the IVT and transfers control to
that ISR - The ISR execute a IRET instruction to return
control to the program at the point of
interruption (this pops off the stack the far
return address and the FLAGS register)
21Ex using INT 10h BIOS video services
22Interrupt Service Routines
- A ISR is like a procedure except that
- a transfer to a ISR pushes FLAGS in addition to
a far return address - a ISR returns with IRET instead of RET
- But since the point of interruption can occur
anywhere in a program, it is crucial for a ISR to
not modify the content of any register - How to write a ISR and how to initialize the
corresponding entry in the IVT? (chap 15) - For now let us examine what are the ISRs that are
provided by DOS and BIOS (and how to use them) to
perform I/O operations
23Common Software Interrupts
- Int 10h Video Services
- Int 16h Keyboard Services
- Int 17h Printer Services
- Int 1Ah Time of Day
- Int 1Ch User Timer Interrupt
- Int 21h DOS Services
24MS-DOS Function Calls
- A MS-DOS function is called upon the execution
of INT 21h - The actual function to be performed depends on
the function number stored in AH - about 90 different functions are supported
- We have already seen functions 01h, 02h, 09h and
4Ch - We now briefly view some other functions
- see more details in section 5.5 of your textbook
25Output Functions
- 02h Character Output
- 05h Printer Output
- 06h Direct Output
- 09h String Output
26Input Functions
- 01h Filtered Input With Echo
- 06h Direct Input Without Waiting
- 07h Direct Input, No Ctrl-Break
- 08h Direct Input with Ctrl-Break
- 0Ah Buffered Input
- 0Bh Get Input Status
- 0Ch Clear Input Buffer, Invoke Input Function
- 3Fh Read From File or Device
27Single Character input (DOS)
- For all these functions, the next character in
the keyboard buffer is stored in AL - Wait for keystroke function 6 (with DLFFh)
always returns even when the buffer is empty - Function 1 and 8 will return control to DOS when
Ctrl-Break is entered
28Ex AH06h clear_keyboard
- Clear_keyboard proc
- push ax
- push dx
- L1
- mov ah, 6
- mov dl, 0FFh
- int 21h
- jnz L1
- pop dx
- pop ax
- ret
- clear_keyboard endp
29Buffered Input (DOS)
- Function 0Ah reads (from stdin) a string of up to
255 characters and stores it in a buffer - User input is terminated with 0Dh (CR)
- Non ASCII keys (ex PgUp, arrows, Fn...) are
filtered out and Ctrl-Break is active - DX contains the offset of the Buffer
- 1st char max number of char allowed (including
0Dh) - 2nd char number of chars actually entered
(excluding 0Dh)
30Ex Using buffered input function 0Ah
- .data
- keyboardArea label byte
- maxkeys db 32 max chars allowed
- charsInput db ? of chars actually
entered - buffer db 32 dup('0') holds input
string - .code
- mov ah,0Ah
- mov dx,offset keyboardArea
- int 21h
- the CR (0Dh) is the last char entered in the
31Date/Time Functions
cx year dh month dl day
- 2Ah Get Date
- 2Bh Set Date
- 2Ch Get Time
- 2Dh Set Time
ch hour cl minute dh second
Break ...
32Keyboard Keys
- ASCII keys
- those that have an ASCII code letters, digits,
punctuations, arithmitics, Esc, CR, Bksp, Tab - Shift Keys
- normally used in combination with another key
left and right shifts, Caps Lock, Ctrl, Alt, Num
Lock, Scroll Lock - Function Keys
- used in programs to perform special functions
F1-F12, arrows, Home, PgUp, PgDn, End, Ins, Del
33Scan Codes
- Only ASCII keys have an ASCII code but all keys
have a SCAN CODE (1byte). See scancodes.html - When we strike a key
- The keyboard interrupts (INT 9h) the CPU and
sends the Scan Code to I/O port 60h - The BIOS INT 9h reads this I/O port and uses the
scan code to index a table to get the ASCII code.
Both codes are sent to the keyboard buffer only
if it is not a shift key (used alone) - For each word in the keyboard buffer
- low byte ASCII code of the key, or 0 if it is
not an ASCII key - high byte Scan Code of key
34BIOS input function INT 16h
- When AH10h, INT 16h will load AX with the next
word in the keyboard buffer - mov ah,10h
- int 16h AH Scan Code, AL ASCII code
- The input character will not be echoed on screen
- Useful for reading (and identify) the function
key pressed by the user - they can be identified only with their scan code
- Keyboard input cannot be redirected on the DOS
command line (unlike INT 21h)
35Video Adapters
- Screen display is controlled by a video adapter
which consists of - A memory (video buffer) which contains all the
information displayed on screen - A video controller that displays on screen the
content of the video buffer - Typical resolutions (in pixels X pixels)
- 640 X 480 (standard VGA)
- 800 X 600 (super VGA)
- 1024 X 768 (extended VGA)
- ....(higher resolutions)....
36Video Modes
- We have two classes of video modes
- graphic modes used to display arbitrary
graphics, including text (not discussed here) - text modes only characters (from the IBM
extended ASCII character set) can be displayed.
(the subject till the end of chapter) - From the many available text modes (mode 0, 1, 2,
3, 7) we discuss only mode 3 (most important one) - displays text on 80 columns and 25 rows
- first row row 0 top of the screen
- first column column 0 left of screen
- 16 colors are available
37Video Pages
- Each character displayed is represented by 1 word
- low order byte ASCII code (IBM extended)
- high order byte Attribute Byte (specify how the
character will be displayed) - Each of these words is stored in the video buffer
starting at physical address B80000h - One screen of text (80 X 25 X 2 4000 bytes)
requires 1 video page of 4KB - VGA (and better) adapters can hold 8 video pages
page 0 to 7
38Video Pages (cont.)
- only the active page is displayed
- the first word of the page displays the character
at the upper left corner (row,column) (0,0) - the second word displays the character at (row,
column) (1,0) - the 3rd word displays the char at (2,0)...
- ...the last word displays the char at (24,79)
- (other pages can be modified while the active
page is being displayed)
39The Attribute Byte
- The foreground bits determine the color of the
character - The background bits determine the color of the
background - The msb of foreground is an intensity bit
- The blinking bit applies only to foreground
40Foreground Colors
- Background colors are the same as foreground
colors with msb 0
41Ways to write on the screen
- We can write directly to the video buffer to
display text. See Direct2Videomem.html - this is the fastest method but also the most
complex. Cannot redirect the output with DOS. - We can use DOS INT 21h functions
- very slow to go through DOS
- Output can be redirected (DOS command line)
- We can use BIOS-LEVEL INT 10h functions
- faster than DOS but slower than direct access
- Cannot redirect the output
42Some BIOS INT 10h functions
- Function 00h set video mode. AL contains the
desired text mode. Ex - mov ah,0 set video mode
- mov al,3 choose text mode 3
- int 10h mode is set
- Function 05h set active display page. AL
contains the desired page number. Ex - mov ah,5 set display page
- mov al,1 page to display
- int 10h display chosen page
- Page 0 is the usual page displayed by DOS
- Each page has its own cursor.
43Some BIOS INT 10h functions (cont.)
- Function 02h Set cursor position.
- Input BH chosen page number
- DH chosen row, DL chosen column
- mov ah,2 set cursor position
- mov dh,10 row 10
- mov dl,18 column 18
- int 10h cursor is set
- Function 03h Get cursor position.
- Input BH chosen page number
- Output DH row, DL column
- mov ah,3 get cursor position
- int 10h DHrow, DLcolumn
44Other BIOS INT 10h functions
- See chap 5 of textbook for details
- 08h Read Character and Attribute at cursor
position - 09h Set Character and Attribute at cursor
position - 06h Scroll window up (by n rows)
- 07h Scroll window down (by n rows)
- ...and many more!!
45Trace Program Recursion
- main proc
- 0000 mov ax, 8
- 0003 push ax
- 0004 call Factorial
- 0007 mov ax, 4C00h
- 000A int 21h
- main endp
- Factorial proc
- 000C push bp
- 000D mov bp, sp
- 000F mov ax, bp4
- 0012 cmp ax, 1
- 0015 ja L1
- 0017 mov ax, 1
- 001A jmp L2
- 001D L1 dec ax
- 001E push ax
- 001F call Factorial
- 0022 mov bx, bp4
- 0025 mul bx
- 0027 L2 pop bp
- 0028 ret 2
- Factorial endp