Title: Images of the Great Depression in Canada
1Images of the Great Depression in Canada
- Social Studies 11
- Sutherland Secondary
2The Single Unemployed
3Unemployment Line in Ontario in the early 1930s
4The Homeless
5Vancouver Police
6Relief Workers building a road in rural Ontario
7Loading clay for a Provincial Highway in Alberta
8Barracks for Relief Workers at the Ottawa Air
9Building an airfield in Alberta
10Road Construction in British Columbia
11Riding the Rods
12The On-to-Ottawa Trek
13William Lyon Mackenzie King
14Prime Minister R.B. Bennett
15J.S. Woodsworth Leader of the CCF
16Slim Evans leader of the On-to-Ottawa Trek
17William Bible Bill Aberhart
18Maurice Duplessis
19Saskatchewan Farm Family
20Prairie Windstorm
21Soil Erosion in Saskatchewan
22The Family Farm
23The Last Best West
24Bennett Buggy in Regina
25Manitoba farm vehicle
26Trekkers, Exhibition Grounds, Regina
27Regina, July 1, 1935