Remember, the theme of I Pet 1:1-2:10 is salvation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Remember, the theme of I Pet 1:1-2:10 is salvation.


The First Epistle of ... and habitual approach and an intimate association made by faith when the believer realizes the presence of and seeks communion and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Remember, the theme of I Pet 1:1-2:10 is salvation.

The First Epistle of Peter
I Peter 22-5 Listening and Growing in God's
  • Remember, the theme of I Pet 11-210 is
  • I Peter 22,3 - As newborn babes, desire the pure
    milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if
    indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
  • Is it important whether verses 2,3 follow a
    comma, or is one sentence?
  • 6 out of 12 translations have a comma, 6 one
  • One free-standing sentence is favored by
    Wherefore that begins verse 1.
  • Implies the rational behind Chapter 1.
  • What is meant by newborn babes?
  • Greek word brephos used only in a metaphorical
  • Are these newly born believers with little
    knowledge and insight or babes in their
    dependency on the truth?
  • 1 Cor 32 vs. Matt 1125
  • desire the sincere milk of the word

March 15, 2015 Bob Eckel
The First Epistle of Peter
I Peter 22-5 Listening and Growing in God's
  • desire strong verb long for active, imperative
    (II Cor 52 Phil 18)
  • Is milk in contrast to meat (Heb 512-14) or
    simply the truth of the word (logos) of God in
    contrast to guile, hypocrisies, etc. in verse 1?
  • The source of this desire is critically
    important the 2nd Adam not the 1st.
  • And notice the modifier, sincere why?
  • Only NT use unmixed, unadulterated, without
    dishonest intent or guile.
  • The best way to think about this relationship is
    a babys appetite for milk.
  • Always present, never ending.
  • Is our desire for the word of God identical or
    even similar?
  • that you may grow thereby
  • grow here spiritually, in fullness aorist,
    passive, subjunctive (John 330 II Cor 1015 II
    Thess 13).
  • One major purpose of our salvation.
  • if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is
  • if indeed ei, and when connected to the
    indicative mood (tasted) assumes since.
  • tasted here to have experienced thus, to grow
    is by faith a natural sequel (Ps 348,9).

March 15, 2015 Bob Eckel
The First Epistle of Peter
I Peter 22-5 Listening and Growing in God's
  • Fulfillment of prophecy Isa 814 Mark 1210,11
  • but chosen by God and precious
  • chosen here is a noun not a verb
  • precious held in honor, precious (I Pet 26).
  • Lets look at Col 115-23
  • I Peter 24 - Coming to Him as to a living stone,
    rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and
  • Coming to Him as to a living stone (IL - To whom
    coming as unto a living stone)
  • Coming (draw near) by faith, the intimate
    relationship we have.
  • Wuest The words "to whom coming" in the Greek
    text do not refer to the initial act of the
    sinner coming to the Lord Jesus for salvation,
    but indicate a close and habitual approach and an
    intimate association made by faith when the
    believer realizes the presence of and seeks
    communion and fellowship with his Lord.

March 15, 2015 Bob Eckel
The First Epistle of Peter
I Peter 22-5 Listening and Growing in God's
  • A living stone is the only living stone, Lord
    Jesus Christ (Isa 2816 Acts 411 I Cor 104
    Eph 220-22)!
  • And although the Jew relates a living stone to
    the temple, the true temple is made of living
    material, men/women saved by Gods unmeasurable
    grace (I Cor 619).
  • rejected (disallowed) indeed by men (anthropos
    all men)
  • I Peter 25 - you also, as living stones, are
    being built up a spiritual house, a holy
    priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices
    acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
  • We are living stones being built up a spiritual
  • So therefore glorify God in your body and in the
    Spirit (I Cor 619,20)
  • being built up present, passive, indicative
  • So how does this happen?
  • By the Holy Spirit Eph 222
  • a holy priesthood

March 15, 2015 Bob Eckel
The First Epistle of Peter
I Peter 22-5 Listening and Growing in God's
  • The office of a priest who has access to God and
    offers not external but spiritual sacrifices.
  • Rev 16 - and has made us kings and priests to
    His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion
    forever and ever. Amen.
  • to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to
    God through Jesus Christ.
  • Heb 1315 - Therefore by Him let us continually
    offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is,
    the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.
  • What does this look like, i.e. what is acceptable
    to God?
  • The verse answer this - through, by or in Jesus
  • Is Rom 121 being lived out by faith in your
  • Col 317 - And whatever you do in word or deed,
    do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving
    thanks to God the Father through Him.

March 15, 2015 Bob Eckel
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