Title: Geoid Modeling, GRAV-D and Height Mod
1Geoid Modeling, GRAV-D and Height Mod
2Why make a new vertical datum?
Courtesy of Dr. Dennis Milbert
20 FEB 2009 Salt Lake City, UT
ACSM-MARLS-UCLS-WFPS Conference 2009
3Vertical Shift due the National Readjustment of
20 FEB 2009 Salt Lake City, UT
ACSM-MARLS-UCLS-WFPS Conference 2009
4Hybrid Geoid Height Models (e.g., GEOID09),
Gravimetric Geoid Height Models (e.g., USGG2009)
and Conversion Surfaces using GPS on BM data
Earths Surface
Hybrid Geoid
Gravimetric Geoid
- Gravimetric Geoid systematic misfit to BMs but
best fits true heights - Hybrid Geoid converted to fit local BMs, so
best fits NAVD 88 heights - Conversion Surface model of systematic misfit
derived from BMs in IDB
5(Beta) GPSBM 2009 for CONUS
20 FEB 2009 Salt Lake City, UT
ACSM-MARLS-UCLS-WFPS Conference 2009
6USGG2009 (Beta)
GEOID09 (Beta)
20 FEB 2009 Salt Lake City, UT
ACSM-MARLS-UCLS-WFPS Conference 2009
7Extent of Gravity Coverage Shown are the
differences between NGSIDB value and EGM08 model
20 FEB 2009 Salt Lake City, UT
ACSM-MARLS-UCLS-WFPS Conference 2009
8GRAV-D Gravity for the Redefinition of the
American Vertical Datum
- Official NGS policy as of Nov 14, 2007
- 38.5M over 10 years
- Airborne Gravity Snapshot
- Static Geoid
- Absolute/Satellite Gravity Tracking
- Time Dependent Geoid
- Re-define the Vertical Datum (using gravimetric
geoid as reference surface) of the USA by 2017
9A North American Geoid
20 FEB 2009 Salt Lake City, UT
ACSM-MARLS-UCLS-WFPS Conference 2009
10For a more thorough discussion,see the
USGG2009/GEOID09 session later today