Title: God
1Gods Pathway Romans 56-11
2Gods Pathway
Romans 65-11
Context Romans 118-32 Society Romans 21-16
Critical Moralizers Romans 217-38 Confident
Jews Romans 39-20 The Human race
3Romans 118-32 Society Romans 21-16 Critical
Moralizers Romans 217-38 Confident
Jews Romans 39-20 The Human race
Romans 4Abraham an example of faith
Chapter 5Paul combines the two concepts and
provides a portrait of grace.
4Our condition
While we were
still helpless Rm 56
yet sinners Rm 58(b)
enemies Rm 510(a)
5Gods Response
He loved us Rm 58
He justified us Rm 59
Saved us from wrath Rm 59(b)
Reconciled us to Himself Rm 510
Because we are loved, justifies, saved, and
reconciled How then should we live?
Romans 121,2