Ch. 15 LAN Overview - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ch. 15 LAN Overview


Ch. 15 LAN Overview – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ch. 15 LAN Overview

Ch. 15 LAN Overview
Definition of a LAN
  • A communication network that provides
    interconnection of a variety of data
    communicating devices within a small area.

15.1 Topologies and Transmission Media
  • Key Elements of a LAN
  • Topology
  • Transmission Media
  • Layout
  • Medium access control

15.2 Topologies and Transmission Media(p.2)
  • Bus and Tree Topologies (Fig. 15.1)
  • Bus
  • All stations are attached directly to the media.
  • Tree
  • The media is a branching cable with no closed
  • The tree starts at the headend and branches out
    from there.
  • Each station must have an address and access is
    controlled (multipoint configuration.)Fig.15.2

15.2 Topologies and Transmission Media(p.3)
  • Ring Topology (Fig. 15.3)
  • Network consists of a set of repeaters joined by
    point-to-point links in a closed loop.
  • The links are unidirectional, and data circulates
    around the ring in one direction.
  • Each station is attached to a repeater, and
    frames are inserted onto the ring.

15.2 Topologies and Transmission Media (p.4)
  • Star Topology
  • Each station is connected to a common central
    node using two point-to-point links.
  • Received frames can either be "broadcast" or
    "switched" to a particular link.

15.2 Topologies and Transmission Media (p.5)
  • Choice of Topology
  • Depends on reliability, expandability, and
  • Choice of Media
  • Depends on capacity, reliability, type of data
    supported, environmental scope.

15.2 LAN Protocol Architecture
  • Fig. 15.4 IEEE 802 vs. OSI Reference Model.
  • Physical Layer
  • Encoding/decoding of signals.
  • Preamble generation/removal (for
  • Bit transmission/reception.
  • IEEE 802 also specifies the transmission medium
    and topology.

15.2 LAN Protocol Architecture (p.2)
  • Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer
  • Assemble data into a frame with address and
    error-detection fields.
  • Disassemble frames, perform address recognition
    and error detection
  • Govern access to the LAN transmission medium.

15.2 LAN Protocol Architecture (p.3)
  • Logical Link Control (LLC) Layer
  • Provide an interface to higher layers and perform
    flow and error control.
  • Fig. 15.5 LAN protocols in context.

15.2 LAN Protocol Architecture (p.4)
  • Logical Link Control
  • Specifies the mechanisms for addressing and the
    control of the data exchange.
  • Operation and format are based on HDLC.
  • Three Services
  • Unacknowledged connectionless service.
  • Connection-mode service.
  • Acknowledged connectionless service.

15.2 LAN Protocol Architecture (p.5)
  • Logical Link Control (cont.)
  • LLC PDU (Fig. 15.6)
  • Destination Service Access Point (1 octet)
  • 7 bits for the address.
  • One bit to indicate if it is a group address or
  • Source Service Access Point (1 octet)
  • 7 bits for the address.
  • One bit is used to indicate if it is a command or
  • LLC Control Field (1 or 2 octets)
  • Similar to HDLC control field.
  • Information Field (variable length)

15.2 LAN Protocol Architecture (p.6)
  • Differences between LLC and HDLC
  • LLC uses asynchronous balanced mode to support
    connection-mode service (type 2 operation).
  • LLC supports and unacknowledged connectionless
    service using the unnumbered information PDU
    (type 1 service).
  • LLC supports an acknowledged connectionless
    service by using two new unnumbered PDUs (type 3
  • LLC permits multiplexing (using LSAPs).

15.2 LAN Protocol Architecture (p.7)
  • Medium Access Control
  • MAC protocols control access to the transmission
    medium in some type of orderly and efficient
  • Access control could be centralized or
  • Centralized schemes tend to be simpler and avoid
    various "distributed control" problems, but
    performance and reliability can be a concern.

15.2 LAN Protocol Architecture (p.8)
  • Medium Access Control (cont.)
  • Synchronous Techniques
  • Specific capacity is dedicated to a connection,
    such as with circuit-switching, FDM, and TDM.
  • Generally do not work well in LANs.

15.2 LAN Protocol Architecture (p.9)
  • Medium Access Control (cont.)
  • Asynchronous techniques--capacity is allocated in
    a dynamic fashion.
  • Round Robin--each station is given a turn to
  • Reservation--a station wishing to transmit
    "reserves" slots of "time".
  • Contention--all stations "contend" for the medium.

15.2 LAN Protocol Architecture (p.10)
  • Medium Access Control (cont.)
  • Generic MAC Frame Format--Fig. 15.6
  • MAC Control Field
  • Destination MAC Address
  • Source MAC Address
  • CRC

Problem 15.3
  • Consider the transfer of a file containing one
    million 8-bit characters from one station to
    another. What is the total elapsed time and
    effective throughput for the following cases?
  • a. Circuit-Switched LAN
  • TtotalSwitchS L/Btprop
  • ThroughputSwitch L/TtotalSwitch

Problem 15.3 (p.2)
  • b. Bus Topology
  • D--distance between stations.
  • B--data rate (use R bps if you wish.)
  • P--packet size.
  • Header is 80 bits.
  • Information field is P-80.
  • Acknowledgement is 88bits.
  • v200 m/microsecond.

Problem 15.3 (p.3)
  • b. Bus Topology (cont.)
  • Assume that each packet is acknowledge before the
    next is sent (stop-and-wait.)
  • Let NoPa the number of packets.
  • NoPa L/(P-80), rounded up (assuming fixed length
    packets and L is the number of inoformation bits
    in the message.)
  • There will be NoPa cycles needed to transfer the
    entire message.

Problem 15.3 (p.4)
  • b. Bus Topology (cont.)
  • Ignore additional overhead--then tframeP/B.
  • Also let tprop D/v and tack88/B.
  • Then TcycleBustframe tproptacktprop (ignoring
    processing delays.)
  • Thus, TtotalBusNoPa (TcycleBus)
  • ThroughputBusL/TtotalBus

Problem 15.3(p.5)
  • c. Ring Topology
  • Total circular length is 2D, with the two
    stations a distance D apart.
  • Acknowledgement occurs with the circulation of
    the packet past the destination station, back to
    the source station.
  • There are N repeaters, each introduces a delay of
    one bit time (1/B).

Problem 15.3 (p.6)
  • c. Ring Topology (cont.)
  • Assume similar overhead as in part b.
  • RingPropTime2D/v N/B
  • TcycleRingtframeRingPropTime
  • TtotalRingNoPa(TcycleRing)
  • ThroughputRingL/TtotalRing

15.3 Bridges
  • Bridges were originally used to interconnect LANs
    using the same physical and MAC protocols.
  • Eventually, bridges were developed that
    interconnected LANs with different MAC protocols.
  • In general, bridges are simpler than routers.

Bridge Operation
  • Why use a bridge, instead of simply operating as
    one large LAN?
  • Reliability--bridges can be used to partition a
    large LAN environment.
  • Performance--in general, as stations are added to
    a LAN, the performance decreases.
  • Security--different types of traffic with
    different security needs can be kept on
    physically separate media.
  • Geography--two LANs in different locations can be
    bridged using point-to-point communications.

Functions of a Bridge
  • See Fig. 15.7
  • The bridge reads all frames transmitted on
    network A, accepting those addressed to B.
  • Frames accepted are transmitted on B.
  • The same is done for B-to-A traffic.

Design Considerations
  • 1. The bridge makes no modifications to the
    content or format of the frames it receives.
  • 2. The bridge should contain enough buffer space
    to meet peak demands.
  • 3. The bridge must contain addressing and routing
  • 4. A bridge may connect more than two LANs.
  • Note Bridges can be more complex and have
    special functionality

Bridge Protocol Architecture
  • The IEEE 802 committee has produced
    specifications for bridges.
  • These devices are called MAC-level relays.
  • Fig. 15.8 illustrates the architecture and

Routing with Bridges
  • Figure 15.9 illustrates the concept of alternate
  • Three Strategies
  • Fixed Routing
  • Spanning Tree (IEEE 802.1)
  • Source Routing (IEEE 802.5)

Routing with Bridges (p.2)
  • Fixed Routing
  • A route is selected for each source-destination
    pair of LANs in the internet.
  • If alternative routes exist, then the route with
    the fewest hops in chosen and placed in a routing
  • Widely used simple and requires minimal
  • Too limited for a dynamically changing internet.

Routing with Bridges (p.3)
  • The Spanning Tree Approach
  • Three mechanisms
  • Frame Forwarding
  • Address Learning
  • Loop Resolution

Routing with Bridges (p.4)
  • The Spanning Tree Approach (cont.)
  • Frame Forwarding
  • The bridge maintains a forwarding database for
    each port attached to a LAN.
  • The database indicates the station addresses for
    which frames should be forwarded through that

Routing with Bridges (p.5)
  • The Spanning Tree Approach (cont.)
  • Address Learning
  • When a frame arrives at a particular port, the
    source address can be checked.
  • If the source address is not in the database for
    that port it can be added.
  • Each time an element is added to the database, a
    timer can be set.
  • When the timer expires, then the element will be
    removed from the database.
  • If the element is already in the database, the
    timer is reset.

Routing with Bridges (p.6)
  • The Spanning Tree Approach (cont.)
  • Spanning Tree Algorithm--Loop Problems
  • The above procedures work fine when the topology
    is a tree, but problems occur when alternate
    routes exist.
  • Consider Fig. 15.10.
  • When A transmits to B, both bridges will update
    their databases and relay the frame.
  • However, they will receive each others relay and
    update the databases again.
  • B then cannot transmit to A.

15.3 Routing with Bridges (p.7)
  • The Spanning Tree Approach (cont.)
  • Spanning Tree Algorithm--Some Assumptions
  • 1.Each bridge is assigned a unique identifier.
  • 2.There is a special group MAC address that means
    "all bridges on this LAN".
  • 3. Each port of a bridge is uniquely identified
    within the bridge.
  • These assumptions allow the bridges to exchange
    routing information in order to obtain a spanning

15.4 Hubs and Switches
  • Hubs
  • The active central element of a star layout.
  • Each station is connected to the hub with two
    lines, one for transmitting and one for
  • The system is essential a logical bus, since a
    transmission from any one station is transmitted
    to all other stations.
  • Multiple levels of hubs are possible (Fig.
  • Hubs are usually placed in a wiring closet.
  • Stations are about 100 meters away, using twisted
    pair, or 500 meters with optical fiber.

15.4 Hubs and Switches (p.2)
  • Layer 2 Switches (Fig. 15.12)
  • A shared medium hub (like a shared medium bus)
    has collisions when more than one station is
    transmitting at the same time.
  • A layer 2 switch takes an incoming frame and
    transmits it only on the destination stations
  • Two types of switches
  • Store-and-Forward--packets are buffered.
  • Cut-through--headers are read and switching
    occurs immediately--but no error checking.

15.4 Hubs and Switches (p.3)
  • Layer 2 switches may function as a multiport
    bridge--the differences are
  • Bridge frames are handled in software, while
    layer 2 switches have hardware that performs
    address recognition and frame forwarding.
  • A bridge handles one frame at a time, while a
    switch can handle multiple frames at a time.
  • A bridge uses store and forward operations, while
    cut-through operations are possible with layer 2

15.5 Virtual LANS
  • Figure 15.13, page 469 illustrates a typical LAN
  • Consider a single MAC frame from X.
  • Assume that X wants to transmit to Ythe local
    switch transmits it to Y.
  • Alternatively, assume that X wants to transmit to
    W or Zthen the local switch routes the frame
    accordinglyunicast addressing.

VLANS (p.2)
  • Broadcasting is also possible using a broadcast
  • One approach to efficient transmissionpartition
    the LAN into separate broadcast domains.
  • Figure 15.14 illustrates the use of a router for
    partitioning a LANIP addresses are used for
    routingthis may not be efficient either.

The Use of VLANs
  • VLAN logic is implemented in LAN switches and
    functions at the MAC layer.
  • A VLAN is a logical subgroup within a LAN that is
    created by software rather than by physical
  • Figure 15.15 illustrates a VLAN Configuration.

VLANS (cont.)
  • From a business view, the VLAN provides the
    ability to be physically dispersed while
    maintaining its group identity.

Defining VLANs
  • A VLAN is a broadcast domain consisting of a
    group of end stations that are not constrained by
    their physical locations.
  • Approaches
  • Membership by Port Group
  • Membership by MAC Address
  • Membership based on Protocol Information

Membership by Port Group
  • Each switch has two types of ports.
  • Trunk ports will connect switches and end ports
    will connect workstations to the switch.
  • A VLAN can be defined by assigning each end port
    to a particular VLAN
  • Advantageeasy to configure.
  • DisadvantageNetwork manager must take care of
    configurations manually.

Membership by MAC Address
  • MAC Addresses on in the hardware network
    interface cards (NICs).
  • If a network manager physically moves a machine,
    the device automatically retains its VLAN
  • DisadvantageVLAN membership is assigned
    initially, which is difficult in large
    organizations. There is also a problem when
    docking stations are usedthey contain the NICs.

Membership Based on Protocol Information
  • IP addresses can be used to assign VLAN
  • Or, transport protocol information could be used
    (or even higher protocol information.)
  • Advantageflexible.
  • Disadvantageissues related to performane and the
    processing of MAC addresses and other addressing.
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