Title: What The
1What The Fuel Is Going On Here?
- Functional Performance of the Athletic Cell
Tim DiFrancesco PT, DPT, ATC, CSCS Head Strength
Conditioning Coach Los Angeles
Lakers _at_tdathletesedge
2Food as fuel is incomplete
- Recovery/Healing
- Hormone production/levels
- Lipid Levels
- Body composition
- Mood
- Immune System function
- Durability and Function of tissue
- The building blocks of our body/cells
- Function of the Athletic Cell
3ProtonPumpIsAGoldMine NBSCA
- Nutrients Energy Fat or Sugar
- ATP Currency of energy for the body Krebs
Cycle - The Pump is Where AMAZING Happens!
- A turbine/rotating machine that smashes a
Phosphate Group onto ADP to create ATP with each
turn - More turns more ATP/Energy
4Improved Functional Performance of the Athlete
- Provide more ATP to the muscles/heart so they can
work more/better
5Improved Functional Performance of the Athlete
- Proton Pump is Where Amazing Happens!
Harvard video
6Improved Functional Performance of the Athlete
- What drives the pump?
- H Ions flowing into the matrix/mitochondria
- Water Wheel
7Improved Functional Performance of the Athlete
- Minimize the acid (CO2) in the Mitochondria
- Excess CO2 lowers the PH level in the
mitochondria and makes it less attractive for H
ions to want in on the party - The pump wont spin as much/as fast
- Less ATP less energy source for the
muscles/heart - Less function
8Improved Functional Performance of the Athlete
2 CO2s will be produced in the Krebs CycleNO
- Nutrients Energy (ATP)
- Fat vs. Sugar
9Fat vs. Sugar
The point
10- Respiratory Quotient
CO2 eliminated/O2 Consumed - .7 for pure fat burn
- 1 for pure sugar burn
11Fat vs. Sugar
- Practical Applications
- 30 less acid in the cell sounds good
- Bring on the rats!
- 30 Greater cardiac output in fat rats vs. sugar
rats - Authors suggest that this affect likely occurs
within skeletal muscle as well related to more
ATP available
Sato K, et al. Insulin, Ketone Bodies, and
Mitochondrial Energy Transduction. The FASEB J.
1995 May Vol 9 651-658.
12Fat vs. Sugar
- Fat has a shot in this heavy weight bout