Section 4: Quantities 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Section 4: Quantities 1


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Title: Section 4: Quantities 1

Food Purchasing for Child Care Centers
  • Section 4
  • Quantities (Step 3)

Lesson Objectives
The learner will be able to
  • estimate the quantities of food to be purchased
    for Menu Items on the grocery list by using the
    Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs
    (USDA/FNS, 2001),

Lesson Objectives
The learner will be able to
  • explain how to estimate quantities for Standard
    Stock Items and Yearly Items on the grocery
    list, and
  • compare costs to determine the most efficient
    size to purchase.

Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs
Size of Container
for serving needs
Size of Container
that is most cost-efficient
Size of Container
that fits food preparation work load
Storage Capacity
  • Standard stock items
  • Yearly items
  • Menu items

Menu for Children Day 1
Meal Food
Breakfast Chocolate Milk, fluid
Bagel, cinnamon raisin, enriched
Cream cheese
Snack Lowfat Yogurt, flavored
Pear, fresh
Lunch Milk, fluid
Mexican Pizza, D-13 (1½ oz meat, ½ serving bread, ? cup vegetable)
Carrots, raw, strips
Dip for Carrots, E-15
Menu Items Quantity
Strawberries, fresh, 1 pt for fruit cup
Strawberries The Steps
  • Step 1 Find the number of servings per purchase
    unit from the FBG.
  • Step 2 Determine the number of ¼-cup servings
    needed by age group.
  • Step 3 Total the number of ¼-cup servings
  • Step 4 Divide the total number of ¼-cup servings
    needed (Step 3) by the number of ¼-cup
    servings in a pint (7.90).
  • Step 5 Add the amount needed for the fruit cup
    for Day 2 to the answer in Step 4.

Strawberries The Steps
  • Step 1 Find the number of servings per purchase
    unit from the FBG.
  • Step 2 Determine the number of ¼-cup servings
    needed by age group.
  • Step 3 Total the number of ¼-cup servings
  • Step 4 Divide the total number of ¼-cup servings
    needed (Step 3) by the number of ¼-cup
    servings in a pint (7.90).
  • Step 5 Add the amount needed for the fruit cup
    for Day 2 to the answer in Step 4.

Strawberries The Math
  • Step 1 Find the number of servings per
    purchase unit from the FBG.
  • Find Strawberries, fresh, whole on page 2-77 of
    the FBG.
  • Under column 2, select pint.
  • Columns 3 and 4 show there are 7.90 ¼-cup
    servings per pint.

Strawberries The Steps
  • Step 1 Find the number of servings per purchase
    unit from the FBG.
  • Step 2 Determine the number of ¼-cup servings
    needed by age group.
  • Step 3 Total the number of ¼-cup servings
  • Step 4 Divide the total number of ¼-cup servings
    needed (Step 3) by the number of ¼-cup
    servings in a pint (7.90).
  • Step 5 Add the amount needed for the fruit cup
    for Day 2 to the answer in Step 4.

Oak Street Child Care Center
Age Group Number Enrolled Meals Served Meals Served Meals Served
Age Group Number Enrolled Breakfast Lunch Snack
Infants 47 months 1 1 1 1
Infants 811 months 2 1 2 2
Children 12 years 26 20 26 26
Children 35 years 15 10 10 15
Caregivers 8 11 12
Totals 44 40 50 56
Age Group Number Serving Size
Children 12 years 20 ¼ cup
Children 35 years 10 ½ cup
Caregivers 8 ½ cup
Strawberries The Math
  • Step 2 Determine the number of ¼-cup servings
    needed by age group.

There are two ¼-cup servings in each ½-cup
serving, so multiply the number of ½-cup servings
by 2 to convert to ¼-cup servings.
Conversion 10 ½-cup servings x 2 20 ¼-cup
Strawberries The Math
  • Step 2 Determine the number of ¼-cup servings
    needed by age group.
  • There are two ¼-cup servings in each ½-cup
    serving, so multiply the number of ½-cup servings
    by 2 to convert to ¼-cup servings.

Conversion 8 ½-cup servings x 2 16 ¼-cup
Strawberries The Steps
  • Step 1 Find the number of servings per purchase
    unit from the FBG.
  • Step 2 Determine the number of ¼-cup servings
    needed by age group.
  • Step 3 Total the number of ¼-cup servings
  • Step 4 Divide the total number of ¼-cup servings
    needed (Step 3) by the number of ¼-cup
    servings in a pint (7.90).
  • Step 5 Add the amount needed for the fruit cup
    for Day 2 to the answer in Step 4.

Strawberries The Math
  • Step 3 Total the number of ¼-cup servings
  • 20 20 16 56 ¼-cup servings

Strawberries The Steps
  • Step 1 Find the number of servings per purchase
    unit from the FBG.
  • Step 2 Determine the number of ¼-cup servings
    needed by age group.
  • Step 3 Total the number of ¼-cup servings
  • Step 4 Divide the total number of ¼-cup servings
    needed (Step 3) by the number of ¼-cup
    servings in a pint (7.90).
  • Step 5 Add the amount needed for the fruit cup
    for Day 2 to the answer in Step 4.

Strawberries The Math
  • Step 4 Divide the total number of ¼-cup servings
    needed (Step 3) by the number
    of ¼-cup servings in a pint (7.90).
  • 56 ? 7.90 7.09 or 8
  • (Always round up to the nearest whole number.)

Strawberries The Steps
  • Step 1 Find the number of servings per purchase
    unit from the FBG.
  • Step 2 Determine the number of ¼-cup servings
    needed by age group.
  • Step 3 Total the number of ¼-cup servings
  • Step 4 Divide the total number of ¼-cup servings
    needed (Step 3) by the number of ¼-cup
    servings in a pint (7.90).
  • Step 5 Add the amount needed for the fruit cup
    for Day 2 to the answer in Step 4.

Strawberries The Math
  • Step 5 Add the amount needed for the fruit cup
    for Day 2 to the answer in Step 4.
  • 1 pint for fruit cup 8 pints 9

Age Group Number of Children Caregivers to Serve Required Serving Size Number of ¼-Cup Servings Purchase Unit Servings per Purchase Unit Amount to Purchase
12 Years 20 ¼ cup 20
35 Years 10 ½ cup 20
Caregivers 8 ½ cup 16
Fruit Cup 1
Pint 7.90 7.09 or 8
Totals 56 9
Menu Items Quantity
Strawberries, fresh 9 pt
Menu for Children Day 5
Meal Food
Breakfast Milk, fluid
Apple Wedges
English Muffin, whole wheat, toasted, enriched
Snack Wheat Crackers, enriched
Grape Juice
Lunch Chocolate Milk, fluid
Tuna Patty, D-10 1½ oz fish ½ serving bread
Oven Fries, I-5
Green Beans
Green Beans
Menu Items Quantity
Green Beans, canned
Green Beans
Green Beans
Green Beans The Math
  • Step 1 Find the number of servings per
    purchase unit from the FBG.
  • Find Beans, Green, canned on page 2-15 of the
  • Select No. 10 can for heated, drained
  • Columns 3 and 4 show there are 45.3 ¼-cup
    servings per No. 10 can.

Green Beans The Math
  • Step 2 Determine the number of ¼-cup servings
    needed by age group.

A ?-cup serving is one-half of a ¼-cup
serving, so divide the number of ?-cup servings
by 2 to convert to ¼-cup servings.
Conversion 26 ?-cup servings ? 2 13 ¼-cup
Green Beans The Math
  • Step 2 Determine the number of ¼-cup servings
    needed by age group.

A ?-cup serving is one-half of a ¼-cup
serving, so divide the number of ?-cup servings
by 2 to convert to ¼-cup servings.
Conversion 10 ?-cup servings ? 2 5 ¼-cup
Green Beans The Math
  • Step 2 Determine the number of ¼-cup servings
    needed by age group.

There are two ¼-cup servings in each ½-cup
serving, so multiply the number of ½-cup servings
by 2 to convert to ¼-cup servings.
Conversion 11 ½-cup servings x 2 22 ¼-cup
Green Beans The Math
  • Step 3 Total the number of ¼-cup servings
  • 13 5 22 40 ¼-cup servings
  • Step 4 Divide the total number of ¼-cup
    servings needed (Step 3) by the number
    of ¼-cup servings in a No. 10 can
  • 40 ? 45.3 0.88 or 1 No. 10 can
  • (Always round up to the nearest whole number.)

Green Beans
Age Group Number of Children Caregivers to Serve Required Serving Size Number of ¼-Cup Servings Purchase Unit Servings per Purchase Unit Amount to Purchase
12 Years 26 ? cup
35 Years 10 ? cup
Caregivers 11 ½ cup 22
Total 40 No. 10 can 45.3 0.88 or 1
No. 2½ can 12.5 3.2 or 4
No. 300 can 5.00 8
Green Beans
Most cost-efficient can size?
Size Number to Purchase for 40 ¼-Cup Servings Unit Price Extended Price
No. 10 1 2.58 2.58
No. 2½ 4 0.92 3.68
No. 300 8 0.51 4.08
Green Beans
Menu Items Quantity
Green Beans, canned 1/No. 10
Activity 2 Answers
Green Beans Cost Comparison of Three Different
Can Sizes
Size Number to Purchase for 80 ½-Cup Servings Unit Price Extended Price
No. 10 4 2.58 10.32
No. 2½ 13 0.92 11.96
No. 300 32 0.51 16.32
Age Group Number of Children Caregivers to Serve Required Serving Size Number of ¼-Cup Servings Purchase Unit Servings per Purchase Unit Amount to Purchase
12 Years 20 ¼ cup 20
35 Years 10 ½ cup 20
Caregivers 8 ½ cup 16
Total 56 No. 10 can 48 1 No. 10
No. 2½ can 13.2 1 No. 2½ can
  • Sometimes it is less expensive to purchase two
    different can sizes.

Cost-Effective Shopping
From the Trainers Tablet Lessons for
Family/Home Child Care Providers
Commodity or Free Foods
  • Note on the grocery list that you do not need to
    buy commodity or free food items.

Quantities for Yearly Items
Most herbs and spices lose their ability to
season food if stored for over a year.
Quantities for Yearly Items
  • enhance the taste of the food and
  • be more cost- effective.
  • Purchasing the appropriate size for herbs and
    spices will

Activity 3
1 Tbsp 3 tsp
Activity 3 Answers
Size of Container No. of Tbsp per oz How many tsp How many ¼ tsp
1 oz 4 12 48
2 oz 8 24 96
8 oz 32 96 384
Standard Stock Quantities
  • Begin with estimated quantities
  • Experience
  • Food receipts
  • Adjust with trial and error method
  • Weekly adjustments
  • Approximately 6 weeks to stabilize quantities

This training was conducted by the
National Food Service Management
Institute The University of Mississippi www.nfsmi.
org 800-321-3054
National Food Service Management Institute The
University of Mississippi
  • Mission To provide information and services
    that promote the continuous improvement of child
    nutrition programs
  • Vision To be the leader in providing education,
    research, and resources to promote excellence in
    child nutrition programs
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