Title: Activity
1STREGA kick-off meeting, 11-12 May 2004,
Cascina T3 Development of selective read out
Activity From the progress in defining wide area
and selective read out schemes the sensitivity
of a DUAL detector will be estimated and its
structural characteristics (dimensions,
connection between the two masses, materials,
operating temperature, cryogenics...) defined
2STREGA kick-off meeting, 11-12 May 2004,
Cascina T3 Development of selective read out
- Status
- Analytical evaluation of the sensitivity in ideal
- configurations.
- Definition of the goal requirements on
dimensions, materials (Q and sound velocity) and
transducers (wide area at SQL)
- Goal
- Conceptual design of a DUAL detector
- First 18 months activity
- Evaluation of the expected noise for a DUAL