The Gospel of Matthew Matthew records kingly facts of the life and ministry of Jesus in order to demonstrate that He is the Christ. – PowerPoint PPT presentation
Matthew records kingly facts of the life and ministry of Jesus in order to demonstrate that He is the Christ.
2 I. Person of the King Introduction of the King, chapters 1-411
A. Presentation by Ancestry (11-17)
B. Presentation by Advent (118-223)
C. Presentation by an Ambassador (31-12)
D. Presentation through Divine Approval
3 II. Platform of the KingChapters 412-729
A. Beginning Proclamations (412-25)
Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand (417)
B. Continuing Pronouncements Sermon on the Mount (5-7)
4 II. Platform of the King
1. Beatitudes (51-12)
2. Be Salt Light (513-16)
3. Christ Fulfills the Law (517-20)
4. Murder begins in the heart (521-26)
5. Adultery in the heart (527-30)
6. Marriage is Sacred and Binding (531-32)
7. Jesus forbids Oaths (533-37)
8. Go the Second Mile (538-42)
9. Love Your Enemies (543-48)
5 II. Platform of the King
10. Do Good to Please God (61-4)
11. The Lords Prayer as Model (65-14)
12. Fasting to Be Seen only by God (616-18)
13. Lay Up Treasures in Heaven (619-21)
14. Lamp of the Body (622-23)
15. You Cannot Serve God riches (622-23)
16. Do Not Worry (625-34)
17. Do not Judge (71-6)
6 II. Platform of the King
18. Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking (77-12)
19. The Narrow Way (713-14)
20. You will Know Them By Their Fruit (715-20)
21. I Never Knew You (721-23)
22. Build on the Rock (724-29)
7 III. Power of the KingChapters 8-111
A. His power over disease (81-15)
B. His power over demonic forces (816-17, 28-34)
C. His power over people (818-22 99)
D. His power over nature (823-27)
E. His power to forgive (91-8)
F. His power over traditions (910-17)
G. His power over death (91-26)
H. His power over darkness (927-31)
I. His power over darkness (932-34)
J. His power to delegate authority (935-111)
8 IV. Progressive Rejection of the King Chapters 112-25
A. Challenges to the Kings Authority (112-1612)
1. Seen in the rejection of John the Baptist (112-19)
2. Seen in the condemnation of the cities (1120-30)
3. Seen the controversies over His authority (ch. 12)
4. Seen in the change in the kingdom program (131-52)
B. Cultivation of the Kings disciples (1613-2034)
1. The revelation in view of rejection (1613-1713)
2. The instruction in view of rejection (1720-34)
9 IV. Progressive Rejection of the King Chapters 112-25
A. The Official Presentation of the King (211-22)
1. Triumphal Entry (211-11)
2. Jesus Cleanses the Temple (2112-17)
a. The Fig Tree Withered (vv. 18-19)
b. The Lesson of the Withered Fig Tree (vv. 20-22)
10 IV. Progressive Rejection of the King Chapters 112-25
B. The Religious Confrontation with the King (2123-2246)
1. Jesus authority is questioned by Jewish Leaders (2123-2246)
a. Unified Antagonism of Sanhedrin
b. Jesus response
1. Parable of Two Sons (vv. 28-32)
2. Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers (vv. 33-46)
3. Parable of the Wedding Feast (221-14)
11 IV. Progressive Rejection of the King Chapters 112-25
cont. religious confrontation of the King by Jewish Leaders (2123-2246)
2. Jesus authority is questioned by Pharisees
Is it Lawful to Pay Taxes to Caesar (2215-22)?
3. Jesus authority is questioned by Sadducees
What about the Resurrection (2223-33)?
4. Jesus authority is questioned by Scribes
Which is the First Commandment of All
12 IV. Progressive Rejection of the King Chapters 112-25
cont. religious confrontation of the King by Jewish Leaders (2123-2246)
5. Jesus confronts Jewish leaders
How can David Call His Descendant Lord (2241-46)?
a. Question has two parts
1. Identity of Messiah
2. Interpretation of Psalm 110.
13 IV. Progressive Rejection of the King Chapters 112-25
The National Rejection of the King (chapter 23)
1. His Warning to the Multitudes (vv. 1-12)
2. 6 Woe Warnings to the Jewish leaders (vv. 13-36)
a. 1st Woe-for preventing others from entering the kingdom (vv.13-14).
b. 2nd Woe-for by their actions (external restrictions) they were condemning many individuals to eternal damnation (vs. 15).
Notice 1st two woes are regarding the Jewish leaders effects on others!
c. 3rd Woe-for semantic word games when making oaths (crafty or tricky) (vv.16-22).
d. 4th Woe- for the pharisaic practice of meticulously tithing all possessions while failing to manifest justice, mercy, faithfulness demanded by the Law (vv.23- 24).
e. 5th Woe-hypocritical nature of the Pharisees (externally clean but internally sinful) (vv. 25-26).
f. 6th Woe-for hypocritical nature of their religiosity (vv. 27-28)
g. 7th-woe-for hypocritical nature of their religiosity (vv. 29- 32)they inherited all the guilt of their forefathers.
Notice 3-7th woes address the leaders own characters actions.
15 IV. Progressive Rejection of the King Chapters 112-25
Contthe national rejection of the King (chapter 23)
3. His condemnation of Jewish Religious Leaders (vv.33- 36).
4. His Lament over Jerusalem (vv. 37-39).
5. Jesus predicts Destruction of the Temple (ch.24)
6. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (vv
16 IV. Progressive Rejection of the King Chapters 112-25
D. The Prophetic Anticipation of the King (chaps. 24-25)
1. Jesus Predicts the Destruction of the Temple (241-2)
2. Coming Time of Trouble (vv.3-26)
3. Coming of the Son of Man (vv. 27-31)
4. Confirmation by Parables (vv. 32-51)
5. Coming Judgment on Israel (251-30)
6. Coming Judgment on Gentiles (2531-46)
17 IV. Progressive Rejection of the King alternativeChapters 26-27
E. The National Rejection of the King (chaps. 26-27)
1. Preliminary Events
a. Plot to Kill Jesus (261-5)
b. Anointing by Perfume at Bethany (vv.6-13)
c. Jesus Celebrates Passover with Disciples (vv.17-25)
d. Jesus Institutes the Lords Supper (vv.26-30)
e. Jesus Predicts Peters Denial (vv. 31-35)
f. The Prayer in the Garden (vv. 36-46)
18 IV. Progressive Rejection of the King alternativeChapters 26-27
ContThe National Rejection of the King (chaps. 26-27)
2. The Betrayal Arrest in the Garden (vv. 47-56)
3. The Trial before the Jewish Authorities (vv. 57-68)
4. Peter Denies Jesus and Weeps Bitterly (vv. 69-75)
19 IV. Progressive Rejection of the King alternativeChapters 26-27
5. Jesus is Given Over to Roman Authorities (271-26) is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.
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