Title: Why should children go out of doors?
1Outdoor environments
- Why should children go out of doors?
2What is group time?
- Can be when children come together for a music or
language experience - Can be defined as a flexible, guided and directed
learning experience where the educator works
with small groups, large groups or the whole
group of children to stimulate learning and
3Group times can encourage
- More in depth conversation and discussion
- Feelings of group spirit
- Greater self confidence
- A sense of belonging
- Preparation for school
4What about size?
- It is recommended that a smaller size is more
appropriate - When planning and implementing larger groups,
ages and abilities of the children should be
taken into account - There is a strong swing away from the provision
of large, highly structured and adult controlled
group times
5What happens in group times?
- Group times should involve active participation,
not passive listening - Should encourage children to interact with one
another - The adults role is of facilitator, not
instructor - The educator should encourage children to share
their thoughts and feelings - They should role model questioning, commenting
and active listening
6Managing group times this is not always easy
- Keep your group size as small as possible so that
effective conversation, discussion and direct
involvement are possible - Roughly outline what you are going to do and have
necessary materials organised but be prepared to
be flexible
7Think about
- How you will gather the children together for a
group is this a voluntary experience? - The seating arrangements and location
- How you will gain the attention of the group,
settle the group - How you will end the group
- Make eye contact to all the children
- Reduce time spent waiting for a turn
- Use the childrens names to focus their attention
or to direct questions - Learn to interpret childrens verbal an non
verbal feedback - If the group time is interesting and meaningful
for the child, their own curiosity will prompt
them to join the group. Do not wait until
everyone is ready
9Outdoor environments
- Why should children go out of doors?
10A sense of freedom
- Freedom is expressed by the amount of time
provided, the space and the choice of resources
11A sense of freedom
- Children often lead structured and sedentary
lives - Children need a sense of
- autonomy if they are to
- develop a belief in
- themselves
- Effective outdoor play
- provides a sense of
- freedom
12Experiencing the weather
- Experiencing the weather is the one totally
unique aspect of outdoor play - Light changes, casting shadows and patterns of
coloured light - The wind moves objects
- The rain makes the
- world a shiny place
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17Sensorial learning
- We all learn in different ways and have a
preferred learning style - Plastic materials are often used to motivate
young children, - but they engage mainly
- visual learners
18Sensorial learning
- Sensory materials such as grass, leaves, water,
mud, wood and rock can all occur in a well
designed outdoor area
19Becoming environmentally aware
- This focuses on sustainability and how to have a
more environmentally friendly lifestyle
20Becoming environmentally aware
- It explores ecological issues waste management,
re-cycling, litter, energy, water management,
transport and the outdoor environment growing
food and flowers
- Outdoors offers children a great sense of joy
- Outdoor learning is especially
- beneficial to children who
- are kinesthetic learners
22Creating effective environments for outdoor
- Indoors and outdoors should be viewed as one
combined learning environment - The outdoor environment has to be planned
carefully - Staff should decide what to leave for children to
find out on their own and what to be involved
23Indoors and outdoors should be viewed as one
combined learning environment
- The adult should be nearby to support the
learning - Similar learning can take place both outdoors and
24Outdoor areas should be resourced in a
flexible way
- Children should be able to change and modify the
outdoor area according to their needs - Open ended resources
- should be provided that
- can be used in a variety
- of ways
25Outdoor areas should be resourced in a flexible
- Large permanent structures need to be examined
carefully for their learning potential
26Outdoor areas should be resourced in a flexible
27Planning should support learning in an outdoors
- Planning needs to be responsive and flexible so
that experiences can be linked to the weather
28Families, children and staff should all be
- Cultural diversity should be celebrated inside
and outside - Adults need to see outdoor
- play as an integral part
- of early learning
- Staff interaction and a
- purposeful outdoor space
- will give a message that
- children can learn outdoors
29Practitioners should be committed to children
learning in an outdoor environment
30Practitioners should be committed to children
learning in an outdoor environment
- The staff role is integral to the success of
children learning outdoors - If there is a real motivation to take children
outdoors, then great things can be achieved
31The physical aspects of the outdoor area should
be addressed creatively
- An outdoor environment should be designed with
childrens behaviour and interests in mind - Think about
- Access to the area
- Size and layout of the area
- Shade, shelter and seating
- Storage
- Security and safety