Title: Global Simulations of Below-Cloud and In-Cloud Aerosol Scavenging
1Global Simulations of Below-Cloud and In-Cloud
Aerosol Scavenging
- 1Betty Croft, 2Ulrike Lohmann, 1Randall Martin,
3Johann Feichter, 4Philip Stier, 5Sabine Wurzler,
and 2Sylvaine Ferrachat - 1Dalhousie University, Canada, 2ETH Zurich,
Switzerland, 3MPI
Hamburg, Germany, 4California Tech, USA, 5LANUV,
Germany - CAFC Winter Meeting University of Toronto
- January 18, 2007
- Motivation and scientific basis
- Below-cloud scavenging importance of aerosol
size (ECHAM5-HAM GCM) - Sensitivity study thermophoretic effects
- In-cloud scavenging collision nucleation
scavenging - Future work
3Below-cloud and in-cloud scavenging strongly
control global aerosol burdens and all aerosol
climate effects.
4 Scavenging by collision processes
Precipitation-aerosol, and cloud particle-aerosol
collision efficiencies, and scavenging
coefficients vary considerably with aerosol size.
Grover et al. (1977) Wang et al. (1978) and
Hall (1980) and others, for rain.
5Below-cloud scavenging by rain
Present-day GCMs use mean scavenging coefficients
(solid red steps). This study selects mass (solid
lines) and number (dashed lines) below-cloud
scavenging coefficients from a look-up table
based on aerosol size and rainfall rate. Requires
model prediction of aerosol modal radius,
assuming lognormal distribution.
Solid red steps show mean rain coefficients
(Seinfeld Pandis), normalized by rainfall rate,
in units of mm-1.
6The coefficients are found assuming both a
raindrop (or cloud droplet) distribution and a
log-normal aerosol distribution
Below-cloud N(Dp) Marshall-Palmer
distribution In-cloud N(Dp) Gamma distribution
7The seven log-normal aerosol modes of the
ECHAM5-HAM GCM (Stier et al. 2005) aerosol
modal radius is predicted.
All results shown are from 1-year simulation
after 3-month spin-up using T42 resolution.
8Below-cloud scavenging Annual and global mean
mass deposition results
B) Aerosol size-dependent below-cloud scavenging
A) Mean modal coefficients
- Burdens
- 0.86 Tg S
- 0.81 Tg S
Black Carbon
- Burdens
- 0.113 Tg C
- 0.109 Tg C
Below-cloud In-cloud Dry
Deposition Sedimentation
9B) Aerosol size-dependent below-cloud scavenging
A) Mean modal coefficients
Sea Salt
Below-cloud In-cloud Dry
Deposition Sedimentation
10(No Transcript)
11Validation using NADP deposition observations
(year 2000)
A) Mean modal coefficients
B) Size-dependent below-cloud scavenging
12Thermophoretic effects
Thermophoresis evaporative cooling causes a
higher collision efficiency
Similarly, turbulence and electric charge may
increase scavenging efficiencies.
13Below-cloud scavenging with thermophoresis Annual
and global mean mass deposition results
B) Size-dependent scavenging with thermophoresis
A) Size-dependent scavenging
- Burdens
- 0.82 Tg S
- 0.83 Tg S
Black Carbon
- Burdens
- 0.109 Tg C
- 0.110 Tg C
Below-cloud In-cloud Dry
Deposition Sedimentation
14In-cloud scavenging - collisions
Plot is for CDNC1/cm3, multiply by CDNC to
obtain required coefficient. Solid Mass
coeffs Dashed Numb. coeffs Red steps mean
In-cloud collision scav. f(CDNC, aerosol modal
radius, mean CD radius), assuming a Gamma
distribution. Included with look-up table
In-cloud nucleation scav. assume a critical
aerosol radius (based on supersat) and scavenge
all mass and number above that radius assuming a
log-normal aerosol distribution.
15Future work
- Size-dependent in-cloud scavenging global
simulations - Scavenging by snow and ice crystals
- Further validation, including aerosol vertical
profiles and precipitation analysis - Sensitivity studies related to turbulence
- Understanding the effects of aerosol
hygroscopicity (chemical properties) and shape
(physical properties) on collision-collection