Title: S.B.D.M and You!!!!
1S.B.D.M and You!!!!
- Provided by your S.B.D.M. committee
- Produced by Deborah Sides
- S.C. Lee Jr. High
2(No Transcript)
3Copperas Cove ISD Motto
42008-2009Copperas Cove ISDTEA Recognized
- Motto
- Make the Difference!
5- 2008 -09 Goals
- Every student will achieve high academic
standards. - A positive climate and safe learning environment
will be provided. - All available resources will be used efficiently
and effectively. - Parents, community members, and educators will be
full partners in the education of our students. - Program services will be provided in a timely and
least restrictive manner.
A Schools in a 1 Community
6What does S.B.D.M. stand for?
- Site
- Based
- Decision
- Making
- Committee
7What is the Purpose of S.B.D.M.?
- To help make decisions that affect the district
and its members Examples calendar, early outs,
waivers (i.e. staff development), surveys, and
district mission statement - To be a voice for your campus and YOU
8Who can serve?
- Teachers just like YOU
- Parents
- Business Representatives
- Community Representatives
- Members serve for one or two years.
- 2 teacher representatives per campus
9How am I involved in S.B.D.M.?
- Every staff and faculty member of CCISD is a part
of S.B.D.M. - Your voice and input are important.
- Your representatives keep you updated on the most
current information by providing the minutes from
each meeting.
10My contributions to S.B.D.M. include
- Submitting items for the district and campus
budgets - Working on your campus plan
- Submitting questions and ideas to your
representatives - Planning staff development and updating
curriculum - Developing and evaluating the district plan
- Recommending district and campus goals
- Serving on the committee
11Who do I contact?
Committee Coordinator Gail Milligan Committee
Chair John Gallen Committee Recorder Tina
Diaz Committee Reporter Cindy Fisher Community
Representative Carole ODwyer Business
Representative Clyde Glosson Parent
Representative Renee Arnett Campus
Fairview/Miss Jewell Hettie Halstead
Martin Walker Lisa Keefer Leann Kasper
Evelyn Thompson Marcyne Hobbs Amanda
Kilgore Jennifer RuizChang C.R.
Clements/Hollie Parsons Mae Stevens
S.C. Lee JHS Cindy Fisher Stacie Maples
Colby Blackwell Diane Carpenter
Loretta Stone Paul Malone J.L
Williams/Lovett Ledger CCJHS
Avenue E Kerstin Stevens Nathan Smith
Marty Wright Julie Fish Denise
Wharton John Fulton CCHS John
Gallen Grace Tolleson
12For additional information
- BQ Legal, Planning and Decision-Making Process
- BQ Local, Planning and Decision-Making Process
- BQA Legal, Planning and Decision-Making Process
District-Level - BQA Local, Planning and Decision-Making Process
District-Level - BQB Legal, Planning and Decision-Making Process
Campus-Level - BQB Local, Planning and Decision-Making Process
13Resource Guide
- Each District SBDM Committee member has a
District and Campus Planning and Decision Making
Resource Guide.
14Together, We can continue to be an A School in
a 1 Community!!