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INTRODUCTION Aim The Department of Agriculture aims to lead and support sustainable agriculture and promote rural development through ensuring access to sufficient ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Aim
  • The Department of Agriculture aims to lead and
    support sustainable agriculture and promote rural
  • through ensuring access to sufficient, safe and
    nutritious food eliminating skewed
    participation and inequity in the sector
    maximizing growth, employment and income in
  • enhancing the sustainable management of natural
    agricultural resources and ecological systems
    ensuring effective and efficient governance and
    ensuring knowledge and information management.
  • Assistant Director General

Strategic overview and key policy
developments2005/06 2007/08
  • Probably the most important challenge for the
    agriculture sector is providing sufficient food
    to the nation. This is not only important in a
    macro and regional context, but especially at
    household level. Agricultures importance is also
    highlighted by the relative contribution to the
    Gross Domestic Product (GDP), forward and
    backward linkages in the economy, its share of
    the labour force and its contribution as an
    earner of foreign exchange.
  • Over the past ten years, agriculture in South
    Africa has provided greater opportunities for
    participants in the sector in the form of greater
    access to foreign markets, smallholder
    participation in the value chains, institutional
    change and greater co-operation among major role
    players in agriculture.

Strategic overview and key policy
developments2005/06 2007/08 (Cont.)
  • The deregulation of local and international
    markets and the establishment of preferential
    trade agreements with a number of countries and
    trading blocks have created significant trade
    opportunities for South African agriculture and
  • Ensuring adequate protection for animal and
    plant health as well as public health remains a
    priority for the Department as this has a direct
    bearing on our ability to provide safe and
    nutritious food to the South African public as
    well as our ability to take advantage of trade

The Department of Agriculture has seen rapid
growth in its commitments to and participation in
international programmes of cooperation. The
driving force and basis for the Departments
strategy in Africa is the NEPAD Comprehensive
African Agricultural Development Programme
(CAADP). The Department continues to interact
with key continental and international partners
and stakeholders to generate greater access to
financial, technical and institutional support
for the implementation of NEPAD. In this regard,
the DoA, on behalf of the government of South
Africa hosted the 23rd FAO Africa Regional
Conference, which agreed on a set of actions
within the context of the NEPAD agriculture plan
and reviewed the implementation of the
Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development
PROGRAMME 1Administration
The Administration Programme conducts the overall
management of the department and provides
strategic leadership and corporate services
through the activities of the Minister, the
Deputy Minister and senior management. It also
provides for financial, procurement, legal and IT
services, an internal audit function, human
resources management and secretariat services.
Within this Programme, there is also a
directorate that deals with the collection of
agricultural debt.
PROGRAMME 2 Farmer Support and Development
Farmer Support and Development focuses on
developing norms and standards for the settlement
of emerging farmers food security and rural
development agricultural finance and cooperative
development and agricultural risks and disaster
Programme 2 Subprogrammes
  • The programme consists of five subprogrammes
    including a management component
  • Farmer Settlement provides support for the
    settlement of commercially viable farmers from
    the previously disadvantaged communities, with
    the primary focus on implementing the Land and
    Agrarian Reform programmes.
  • Agricultural Finance and Cooperative Development
    provides training and Institutional support to
    agricultural cooperatives and develops policies
    and programmes for cooperatives in the sector.
    It also facilitates the implementation and
    monitoring of the agricultural credit schemes to
    broaden access for smallholder producers.
  • Food Security and Rural Development develops
    policies and norms and standards to ensure food
    security and maintains the national food security
    management system.

Programme 2 Subprogrammes (cont.)
  • Agricultural Risks and Disaster Management
    develops the policy framework for agricultural
    risk and disaster management within which early
    warnings and post- disaster support are provided
    to agricultural enterprises.
  • Registrar of Cooperatives is responsible for the
    administration of the Co-operatives Act that
    facilitates the registration of of all
    cooperatives in South Africa. This function is
    being transferred to the Department of Trade and
    Industry and the focus of the Department of
    Agriculture will be on supporting the development
    of agricultural cooperatives.

Programme 2 Measurable objectives
Subprogramme Output Measure/indicators Targets
Farmer Settlement Viable agricultural enterprises Number of viable land and agrarian reform projects 1 200 viable land and agrarian reform projects by March 2006
All unencumbered state land transferred/disposed of Extent of farmland transferred to the previously disadvantaged Reduced poverty and inequalities in land enterprise ownership
Financial Services and Co-operative Development Agricultural Credit Scheme Increase in number of black/emerging farmers accessing financial services Establish ACS retail outlets in (3 provinces) Rural nodal areas
Number of registered agricultural cooperatives Increase in local economic zones and outreach to financial services Establish 30 new agricultural co-operatives and link 40 existing co-operatives to empowerment initiatives and trade
Facilitate the linkage of 20 FSCs to producer, processor and marketing cooperatives in district municipalities
Programme 2 Measurable objectives (cont.)
Subprogramme Output Measure/indicators Targets
Food Security and Rural Development Increased number of IFSNP projects No. of food insecure and vulnerable households receiving IFSNP support 200 000 households linked to IFSNP projects
FIVIMS roll out projects No. of FIVIMS projects implemented 10 FIVIMS projects implemented (district municipalities)

Agricultural Risk and Disaster Management Agricultural risk and disaster management measures An increase in of farmers reached A 20 increase in the number of farmers reached
PROGRAMME 3 Agricultural Trade and Business
Agricultural Trade and Business Development to
enhance agribusiness development, competitive
markets and the international trade environment
through improved opportunities and more equitable
access in order to maximise growth, employment
and equity in the agricultural sector. It
financially assists the National Agricultural
Marketing Council
International Trade
Programme 3 Subprogrammes
  • Apart from a management component, the programme
    comprises the following subprogrammes
  • Business and Entrepreneurial Development
    provides strategic support to the development of
    viable and empowered businesses to stimulate
    growth and promote unity through partnerships
    and niches.
  • International Trade contributes to a favourable
    change in the global agricultural trade
  • Marketing supports the development of a
    competitive agricultural marketing environment
    that serves the interests of all value chain
  • National Agricultural Marketing Council advises
    the Minister on the efficacy of the national
    food and agricultural marketing systems. The
    department makes a transfer on the basis of
    approved strategic and business plans.

Programme 3 Measurable objectives
Subprogramme Output Measure/indicators Targets
Business and Entrepreneurial Development Agricultural industry-based business partnerships Number of commodity action plans concluded through partnerships 4 commodity action plans concluded focusing on value addition by March 2006
International Trade Negotiating positions and plans Number of issue-based positions developed  10 position papers, reports on opportunities and constraints by March 2006
Marketing Marketing information Number of farmers in rural development nodes reached by marketing information facilitated by DoA The majority of Land Redistribution for Agricultural Development (LRAD) farmers in three development nodes
PROGRAMME 4 Economic Research and Analysis
Economic Research and Analysis supports the
establishment and management of national
agriculture databases and provides for the
collection and analysis of agricultural
statistics. The Programme monitors and evaluates
the economic state and performance of the sector
and produces quarterly reports on sector trends.
Programme 4 Subprogrammes
  • The Programme consists of two subprogrammes apart
    from the management component
  • Production and Resource Economics interprets,
    provides timely sector, production and resource
    economics information and advice to relevant
    stakeholders for improved decision making.
  • Agricultural Statistics collects and manages
    statistics on agriculture and food security

Programme 4 Measurable objectives
Subprogramme Output Measure/indicators Targets
Production and Resource Economics Reports on the sector, production and resource economics Number of reports released on time 9 economic reviews (7 quarterly and 2 annual) 15 topical reports 3 brochures, and 2 progress reports by March 2006
Agricultural Statistics Statistical reports on trends and the economic performance of the agricultural sector Number of reports released on time 5 statistical reports published by March 2006
PROGRAMME 5 Agricultural Production
Agricultural Production develops policies to
facilitate increased and sustainable agricultural
production. In addition, the programme ensures
support for agricultural research, technology
development and transfer.
Programme 5 Subprogrammes
  • Apart from the management component, the
    programme comprises the following subprogrammes
  • Animal and Aqua Production facilitates the
    development of policies and instruments to
    enhance the production and management of
    livestock from veld and forages semi-intensive
    and intensive livestock production game farming
    and inland fisheries
  • Plant Production supports a combination of
    traditional farming practices and agricultural
    sciences to promote productive and sustainable
    agricultural practices.
  • Scientific Research and Development identifies
    research priorities for agriculture, and
    mobilises resources and directs public sector
    investment towards such priorities. This
    directorate also supports the National
    Agricultural Research Forum.
  • Genetic Resources provides and regulates a
    national management system in support of the
    safe and sustainable use of genetically modified

Programme 5 Subprogrammes (Cont.)
  • Agricultural Research Council department
    provides for transfers to this subprogramme on
    basis of the approved strategic and business
  •   To provide information and technology on
    agricultural production systems in order to
    increase agricultural productivity and

Programme 5 Measurable objectives
Subprogramme Output Measure/indicators Targets
Animal and Aqua Production Animal and agricultural produc-tion improvement systems Functional milk recording scheme, goats milk production models and poultry programmes By March 2006
Implementation of aquaculture programme Number of revamped, functional aquaculture centres in at least 3 provinces. Minimum 3 per province by March 2006
Plant Production Production guidelines, pro-grammes and projects on grain, fruit, industrial crops Product specific production guidelines, programmes and projects Guidelines, programmes and projects for grain, fruit and industrial crops by March 2006
Policy on Plant Improvement Approved policy By March 2006
Policy on Seed Testing Approved policy By March 2006
Scientific Research and Development Coordination and promotion of agricultural advisory services Compliance to national norms and standards on agricultural advisory services in all provinces By March 2006
Long-term Research and Development Strategy Approved strategy By March 2006
Genetic Resources Policy on sustainable use of genetic resources Approved policy March 2006
Agricultural biotechnology projects Number of projects delivering technologies for increased productivity 1 functional project by end June 2005 at national level
PROGRAMME 6 Sustainable Resources Management and
Sustainable Resources Management and Use develops
policies and norms and standards on the
management and use of land and water resources in
Programme 6 Subprogrammes
  • Apart from the management function, the programme
    is organised into two subprogrammes
  • Water Use and Irrigation Development provides
    access to water resources by providing borehole
    and irrigation infrastructure and institutional
    support to those previously excluded from
    commercial farming.
  • Land Use and Soil Management develops and
    implements policy, legislation and projects
    supporting sustainable agriculture, and provides
    for the community-based LandCare programme.

Programme 6 Measurable objectives
Subprogramme Output Measure/indicators Targets
Water Use and Irrigation Development Atlas on ground water availability Fixed point monitoring in all quaternary catchments 19 quaternary catchments by March 2006
Land Use and Soil Management Soil loss map Fixed point monitoring in all provinces 2000 sites by March 2006
PROGRAMME 7 National Regulatory Services
National Regulatory Services is responsible for
managing the risks associated with animal and
plant diseases and pests, ensuring food safety
and bio-safety. This is done by developing policy
and legislation and implementing compliance and
operational support systems.
Programme 7 Subprogrammes
  • Apart from the management function, the Programme
    has four Subprogrammes
  • Food Safety and Quality Assurance ensures that
    food control is coordinated and that products
    destined for human consumption are safe.
  • Plant Health manages risks associated with
    plants and plant products and assists in the
    negotiation of protocols for the import and
    export of animals and animal products.
  • Animal Health manages risks associated with
    animals and animal products and assists in the
    negotiation of protocols for the import and
    export of animals and animal products.
  • South African Agricultural Food, Quarantine and
    Inspection Services ensures that agricultural
    products for import and export do not transmit
    diseases, are safe for human consumption and
    adhere to international protocols on sanitary
    and phytosanitary measures.

Programme 7 Measurable objectives
Subprogramme Output Measure/indicators Targets
Food Safety and Quality Assurance Draft Food Control Act Approved draft Food Control Act By March 2006
Plant Health Plant pest risk management systems and legislation Improved plant pest risk management system Revised legislation on norms Updated systems and legislation by March 2006
Animal Health Co-ordinated animal health system Improvement on animal disease reporting 99 effectiveness by March 2006
South African Agri-cultural Food, Qua-rantine and Inspec-tion Services Effective and improved Border control National plant and plant product inspections servi- ces Plant and animal quarantine Improvement in level of service delivery by the end of March 2006 Improvement of services delivery up to 80
PROGRAMME 8 Communication and Information
Communication and Information Management provides
agricultural news and information, facilitates
and manages international relations as well as
facilitates skills development and the training
of new and existing farmers.
Agricultural Information Services
Programme 8 Subprogrammes
  • Apart from the management function it consists of
    four subprogrammes
  • Agricultural Information Services provides
    agricultural news and information through
    publications and electronic media and facilitates
    general public communication.
  • International Relations facilitates,
    co-ordinates and supports bilateral and
    multilateral relations, manages membership fees
    to international organisations and maintains
    offices in Brussels, Rome, Washington and
  • Education and Training facilitates skills
    development in the agricultural sector. 
  • Grootfontein Agricultural Development Institute
    provides for the training of LRAD beneficiaries
    and other categories of farmers.

Programme 8 Measurable objectives
Subprogramme Output Measure/indicators Targets
Agricultural Information Services Publications web-based infor-mation and radio broadcasts The number of publications and radio broadcasts produced 12 issues of Agri-news. 12 issues of Agricultural info packs. Monthly update of information on the website
International Relations The AADP Trust AADP Trust establishment and all members appointed By November 2005
Education and Training An Agricultural human resources development review report Trend analysis reports per sector Education and Training Authority and National Qualifications Forum (NQF) Band completed The Agricultural HRD review Report findings integrated into the departmental programmes by August 2005
Grootfontein Agricultural Development Institute Trained emerging farmers Number of emerging farmers successfully trained 200 emerging farmers with 75 pass rate
PROGRAMME 9 Programme Planning, Monitoring and
Programme Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
consolidates and supports strategic and
operational planning in the Department as well as
facilitating knowledge management through
tracking and monitoring the implementation of the
departmental strategic plan.
Programme Planning
Programme 9 Subprogrammes
  • The Programme consists of two subprogrammes
  • Programme planning supports the Department in
    strategic and operational planning and
    coordination of projects in DoA
  • Monitoring and evaluation facilitates knowledge
    management through the tracking, monitoring and
    evaluation of the strategic plan and impact

Programme 9 Measurable objectives
Subprogramme Output Measure/indicators Targets
Programme Planning Project management Implémentation framework Number of directorates using management by project approach 25 directorates using management by project approach by March 2006
Monitoring and Evaluation Organisational performance assessment report Quarterly organisational performance assessment reports available 4 reports available by end March 2006
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