Title: News from Mrs. Clouse
1News from Mrs. Clouses Room
4th Grade Reading
5th Grade Reading
Weekly Concept Reaching a Compromise Essential
Question What do good problem solvers do? This
week our class will be focusing on how people
find solutions to problems. We will be discussing
how compromises helped to resolve differences in
the early days of this countrys history. Words
to Know Definitions An explanation of the
meaning of a word or term. Restatements To state
or say again or in a new way.
Weekly Concept Ideas in Motion Essential
Question How can science help you understand how
things work? This week our class will be
discussing how science can help students explore
and learn about the world around them. We will
focus on the ways in which people have made
surprising and exciting discoveries. Words to
Know Definitions An explanation of the meaning
of a word or term. Restatements To state or say
again or in a new way.
4th Grade Math
5th Grade Math
This week we will start to multiply by a
two-digit number. We will then work on regrouping
in multiplication and the distributive property
of multiplication. An example of the distributive
property is 4 x (1 5) (4 x 1) (4 x 5)
Fifth grade is spending a lot of time working
through division. This week we will work on
placing the first digit if a three-digit dividend
does not have enough hundreds to divide. We will
continue with quotients with zeros, and learn
more about division with remainders.
Words Their Way
Upcoming Dates
With our conference week and now this week with
Veterans Day and the Peter Pan play I decided to
keep our same spelling words for two weeks in a
row. Your child should be coming home tonight
with the same list they had last week.
November 11th Veterans Day No School November
13th Peter Pan Play in Spokane Grades
K-6 November 26th Early Release at
1230 November 27th-28th Thanksgiving Break