Title: Algorithm Analysis
1Algorithm Analysis
An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure
3AlgorithmExample - Compute the sum
Take the first number and continuing add next
number until the last number
public int sum (int nStart, int nEnd) int sum
0 for (int i nStart i ? nEnd i) sum
i return sum
sum 0 FOR i nStart TO nEnd sum sum
4Algorithm AnalysisRequirements
sum 0 FOR i nStart TO nEnd sum sum
Simplicity Readability Verifiability Validity Robu
stness Modifiability Reuseability Efficiency
public int sum (int nStart, int nEnd) int sum
0 for (int i nStart i ? nEnd i) sum
i return sum
5AlgorithmExample - Finding the largest value
6AlgorithmExample - selectionSort
7AlgorithmExample - Character permutations
8Asymtotic NotationNumber of statements -
Mathematical relations
9Asymtotic NotationNumber of statements -
Mathematical relationsProof by Induction
10AlgorithmBasic Timing Analysis - Consecutive
count algorithm step 1 a 4 1 b
8 1 c a
Run time
11AlgorithmBasic Timing Analysis - For loop
count algorithm step 1 for (i
1 n1 i lt n n i) n x x 1
for (i 1 i lt n i) x x 1
Run time
12AlgorithmBasic Timing Analysis - For loop,
if statement
count algorithm step 1 max
array0 1 for ( i 1 n i lt
n n-1 i) n-1 if (arrayi gt
max) p max arrayi 0
? p ? n-1 1 return max
Run time
13AlgorithmBasic Timing Analysis
count algorithm step 1 sum
0 1 (n1) n for ( i 1 i lt n
i) 1n (n1)n nn for ( j 1 j lt n
j) nn sum sum
1 1 return sum
Run time
14AlgorithmBasic Timing Analysis - Simple For
count algorithm step 1(n1)n for ( i
1 i lt n i) kn Sk
Run time
Complexity Asymptotic Notation
15AlgorithmBasic Timing Analysis - Simple For
count algorithm step for ( i 1 i lt
n i) kn Sk
Run time
Complexity Asymptotic Notation
16AlgorithmBasic Timing Analysis - Double For
for (i 1 i lt n i) for (j 1 j lt n
j) Sk
17AlgorithmBasic Timing Analysis - Single For
loop Double For loop
for (i 1 i lt n i) Sk for (i 1 i lt n
i) for (j 1 j lt n j) Sk
18AlgorithmBasic Timing Analysis - Double For
for (i 1 i lt n i) for (j i j lt n
j) Sk
19AlgorithmBasic Timing Analysis - Triple For
for (i 1 i lt n i) for (j i j lt n
j) for (ki k ltj k) Sm
20Different functions and their graphs
Expression Name -------------------------------
------------- 1 constant log
n logarithmic log2n log
squared n linear n log n n log
n n2 quadratic n3 cubic 2n
exponential -------------------------------------
21AlgorithmGrowth of Common Functions
22AlgorithmGeneral Rules
Consecutive statements These just add.
if-then-else The running time of an if-then-else
statement is never more than the running time of
the test plus the larger of the running times of
each part.
Loops The running time of a loop is at most the
running time of the statements inside the loop
(including tests) times the number of iterations.
Nested Loops Analyze these inside out. The total
running time of at statement inside a group of
nested loops is the running time of the statement
multiplied by the products of the sizes of all
the loops.
23Basic AxiomsA 01
A 01 The time required to fetch an operand from
memory is a constant The time required to
store an operand in memory is a constant
24Basic AxiomsC 01
C 01 The time required to perform a simple
assignment statement is the time required to
fetch an operand plus the time required to store
an operand
25Basic AxiomsA 02
A 02 The time required to perform elementary
operations, such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, and comparison, are all
26Basic AxiomsA 01 - A 02 - Example
Time required to perform the following statement
27Basic AxiomsA 03
A 03 The time required to call a method is a
contant, and the time required to return from a
method is a constant.
28Basic AxiomsA 04
A 04 The time required to pass an argument to a
method is the same as the time required to store
a value in memory
29Basic AxiomsA 04 - Example
Time required to perform the following statement
fetch x
call f
passing x
running time of f
assignment to y
30Basic AxiomsA 01 - A 02 - A 03 - Example
Running time Time required to compute the
following simple arithmetic series summation
1 public class Example 2 public static int
sum (int n) 3 int result 0 4 for (int
i 0 i lt n i) 5 result
i 6 return result 7 8
31Basic AxiomsA 05
A 05 The time required for the address
calculation implied by an array subscripting
operation, ai, is a constant. This time does
not include the time to compute the subscript
expression, nor does it include the time to
access (fetch or store) the array element.
32Basic AxiomsA 05 - Example
Time required to perform the following statement
fetch a
fetch i
address subscripting calcutaion
fetch ai
assignment to y
33Basic AxiomsA 01 - A 02 - A 03 - A 04 -
Example - Horners Rule
1 public class Example 2 public static int
horner (int a, int n, int x) 3 int result
an 4 for (int i n-1 i gt 0
i--) 5 result result x
ai 6 return result 7 8
34Basic AxiomsA 01 - A 02 - A 03 - A 04 -
Recursive Methods - Factorial 1/2
1 public class Example 2 public static int
factorial (int n) 3 if (n 0) 4 return
1 5 else 6 return n factorial(n-1) 7
35Basic AxiomsA 01 - A 02 - A 03 - A 04 -
Recursive Methods - Factorial 2/2
36Basic AxiomsA 01 A 05 - Finding the
Largest Element of an Array 1/2
1 public class Example 2 public static int
max (int a) 3 int result a0 4 for
(int i 1 i lt a.length i) 5 if (ai gt
result) 6 result ai 7 return
result 8 9
37Basic AxiomsA 01 A 05 - Finding the
Largest Element of an Array 2/2
pi probability that line 6 is executed
38Asymtotic NotationDefinition 01 - An
Asymtotic Upper Bound - Big Oh
D 01 Consider a function f(n). We say that f(n)
is big oh g(n), which we write f(n) ? O(g(n)), if
there exists an integer n0 and a constant c gt 0
such that for all integers n ?? n0, 0 ? f(n) ?
39Asymtotic NotationDefinition 01 - An
Asymtotic Upper Bound - Big OhAlternative
D 01 Consider a function f(n) that is
non-negative for all integers n gt 0. We say that
f(n) is big oh g(n), which we write f(n)
O(g(n)), if there exists an integer n0 and a
constant c gt 0 such that for all integers n ?n0,
f(n) ? cg(n)
40Asymtotic NotationDefinition 01 - An
Asymtotic Upper Bound - Big Oh
41Asymtotic NotationAn Asymtotic Upper Bound -
Big Oh
f(n) 5n 50 We wish to show that f(n)
? O(n)
42Asymtotic NotationAn Asymtotic Upper Bound -
Big Oh
f(n) 5n 50 We wish to show that f(n)
43Asymtotic NotationT 01
T 01 If f1(n) O(g1(n)) and f2(n)
O(g2(n)), then f1(n) f2(n)
44Asymtotic NotationExamples
45Asymtotic NotationExample - 123n
Outer Body Level Loop
1 1 2 1 1
0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1
46Asymtotic NotationExample - Selection sort
Outer Body Body Level Outer Inner Loop Lo
11 11 1 11 11 1 0 or
1 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1
47Asymtotic NotationNumber of statements
Inner loop for a certain i
Outer loop
Total number
48Asymtotic NotationNumber of statements
49Asymtotic NotationT 01
T 02 If f(n) f1(n) f2(n) where f1(n) and
f2(n) both are non-negative for all intergers n
gt 0 such that limn-gt? f2(n)/f1(n) L for some
limit L gt 0, then f(n) O(f1(n)).
50Asymtotic NotationT 01 - Example
f(n) f1(n) f2(n) n3 n2
51Asymtotic NotationT 03
T 03 If f1(n) O(g1(n)) and f2(n) O(g2(n))
then f1(n) x f2(n) O(g1(n) x g2(n)).
52Asymtotic NotationT 03 - Example
f1(n) n3 n2 n 1 O(n3) f2(n) n2 n
1 O(n2) f1(n) x f2(n) O(n3 x
n2) O(n5)
53Asymtotic NotationT 04
T 04 If f1(n) O(g1(n)) and g2(n) is a
function whose value is non-negative for integers
n gt 0, then f1(n) x g2(n) O(g1(n) x g2(n)).
54Asymtotic NotationT 05 - Transitive Property
T 05 If f(n) O(g(n)) and g(n) O(h(n)) then
f(n) O(h(n)).
55Asymtotic NotationT 05 - Example
f1(n) 7n3 O(n3) f2(n) 2n2
O(n2) f1(n) f2(n) O(f1(n)) because lim
f2(n)/ f1(n) 0 f1(n) f2(n) O(f1(n)) O(n3)
56Asymtotic NotationT 06 - Polynomials
T 06
57Asymtotic NotationLogarithms
logn lt n gt logn O(n)
58Asymtotic NotationT 07 - Logarithms
T 07 For every integer k gt 1, logkn O(n).
59Names of Common Big Oh Expressions
Expression Name -------------------------------
------------- O(1) constant O(log
n) logarithmic O(log2n) log
squared O(n) linear O(n log n) n log
n O(n2) quadratic O(n3) cubic O(2n)
exponential ----------------------------------
60Asymtotic Lower Bound - Omega
D 01 Consider a function f(n) that is
non-negative for all integers n gt 0. We say that
f(n) is omega g(n), which we write f(n)
?(g(n)), if there exists an integer n0 and a
constant c gt 0 such that for all integers n gt
n0, f(n) gt cg(n)
61Asymtotic Upper and Lower Bound - Theta
D 01 Consider a function f(n) that is
non-negative for all integers n gt 0. We say that
f(n) is theta g(n), which we write f(n)
?(g(n)), if and only if f(n) O(g(n)) and f(n)
62Asymtotic Lower Bound - Little Oh
D 01 Consider a function f(n) that is
non-negative for all integers n gt 0. We say that
f(n) is little oh g(n), which we write f(n)
o(g(n)), if and only if f(n) O(g(n)) and f(n)
? ?(g(n)).
63Asymtotic NotationBig Oh - Omega - Theta
- Little Oh
64Asymtotic NotationExample An Asymtotic Upper
and Lower Bound - Theta
f(n) n 3
65Asymtotic NotationExample An Asymtotic Upper
and Lower Bound - Little Oh
f(n) n 3
66Asymtotic NotationT 06 - Polynomials
T 08
67Asymtotic NotationExample An Asymtotic Upper
and Lower Bound - Theta
f(n) amnm am-1nm-1 a1n a0
68Asymtotic NotationRules for Big Oh Analysis
S1 S2 Sm
O(max ( T1(n), T2(n), , Tm(n))
for (S1 S2 S3) S4
O(max ( T1(n), T2(n) x (I(n)1), T3(n)
x I(n), T4(n) x I(n) )
if (S1) S2 else S3
O(max ( T1(n), T2(n), T3(n) )
69Actual Lower BoundsAssuming a 100 MHz Clock, c
1 Cycle, n0 0
70RecursionOne recursive call with half size -
Binary Search
71RecursionOne recursive call with half size -
Binary Search - Proof I
72RecursionOne recursive call with half size -
Binary Search - Proof 2
73RecursionTwo recursive calls with half size -
74RecursionTwo recursive calls with half size -
Sum - Proof I
75RecursionTwo recursive calls with size (about)
n-1 - Fibonacci number - Recursive
76RecursionTwo recursive calls with size (about)
n-1 - Fibonacci number - Proof 1
77RecursionFibonacci number - Iterative
78RecursionMore than two recursive calls in every
level - Permutation
79RecursionMore than two recursive calls in every
level - Permutation - Proof I
80Recursive calls
81Recursive callsExamples
82Recursive callsProof
Algorithm Running time --------------------
---------------------------------- Linear
search O(n) Binary search O(logn) Bubble
sort O(n2) Quick sort O(nlogn) -----