Title: Michelangelo (1475
1Michelangelo(1475 1564)
2Michelangelo Buonarroti
...True art is but a shadow of divine
- Michelangelo was
- born near Florence.
- He was apprenticed
- to the workshop of
- Master Ghirlandaio.
- He studied the
- sculptures of
- Donatello, another
- famous Florentine
- sculptor.
3Key Terms
- Much of Michelangelos work focused on themes
and ideas that formed during the Renaissance.
Individualism An interest and value of
individual people.
Realism Representing things as they really are.
Humanism the celebration of human achievement
through the study of literature, philosophy and
Anatomy The study of the human body.
4The Pietà
What material do you think it was carved from?
- After his training,
- Michelangelo went to
- Rome where he
- sculpted his first
- masterpiece, The
- Pieta. It was carved from 1498-99.
- This sculpture
- depicted Jesus
- Christ dead in his
- mothers arms.
Who do you think wanted this sculpture made?
Where do you think this sculpture was displayed?
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I
set them free. - Michelangelo
5 What words come to mind?
6Pieta 1499Marble Sculpture
Captures the sorrow of the Virgin Mary as she
cradles her dead son, Jesus on her knees
7Free Standing Statue
What words come to mind?
8- 15th century
- Donatellos David the first free-standing nude
sculpture since Classical times.
16th century ?
9The Sistine Chapel
- Michelangelo always
- preferred sculpting
- to painting, but his
- next work was to
- paint the Sistine
- Chapel.
- Pope Julius II
- wanted Michelangelo to
- create a masterpiece
- that would celebrated
- the glory of God.
- The fresco took four
- years to complete
- (1508 1512).
10 11What words come to mind?
12 What words come to mind?
13Virtual Tour of the Sistine Chapel
- http//www.vatican.va/various/cappelle/sistina_vr/
14St. Peters Basilica 1546 - 1564
Michelangelo was commissioned to complete the designs for the new Basilica of St Peters in Rome. He died before the dome was completed.
15Master of Arts
- Michelangelo was regarded as the greatest
- geniuses of the Renaissance. He was considered
- as the artist who surpassed them all.
The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark - Michelangelo
16Choose the greatest Renaissance artist. Explain your answer.